
Showing posts from February, 2012

PRTNG #74-HomewardBound

‭2074-"HOMEWARDBOUND" Loosely Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #45: “Confused Ninja (1)" ---------------------------------------------------- ‭INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY ‭[The six crewmen are celebrating their long awaited victory, and take stock of their loot of Morphing Master Jewels.] ‭COLIN SCOTT: ‭Well, we defeated the Zangyu, and have all the powers and Morphing Master Jewels in hand. ‭[The crew briefly goes through all of the powers (as brief clips of each power are shown).] ‭First there are the Agent, Royal Battle, Electro, Solar, and Fusion powers... ‭DeANDRE TAYLOR: ‭Then the Nuclear, Bio, Mythic, Super Nova, Light, Beast, and Velocity powers... ‭KERI SCHMIDT: ‭The Earth, Jet, Morphin, Chi, Ninja, and Alien powers... ‭BROCK CRANSTON: ‭Zeo, Turbo, Space, Galaxy, Lightspeed, and Time powers... ‭NIKKI BUCHANAN: ‭Wild, Storm, Dino, Delta, Mystic, and Overdrive powers... ‭KIERAN OLIVER: ‭And lastly, the Jungle, Nitro Defender, Kendo, Star, and our He...

PRTNG #73-Empire's-Fall (3)

‭NOTE: Please disregard any emoticons or asterisks, as they are not a part of the story. ‭---------------------------------------------------- ‭2073-"EMPIRE'S-FALL (3)" Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #50: “The Day Of The Deciding Battle (2)" Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #51: “Good-bye Space Pirates (3)" >>> NightRanger Industries' 350th Episode!!! ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The six crewmen grimly look forward to insurmountable odds, then remember about the pyramid device...but also remember what will happen if they use it. All six have one goal in mind though...get back to the galleon.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The six return to the damaged galleon, and reunite with Navix. The six want to use the pyramid device to “wish” away the Zangyu, but hesitate, knowing full well what will happen to the power.] COLIN SCOTT: We’ve come this far as rangers...we cannot just take the easy way out...

PRTNG #72-Empire's-Fall (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #49: “The Greatest Treasure In The Universe (1)” Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #50: “The Day Of The Deciding Battle (2)" ---------------------------------------------------- EXT.-OLD QUARRY-DAY [The core rangers face Kyatsu, and perform their roll call.] ALL RANGERS: (posing) Heroes Setting Sail For Adventure! Power Rangers, hya! [Kyatsu opens up the ornamentation on her shoulders to reveal six micro-torpedo launchers, and fires a salvo of micro-torpedoes to attack the rangers.] RED HERO RANGER: What the...!? [The rangers get caught up in the resulting explosions.] KYATSU: Round two! [Kyatsu fires another salvo of micro-torpedoes at the rangers, who prepare for the worst. The rangers change up into the Mystic Rangers, and put up their own barrier to deflect the micro-torpedoes back to Kyatsu and the Red Scurvies. The five then power down into their Hero Ranger forms, then utilize the keys from the recent power acquisition.] RED HERO...

PRTNG #71-Empire's-Fall (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #49: “The Greatest Treasure In The Universe (1)” ------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The team, sans Colin look at the keys of the Solar, Mythic, Super Nova, Light, and Earth Rangers, and discuss about them.] BROCK CRANSTON: I don’t know if we should use the power of these keys when we are not entitled to the powers. NIKKI BUCHANAN: It was Paco who took the keys, and infused the power into them. [Colin comes upstairs, and the others show their concerns.] KERI SCHMIDT: Colin, you shouldn’t be up and about! [Colin sits in his chair.] KIERAN OLIVER: We were thinking about these keys, and how to use them even after what Paco did to them. [Colin gets up, and walks to the coffee table to join the others.] COLIN SCOTT: I see... [Suddenly, the twenty-three keys glow in a golden aura.] WHITE LIGHT DIMENSION [The six are all bathed in white. The twenty-three keys appear in front of the six. The image...

PRTNG #70-Star-Struck (2)

‭Loosely Based Upon ‭Gokaiger-Goseiger-Super Sentai: 199 Hero Great Battle ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-OFFICE BUILDING-DAY (Alternate Dimension) [Heath goes for his Star Morpher and Star Card as Colin goes for his Hero Morpher and Red Hero Ranger Power Key. Both transform into their ranger forms.] HEATH REGAN: ‭Star Morpher, Insert Card! Activate! COLIN SCOTT: It’s Morphin’ Time! [The suits “flash-form” over the duo.] ‭EXT.-FOREST-DAY (Alternate Dimension) [On the bridge, the four try to figure out what to do, but the structure is attacked. The quartet see a bunch of Hidiacs in front of Sculpin, and prepare to fight, but the enemy shoots energy beams from his eyes at the four, who dodge...but Melissa and Brock are knocked over the side, and are caught by Aquios and Nikki, who try to pull the two up. As the two are being pulled up, Sculpin uses his staff to zap everyone to blow up the bridge, making the quartet fall into the water below.] EXT.-GHO...

PRTNG #69-Star-Struck (1)

Loosely Based Upon ‭Gokaiger-Goseiger-Super Sentai: 199 Hero Great Battle ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The galleon crew gets ready to head out into battle. Colin opens the Power Key chest, and grabs some keys... DeAndre fans out some playing cards...Keri comes downstairs from the Crow’s Nest...Brock works with the computer...and Nikki sips some tea.] COLIN SCOTT: Kieran is at Power Mountain helping Mister Oliver. It’s just us five for now. [The five stand in a row, utilize their morphers and keys to morph.] ALL CREWMEN: It’s Morphin’ Time! EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [Flanked by minions, Kyatsu and Dyran face the Hero Rangers, who charge into battle with their weapons. After defeating several Foilers, Kyatsu summons more.] YELLOW HERO RANGER: That all you got, Kyatsu!? KYATSU: Foilers! [The minions appear, and the rangers decide to change things up. The six insert their Nitro Defender Keys, and speed-charge in to destroy some of th...