
Showing posts from December, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

‭NightRanger Industries and The N.R.I.O. Network would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year! See you on January 7, 2012!

PRTNG #62-Alone (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #43: “The Legendary Hero (2)” ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [A chained Colin is shoved to the deck plating of the ship in front of King Monarchius.] SANBO: Sire, this is the leader of the ranger team, the Red Ranger. COLIN SCOTT: (weakened) So, you are the Zangyu leader. Your lackeys can’t finish the job, so you have to come out her for them. DYRAN: Silence! Sire...let’s eliminate him right here on the spot. [Two Red Scurvies get Colin to his feet as Sanbo holds his sword at the human’s neck.] KING MONARCHIUS: Wait! I have a even better idea! He shall be executed on Earth in front of those that he failed to protect. INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Brock sits on the couch, dejected as Navix searches for the signals of the others’ morphers with the computer.] NAVIX: Oh, where are they!? [Brock remembers something Colin told him just after they became rangers.] voice of COLIN SCO...

PRTNG #61-Revelations (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #42: “The Strongest Man In The Universe (1)” ---------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [The rangers are in the midst of battle against the Foilers and some Red Scurvies. While the core rangers deal with the two Red Scurvies and several Foilers on the ground, the Silver Ranger is in the Tri-Legend Dino battling two enlarged Red Scurvies. The Tri-Legend uses it’s tail to drill a Red Scurvy behind him, the fires a laser from it’s mouth at the other. On the ground, the battle rages on.] GREEN HERO RANGER: What’s with these guys, today!? [The Green Ranger gets tripped up, but takes out several Foilers in the process. The Silver Ranger then forms the Tri-Legend Megazord.] SILVER HERO RANGER: Tri-Legend Megazord! [The others use their Jungle Keys to change up into the Red, Blue, Yellow, Lion, and Chameleon Jungle Rangers and use their claws and weapons. The five then use the Earth Keys, and change up into the Red,...


“NightRanger Industries” and “The NightRanger Industries Online Network" would like to wish you and yours a Happy Holidays!

PRTNG #60-Monarchy

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #41: “What I Don’t Want To Lose” ---------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crew goes about their daily routines on the ship. DeAndre, Nikki, and Kieran decide to go shopping for supplies.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Sanbo stares out a window, as Kyatsu enters. Both are still very concerned.] KYATSU: Have you heard anything more from the King’s forces?? SANBO: No. [Suddenly, bright flashes of light errupt outside of the ship as it shakes violently, forcing the two generals to take cover. Dozens of purple Zangyu Fleet Ships are arriving near the Stampeder via a jump-gate. The two watch as a wall behind the command chair opens up, revealing a long, red carpeted hallway. KYATSU AND SANBO: Uh, oh! [Two Red Scurvies escort three beings into the room. The beings are KING MONARCHIUS, SLIGZA, and DYRAN. Sanbo and Kyatsu immediately sink to their knees, and bow to their ruler. Monarchiu...

PRTNG #59-The-Greater-Power

Original Episode ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crewmen go over the Greater Powers, and which ones they are missing...especially to Paco.] COLIN SCOTT: Paco has the Mythic, Super Nova, and Light powers. DeANDRE TAYLOR: The Solar and Earth powers are still up for grabs. COLIN SCOTT: We got to get the powers back from Paco... EXT.-MOUNTAINS-DAY [Paco activates a power surge with the three Greater Power orbs to bait the galleon crew.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The six crewmembers are going about doing some chores when the ship’s alarms ring out. Brock uses the computer to see what’s going on.] BROCK CRANSTON: Sensors are picking a a massive power signature in the mountains. COLIN SCOTT: Let’s go and investigate. Set a course. EXT.-MOUNTAINS-DAY [Paco and Primus await the galleon, and are hidden in a cave. The galleon soon arrives, and the two free-lancers prepare to fight. The crew repel down the six drag-chains, and l...

PRTNG #58-Iced

‭2058-"ICED" Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Nikki is using the viewscreen to talk with her father, Richie.] RICHIE BUCHANAN: It is good to see with you again, Nikki. NIKKI BUCHANAN: It’s good to see you again too, Dad! RICHIE BUCHANAN: I have some news. We have located the Pink Morphin Master Jewel...the Jewel of Love. NIKKI BUCHANAN: That’s great! Where? RICHIE BUCHANAN: Unfortunately, it is at the North Pole. COLIN SCOTT: Navix! Set a course for the North Pole! NAVIX: Aye, aye, Captain! RICHIE BUCHANAN: There is one slight problem. You will not be able to morph, but you can still summon the keys, and use your weapons if need to. Be careful, sweetie! NIKKI BUCHANAN: I will, father. See you soon! [The viewscreen shuts off, and the galleon continues it’s journey.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [While Sanbo is out of the room, Kyatsu has the bridge. She notices that the galleon’s power signal...

PRTNG #57-Notes-From-The-Future

‭NOTE: I apologize for the tardiness of this week’s episodes. There was a problem with my friend’s WiFi, and I could not get to another computer to post. Please disregard any emoticons or asterisks, as they are not a part of the story. ‭---------------------------------------------------- ‭2057-"NOTES-FROM-THE-FUTURE" Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #40: “The Future Is In The Past” ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-SILVER HILLS-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [During lunch, the galleon arrives in Silver Hills...a city protected by the Time Force Rangers in 2001.] NIKKI BUCHANAN: That was a great lunch. Thanks, Brock! [Suddenly, something rocks the ship, and everyone goes to the window to see what it was.] KERI SCHMIDT: Kieran! Did you summon the Tri-Legend? KIERAN OLIVER: No. Looks like it came through the wormhole on it’s own. I’ll go to investigate. INT.-SILVER HILLS-TRI-LEGEND COCKPIT-DAY [Kieran enters the cockpit to investigate. He then ...

Posting Schedule Changes (Jan\Feb. 2012) For PRTNG

Here is yet another change in the posting schedule: Gokaiger #45 is about the rangers finding Ninjaman and the Kakuranger Greater Powers. Now, I already had an original episode “OutgunnedShogun,” which was posted several weeks ago, which dealt with Ninjor and the Ninja Ranger powers. Due to this, I will not be adapting the real Gokaiger episode #45, so I had no choice, but to rework the posting schedule for the January and February episodes. Originally, January was to have eight episodes, and four in February. Now, in both months, there will be some weeks with two episodes, and some with only one. Below is the new schedule of upcoming episodes... December 2011- 17. #57. “Notes-From-The-Future” and #58. “Iced” 24. #59. “The-Greater-Power” and #60. “Monarchy” 31. #61. “Revelations (1)” and #62. “Alone (2)” January 2012- 7. #63. “All-Dolled-Up” and #64 “AncientJustice (1)” 14. #65. “AncientJustice (2)” 21. #66. “Title TBA” 28. #67. “Title TBA” and #68 “The-Lost-Keys” February 2012- 4....

PRTNG #56-SchoolDaze

‭Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #39: “Why? We’re High School Students” ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-FREE JOKER-BRIDGE-DAY [Paco reads the Galactic News, and sees that the rangers now have an even bigger bounty on their heads after defeating Prince Kraken.] PACO GAMEZ: So...the rangers destroyed that poor excuse for a prince. Now is the time to act. INT.-ANGEL GROVE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Brock reads the Galactic News as well, and is uneasy. The other crewmembers see the bounty amounts, and that Colin’s is set at an unlimited amount.] KERI SCHMIDT: So...I can ask for whatever I want? Just kidding. I would never do that. COLIN SCOTT: We know, Keri. your thing! NAVIX: (after flying into the wall) Come and see Angel Grove’s space-y high schoolers. KIERAN OLIVER: My father knows someone at Angel Grove High who teaches Astrology. His name is Andros, and he is the former Red Space Ranger! COLIN SCOTT: Let’s go! EXT.-ANGE...

PRTNG #55-MasterIllusions (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #38: “The Power To Seize Dreams (2)” ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken and Kyatsu enter to a spread of food laid out for him. The others continue to praise Kraken, who snubs Sanbo.] EXT.-MOUNTAINS-DAY [Foilers scour the area for the galleon crew. Meanwhile, Brock, Keri, and Nikki are quietly discussing things. With a tiny bit of animosity toward their leader, the three take off when the Foilers get too close. Meanwhile, DeAndre runs ahead, but is cut off at the pass by Shireikan.] SHIREIKAN: Blue Ranger! I am surprised to see that you survived! DeANDRE TAYLOR: I’m surprised too...usually evil cyborgs have no emotions! [The two stand about thirty feet apart on a cliff, and stare each other down a bit. Shireikan readies his sword as DeAndre readies his Power Key and morpher, and charges at the cyborg while morphing, and has his cutlass at the ready. Meanwhile, Kieran hides...

PRTNG #54-The-Zangyu-Weapon (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #37: “The Strongest War-Machine (1)” ---------------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken is upset, takes out his frustrations on the Foilers.] PRINCE KRAKEN: How many times must we lose! SANBO: Sire, might I suggest moving on to the next plan? PRINCE KRAKEN: Are you giving me orders? SANBO: No...I... [Suddenly, an alarm buzzes on the ship alerting the crew. The Imperial Guard Flagship approaches the Stampeder. PRINCE KRAKEN: What could my father’s elite guards want? INT.-OUTER SPACE-HANGAR-DAY [Two Red Scurvies walk up the steps to greet Kraken, who is flanked by Shireikan and Kyatsu.] RED SCURVY: is good to see you! We came by order of your father to bring you a war machine...the Monarch Megazord! [Everyone gets a look at the evil zord, that closely resembles the young prince...and like what they see as Sanbo joins them.] SANBO: Magnificent! PRINCE KRAKEN: I will use this megazord to...