
Showing posts from December, 2009

Ranger News And Views (January 2010)

Hello fans, and welcome to the January 2010 issue of "Ranger News And Views." This is the first issue for the new year, so put away that fruitcake, and grab a slice of pizza from Jungle Karma and enjoy! CONTENTS: + My Adaptations (PRKW) - 2010 Adaptation (PRSG) + Super Sentai (Shinkenger) - Super Sentai 2010 (Goseiger) + Power Rangers (PRRPM) - Power Rangers 2010 (MMPR v2) + The Rumor Mill + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): December closed with the Red Ranger doubting himself, but the new year will open with the final three episodes of a six-part story arc involving Jigara planning to rule the world. After the demise of the Silver Ranger, how will the other six move on without him? Also, the team will be thrown for another loop when they learn that Dimitri isn't really supposed to be the Red Ranger. UPCOMING EPISODES- week of JAN 0...

PRKW #61-The Final Fight (3)

Original Episode ------------------------ EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [After a long, hard fight against Jigara, the team trains outside under Paolo's watchful eye. He sees that Aiden has been a nice addition to the team, although some of the team is a bit leary of him, but they try their best to get along with their new teammate as he adjusts to his new surroundings. Paolo is concerned, as he knows that Jigara's plan is taking shape.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Jigara paces back and forth as Sanzu watches.] JIGARA: is time to go and attack the rangers...and destroy the Silver Ranger! [Sanzu grunts, as he and Jigara depart for the quarry with an army of Kanizars on standby.] EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The team continues to train, until the sensor alarm rings out inside.] DIMITRI FEDOROV: The alarm! [Everyone rushes inside to check the computer.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BA...

PRKW #60-Imperial Protection (2)

Original Episode Monster From: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa Vs. Go-onjaa" ------------------------- INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-CAVE-NIGHT [Jigara returns to the cave from the ship.] JIGARA: Sanzu! The time has come for you to reclaim your Imperial Morpher from the Red Ranger! SANZU: Yes...but what makes you think that he will have the Imperial Morpher? JIGARA: Because...the rangers must find your...replacement. [The villains plot out their plan.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-NALA'S HUT-NIGHT [Nala has summoned Paolo to her hut for an emergency meeting.] PAOLO NOIMI: What can i do for you, Nala? NALA CALI: Paolo...there...may be a way to...separate Sanzu and Aiden. PAOLO NOIMI: Really!? How!? NALA CALI: The rangers must strike Sanzu with their powered-up blades at the same time while in their Orikami Spirit Modes PAOLO NOIMI: (hopeful) Thank you, Nala...I'll go tell the team. INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [The next day, Octo prepares the latest ...

PRKW #59-In The Wrong Hands (1)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa: The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation" ------------------------ EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The team trains with their dowel-rod sticks as Logan ponders something.] LOGAN KINGSTON: So, how come I can't use the Dino Blade and the Shinobi Powers? PAOLO NOIMI: It has to do with a power threshold issue...if you are not careful, it can negate your powers forever...and possibly kill you. LOGAN KINGSTON: But, I am willing to take that chance! DIMITRI FEDOROV: (taking a quick breather) can use the Shogun Powers in the next battle. INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Jigara addresses his Kanizar armies.] JIGARA: I want you to steal the Dino Blade away from the rangers, so I can have the Shinobi Powers to myself! Get me that blade! [The Kanizar army departs the ship.] EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The team continues to train when the alarm goes off...the...

PRKW #58-Yellow To The Test

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 41: The Sent Words" ------------------------ INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The team (except for Sierra) talk over the last battle.] LOGAN KINGSTON: I am worried for Dimitri. MEGAN NOIMI: I am too. EDDIE CALLAHAN: Did you see how fast Iod dried up!? CODY EGAWA: That is what the seal that was placed on him does...and the consequences that Iod paid the price for. We have to defeat both Iod and Jigara. [The team continues to talk (inaudibly).] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-NALA'S HUT-DAY [Paolo, Sierra, and Nala watch over the injured Dimitri. Meanwhile, Sierra receives a text on her personal cell-phone.] SIERRA CROFT: Oh, I got a text! [Sierra presses a couple buttons to access the text message.] It's from my sister, Dakota! {Sierra starts to read the message) You do your best, even if you have to depend on your careful, sis. [After reading the text, Sierra looks a b...

PRKW #57-Fire Fight

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 40: The General Heads To The Front Lines" ------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The team trains with their dowel rods. Eddie trains with Dimitri, and bests him when Dimitri remembers Sanzu's words.] voice of SANZU: You are weak, Red have to rely on the other rangers to help you! It will be your downfall, Red Ranger! [Dimitri then kind of snaps out of his "funk" and bests Eddie.] DIMITRI FEDOROV: I'm sorry, Eddie! [Dimitri then runs off into the base.] EDDIE CALLAHAN: You know...I'm worried about him. MEGAN NOIMI: We all are, Eddie. [The remaining five team members show their look of concern.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Iod and Octo talk while the Kodas "sing."] IOD: Octo...I believe that it is time for Crustacea to return to the ship. OCTO: I agree, my lord...but how do we get her back? IOD: She had left due to her guitar being broken...a...

PRKW #56-The Island Incident

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 39: The Very Urgent First Aid Emergency" -------------------------- EXT.-ISLAND-BEACH-DAY [Jigara inaudibly recites a spell as Crustacea, Sanzu, and six Kanizars watch.] ENT.-ISLAND-TOWN CENTER-DAY [Jigara's spell makes it rain black ash, that can stick to the citizens.] BOY #1: What is that!? TEEN: I don't know! [Suddenly, ash lands on the two, and their eyes go from their regular color to black, and the two start fighting.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [Paolo briefs the team about what is happening on the island.] PAOLO NOIMI: On that island, the citizens are somehow going may be the doing of the Stygians. I want the six of you to go there, and investigate. [The six agree, and depart the base.] EXT.-ISLAND-HARBOR-DAY [The six team members arrive, and see blocked off streets, and shuttered windows along with boarded up the town was quickly abandoned. Then, they split o...


The NightRanger Industries Online Network would like to wish everybody out there A HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

PRESS RELEASE: Gosei Adapt named!!!

NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES CHOOSES NEW NAME FOR THE ADAPTATION OF SUPER SENTAI'S "TENSOU SENTAI GOSEIJAA." PRODUCTION ON "POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS" TO RESUME. FRESNO, CA.-December 19, 2009...Production is resuming on the adaptation of Japan's Super Sentai series, "Tensou Sentai Goseijaa." The title, "Power Rangers: Star Guardians" has been chosen in place of "Power Rangers: Geo." The Star Rangers will begin their quest to defend the Earth and wherever evil may lurk on March 5, 2010 on the affiliates of the NightRanger Industries Online Network. The name "Geo" was intended to be used due to the ranger helmets (from a October 2009 scan) depicting geometrical shapes, and reminded fans of the 1996 series, "Power Rangers: Zeo." The halt in production came when the official pictures and information started to be revealed in December 2009. More information is forthcoming for this adaptation series, which will ta...

PRKW #55-Paolo's Promise

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 38: The Gunnery Showdown" ------------------------ EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The team sits on the grass, relaxing and talking.] MEGAN NOIMI: Well, Paolo will be leaving us for his annual day off. EDDIE CALLAHAN: Annual day off? MEGAN NOIMI: He takes one day out of the year so he can visit his deceased wife's grave, and then go to his daughter's home to visit with her and her family. [During Megan's speech to the others, Paolo is shown at the base, looking at two of his deceased wife (Miko), and the other is one of his daughter (Kalia), with her daughter (Ami), and husband (David Inoue).] EDDIE CALLAHAN AND CODY EGAWA: (tearing up) He...he...he... DIMITRI FEDOROV: He deserves a day off. MEGAN NOIMI: Unfortunately, due to the Stygians, he may not be able to take his day off. DIMITRI FEDOROV: Well...he gonna get his day off...Stygians or not! ALL: Yeah! [The team tries to come up with a plan to get Paolo to go.] ...

Episode #54-The Ties That Bind

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 37: The Epic Glue Battle" ---------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-DAY [On what appears to be another ordinary day, Eddie plays a game on his hand-held device. Meanwhile, two villagers help Paolo move a wooden cabinet, but trip up, almost dropping the piece of furniture. Cody and Eddie rush to catch it.] MEGAN NOIMI: Nice catch, guys! [The two then move the cabinet into another room. Suddenly, the alarm rings...trouble in the city.] DIMITRI FEDOROV: Let's go, guys! [The five core team members depart for the city.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [Two identical skyscrapers explode, sending innocent citizens running and screaming away from the falling debris...just as the Aykasi blows up a third building. Suddenly, the Blue Ranger's Hydro Arrow shoots Goochibe as he and the other four core rangers arrive.] GOOCHIBE: The rangers! [Goochibe shoots more lasers as the Red Ranger moves in to shield the others.] RED ...


NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES ADDS A NEW AFFILIATE, PUTS A TEMPORARY HALT TO PRODUCTION ON "POWER RANGERS: GEO." FRESNO, CA.-December 4, 2009...As of yesterday, a new discussion board has joined "The N.R.I.O. (NightRanger Industries Online) Network Affiliates List. The "Ranger Core" member, "Hadouken!" invited us to join their board. Episode #53 (this week's episode) was posted along with a invitation for them to view the previous fifty-two episodes on the blog. I would like to welcome "Ranger Core" into The N.R.I.O. Network family of Discussion Boards. In other news, production for right now has been halted on "Power Rangers: Geo." Fans of the new 2010 "Super Sentai" series, "Tensou Sentai Goseijaa," have indeed been knocked for a loop. A couple days ago, new picture scans of the Goseiger team have been released...and they do not look anything like the blurred, rumored suit pictures that have the geometrical ...

PRKW #53-Logan's Golden Opportunity

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 36: The Curry Samurai" --------------------- INT.-CITY-RIO MESA CAFE-DAY [Logan has been the cafe's cook for a couple months now. He makes up a special dinner menu consisting of moist chicken breast with curry rice for the night's dinner service. Soon, the rest of the team enters the establishment. Logan gives the team a taste of the new dinner menu.] LOGAN KINGSTON: Hey, guys! You want to try some of the new dinner menu? SIERRA CROFT: Sure! [Logan puts a plate down in front of Sierra, and she immediately picks up a fork, and gives the food a try.] Logan! This...this is amazing! I absolutely love it! CAFE OWNER: (unlocking the doors) Time to open, Logan! LOGAN KINGSTON: I'm ready! [Suddenly, Logan is overwhelmed with customers.] I think! [The team looks a bit does Logan.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-NIGHT [Jigara serves Iod a drink just as the next Aykasi, Sogiza comes aboard.] JIGARA: May I present ...