PRSG #16-Cheer Up!
Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #11: The Spark Of Landick Power" -------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [Early in the morning, Kyrie exits her quarters, and prepares to depart the base. After she exits, the others come out of their quarters.] McKENNA COHEN: She's been leaving early every morning the last few days to be a part of a cheerleading group at a nearby children's hospital. [The others seem relieved, but are not sure why Kyrie didn't tell them.] EXT.-CITY-HOSPITAL-COURTYARD-DAY [Kyrie runs to the group of five other cheerleaders, and is tossed a remote control to activate a small stereo. The six start their routine for all the patients to see. The other four officers arrive and watch from a nearby location.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: There they are! DIEGO MAXA: She's great! [A little girl and her mother watch from a window. It seems that Kyrie already knows her. During the performance, Kyrie opens up her...