
Showing posts from May, 2010

PRSG #16-Cheer Up!

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #11: The Spark Of Landick Power" -------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [Early in the morning, Kyrie exits her quarters, and prepares to depart the base. After she exits, the others come out of their quarters.] McKENNA COHEN: She's been leaving early every morning the last few days to be a part of a cheerleading group at a nearby children's hospital. [The others seem relieved, but are not sure why Kyrie didn't tell them.] EXT.-CITY-HOSPITAL-COURTYARD-DAY [Kyrie runs to the group of five other cheerleaders, and is tossed a remote control to activate a small stereo. The six start their routine for all the patients to see. The other four officers arrive and watch from a nearby location.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: There they are! DIEGO MAXA: She's great! [A little girl and her mother watch from a window. It seems that Kyrie already knows her. During the performance, Kyrie opens up her...

A Quick Update...

Hello NRIO is a quick update on all things Power Rangers... First of all...GOOD NEWS!!! A week or two ago, Haim Saban has re-acquired the Power Rangers brand, and will air twenty (20) new episodes, presumably adapted from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, which aired in Japan in 2009, in (spring?) 2011 on Nickelodeon. Nicktoons will also air the seven hundred previous PR episodes later this year. There are also plans for a movie or two. Of course there will be a toy merchandising line as well. There have been some rumored character names for the 2011 Power Rangers series, including a princess named Megan... Red= Reese Green= Parry Blue= Baron Pink= Sadie Yellow= Ava Gold= Wesley All characters listed will be between 16-19 years in age. Saban owned the PR franchise from it's inception in 1993 until 2002, when FOX Family Channel, along with the entire Saban library of shows was sold to the Walt Disney Company. 2003's Power Rangers: Ninja Storm was the first PR series co...

PRSG #15-Return Of The Psychos (2)

Original Episode ---------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-QUARRY-DAY [As the sun sets on another day, the Star Megazord loses all power. The rangers get ejected as the zords vanish to recharge.] NEO PSYCHO RED: (taunting) Ah, did we bweak your wittle megazord!? Let us help! [Upon landing on the ground, the rangers are forced out of morph, then the Psycho Megazord tries to stomp on the five officers, but they are able to dodge the giant feet. Once in a safe area, the five officers look up at the evil megazord...consisting of a red raptor, blue cheetah, black rhino, pink mammoth, and a yellow whale.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-NIGHT [The three villains are ecstatic as the five Neo Psychos return.] NEO PSYCHO RED: We now want to use our megazord to lay waste to the city. MOTHROS: I understand and commend your eagerness...but for right now, I want you five to rest. Tomorrow is another day. [All five Neo Psychos bow to their master.] ALL NEO PSYCHO RANGERS: Yes,...

PRSG #14-Return Of The Psychos (1)

Original Episode ------------------------------------ INT.-MOUNTIANS-OPSCOMM-TRAINING CENTER-DAY [In the morning, the five Space Command officers and their two superiors begin yet another working out, and honing in on their skills.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-DAY [The three Alliance generals are standing around talking out their next plan to rule the world.] MOTHROS: (angered) I am growing weary of losing to the rangers! I want to rule this planet, but they keep getting in the way! METROIX: Those bothersome rangers! COMETOSIS: I have an idea... [Cometosis hold up the small treasure chest that the three of them brought from Onyx.] ...Let's put these to good use! MOTHROS: Ah, yes! The data cards! COMETOSIS: Yes...but after from what I have heard about their past, they have qualities that need to change. METROIX: I have heard about them...and I agree. That is why we should...update their programming so that will not happen again. COMETOSIS: My Cyclobats will t...

PRSG #13-Blue Vengeance

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #10: Hyde's Partner" -------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [Kevin writes out a birthday card. He asks Aquios if he spelled a word correctly...he did. Kevin then departs the base as the others talk about their partnerships over a bowl of pudding. The squabble over the partnerships and pudding makes Aquios think about his former partner, and he departs the base.] EXT.-BEACH-DAY [Aquios arrives with a bunch of flowers, wrapped in biodegradable paper. He silently reflects and throws in the flowers.] AQUIOS: I miss you, Typhos. I wish you were here. The others, and I am left with none. [Suddenly, the area of water near the flowers begins to bubble up, as to Aquios' shock, a Swarm Alien arises, and causes a small watery explosion.] BOILWEEVIL: (taunting) Ah, how very touching! AQUIOS: (shocked and enraged) Boilweevil! [Aquios then prepares his Star Morpher and Morph Ca...

Announcement Regarding AniToku

Dear fans, I ran into a unexpected problem in posting today's episode (PRSG #12, Conflict Of Interest) to AniToku, a newer affiliate of this network. They had installed a cap on the number of characters...ten thousand, even though I have posted previous episodes to them (including last week's). Each PRSG script, plus a small paragraph preview of the next episode runs at about 10, 500-11, 000 characters. Due to their restrictions (just like when I belonged to Power Rangers United (Front), and initially to Power Rangers Empire in 2008), I am afraid that AniToku's affiliation has to be revoked as immediately. The last statistical count numbers (which were taken yesterday) for them are below, and are now frozen. AniToku 43 Members 2 Pages 11 Replies 128 Views

PRSG #12-Conflict Of Interest

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #9: Gotcha*Gosei Girls" ------------------------------------- EXT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-DAY [It is a lazy Saturday morning, and Kyrie has just returned from a jog.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-REC ROOM-DAY [Kyrie enters, and sees that Melissa "has made herself at home" on the couch. Magazines all over, a laptop computer open, and Melissa's Star Morpher opened, and being used as a bookmark.] KYRIE MAXA: Melissa! Is this how you live on the weekends!? Look at this place! It's a mess! [Kyrie turns her attention to the 'morpher-turned-bookmark,' pulls it out of the book and closes it up.] And this is how you treat your morpher!? MELISSA CRENSHAW: My bookmark! KYRIE MAXA: Bookmark! Okay! Time for a meeting! [Admiral Crenshaw enters the room with the others.] Sir, your daughter is abusing this room! She even used her morpher as a bookmark! GABE CRENSHAW: Well, Miss Maxa...this is a recreation room, meant for recreati...