
Showing posts from May, 2009

Episode #15-Red Under Pressure (2)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 12: Historical First Super Samurai Combination" -------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-NIGHT [Dimitri runs through the forest towards the Bamboo Valley.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-NIGHT [On the banks of the River Styx, the three initial villains face Sanzu.] IOD: (with his broadsword drawn) Sanzu...I wanted Ushiro to destroy the Red Ranger! SANZU: (with his sword drawn) Destroying the Red Ranger was to be my job, Iod! [Both sides strike each other's blade, causing a few sparks.] IOD: I am the current leader of the Stygians, Sanzu...what I say goes! SANZU: (as he transforms into his human form) I do not have to stand for this! I shall take my leave. [Sanzu tries to depart the beach.] IOD: Go ahead...leave. But, Kanizars...attack! [The Kanizars attack Sanzu, and beat him senseless.] And now, I will seal your Stygian powers! [Iod raises his sword to absorb Sanzu's powers as the fallen villa...

Episode #14-Preemptive Strike (1)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 11: Three Desires' Strife" -------------------------------------------------- EXT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-BEACH-NIGHT [Three of the four villains (Sanzu is missing) are on the banks of the River Styx discussing Sanzu.] IOD: Octo...I want to know more about Sanzu's obsession with the Red Ranger. What did he say to him? OCTO: Sanzu told the Red Ranger that he was an excellent swordsman, just like his father...and it would be his downfall. IOD: That Sanzu makes me so furious sometimes...I want every Kanizar to go into the city with me. EXT.-CITY-DAY [The unmorphed rangers arrive to see the army of Kanizars.] MEGAN NOIMI: Whoa! SIERRA CROFT: (freaking out a bit) We've never been up against this many! DIMITRI FEDOROV: (as he and the others prepare their morphers) Let's go to work, guys! ALL: Spirits Of The Orikami, Transform! [The suits "fully-form" over the quintet.] RED KENDO RANGER: (posing) Spirit Of Fire! Red ...

Episode #13-Taking Flight

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 10: Great Sky Combination" ------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [Dimitri and Paolo are talking as the other four team members enter the base.] CODY EGAWA: You wanted to see us? DIMITRI FEDOROV: Yeah...Paolo was just telling me that since we have the auxiliary Kendozords, they...can combine into a flying megazord. PAOLO NOIMI: The Aero Megazord. DIMITRI FEDOROV: Cody and I will handle the Marlin and Tiger. [Dimitri hands the Beetle Disc to Megan.] Megan, I want you to pilot the Beetle. [Eddie feels a bit left out as the team leaves the base.] EDDIE CALLAHAN: Paolo...why did Dimitri choose Megan for the Beetle instead of me? I can handle the Beetle! PAOLO NOIMI: don't have enough power to handle the Beetle. [Eddie runs outside, and away from the others, heading to the city park.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Eddie arrives in a private area to pr...

Episode #12-Blue Rebellion

1812-"BLUE REBELLION" Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 9: The Tiger's Rebellion" ---------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The five team members and Paolo exit the base.] PAOLO NOIMI: Okay Dimitri...Cody...begin! DIMITRI FEDOROV AND CODY EGAWA: (as they prepare their Kendo Cells, brush their symbols) Spirits Of The Orikami, Transform! [The Red Ranger and Blue Ranger suits "flash-form" over the duo, who then unsheathe their Kendo Razors.] Ready! [The two rangers spar with their primary weapons as the others watch.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [The four villains converse with each other.] IOD: Sanzu...I want to thank you for saving Crustacea from the rangers. SANZU: You are welcome, Iod...but, I only came to battle the Red Ranger. See...I have an interest in him for his swordsmanship abilities. I have plans to get rid of him. IOD: I see...make sure that you do no...

Episode #11-Matrimony Mayhem

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 8: Brides Spirited Away" ------------------------------------------------------ INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The five team members all meet with Paolo as he tells them of a mysterious case.] PAOLO NOIMI: There are reports of brides being kidnaped at their weddings. MEGAN NOIMI: How terrible! PAOLO NOIMI: This may or may not not be Stygian activity, but I would like to investigate just in case. EDDIE CALLAHAN: (cracking open a newspaper) Well then...let's find us a wedding! INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Crustacea reports to Iod.] CRUSTACEA: Iod...everything is going according to plan. The next wedding will occur in a few minutes! IOD: Well then...get going. [Crustacea departs the ship.] Sanzu! I want you to draw out the rangers so Crustacea can proceed with her plans. SANZU: On my way! INT.-RIO MESA-CHURCH-DAY [The five team members and Paolo arrive to find an empty church. The six of them disgu...

Ranger News And Views (May 2009)

HELLO RANGER FANS! Welcome to the first issue of a monthly newsletter called "Ranger News & Views." In these newsletters, I will dispense news and notes on my adaptations, Super Sentai, and Power Rangers. --------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS, Part 1 (Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors): PRKW is progressing well. I believe we are moving away from the character development, and more into story development. The last of the character development will dwelve into a secret past, not even known by Dimitri. It appears that he has more of a connection to the Orikami and Stygians than was previously thought. Episodes 14 and 15 will explore this when Iod targets Dimitri for destruction. Coming much later in the season (August or November, when the storyline allows it), Megan's past will be explored in great detail in a two part episode, entitled "Pink Secrets." Coming soon will be two new rangers...the Gold Kendo Ranger, expected to appear around early Jul...