
Showing posts from March, 2012

Power Rangers: The Next Generation-Final Stats

The final statistics for Power Rangers: The Next Generation have been tabulated. Below are the final statistics... 1. Rangerboard: 37, 350 members, 11, 089 views. 2. RangerCrew: 3, 609 members, 2, 795 views. 3. Henshin Justice Unlimited: 13, 042 members, 8, 246 views. 4. RangerVision*: 1, 918 members, 734 views. >GRAND TOTAL: 55, 919 members, 22, 864 views...41% viewership. * RangerVision left as an affiliate on July 2, 2011...but will be back for the coming season. I would like to thank everyone for being a fan of Power Rangers: The Next Generation, and hope you will continue with Power Rangers: Ultratech, which will debut on April 7, 2012 on Rangerboard, RangerCrew, Henshin Justice Unlimited, RangerVision, Ranger-Board, Toku Raw Revolution, and on the blog of The N.R.I.O. Network.

PRTNG #82-Payback (8)

2082-"PAYBACK (8)" Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-ANGEL GROVE-DOWNTOWN-NIGHT [The Cross Crawler starts to cackle in blue energy bolts after being attacked by various finishers, executed by the “Ultra Combined” megazords, as a couple of it’s metallic legs get taken out.] RED KENDO RANGER: We got a trick up our sleeves! Ryder? RED NITRO RANGER: Yeah! Let’s go for it, “D!” ALL NITRO DEFENDER RANGERS AND ALL KENDO RANGERS: Zetta Combine! [The Nitro Defender Gigazord and Kendo Ultrazord combine into one to form the...] ALL NITRO RANGERS: Nitro! ALL KENDO RANGERS: Ken! ALL NITRO DEFENDER RANGERS AND ALL KENDO RANGERS: Zettazord! RED MORPHING MASTER: (looking at the massive robot) Now, that’s a pleasant surprise! ALL NITRO DEFENDER RANGERS AND ALL KENDO RANGERS: Zetta Blast! [The attack from the combined megazord takes out a few more metallic legs to cripple the Cross Crawler a bit......

PRTNG #81-Payback (7)

2081-"PAYBACK (7)" Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-OLD QUARRY-DAY [The rangers in their megazords, having just defeated the initial faction of villains face the Cross Crawler.] CROSS CRAWLER: You may have defeated those villains...but they shall be resurrected! [The Cross Crawler emits a wide energy beam to resurrect the villains. The rangers now face their past opponents.] GREEN MORPHIN RANGER: Whoa! Talk about deja vu! RED MORPHIN RANGER: Let’s hit them again! ‭ALL CORE SPACE RANGERS: ‭Astro Megazord Saber! ‭ALL CORE DINO THUNDER RANGERS: ‭Tyranno Drill! ‭ALL CORE MORPHIN RANGERS: ‭Power Sword! ‭ALL CORE JUNGLE RANGERS: ‭Jungle Spin! ‭ALL CORE LIGHTSPEED RANGERS: ‭Lightspeed Saber! ‭ALL FUSION RANGERS: ‭Fusion Sword! ‭ALL SOLAR RANGERS: ‭Solar Sword! ‭ALL CORE S.P.D. RANGERS: ‭Delta Squad Saber! ‭ALL VELOCITY RANGERS: ‭Speed Blasters! ‭ALL CORE BEAST RANGERS: ‭Beast Blasters! ‭ALL ...

PRTNG #80-Payback (6)

Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-OLD QUARRY-DAY ‭[A plasma blast to the three remaining megazords “breaks” them apart, and into their components. The citizens look even more scared, and the rangers on the ground look worried for their fellow rangers.] KID: We believe in you, Power Rangers! ALL CITIZENS: (chanting) We believe in you, Power Rangers! [The Electro Megazord and Royal Flyer toys (in the hands of the kid and the man) begin to glow. The confidence boost from the people of Earth spikes the energy levels in the zords, and gives more power to the Morphing Grid.] voice of ALPHA SIX: (over the various communicators) Rangers! INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-DAY [Alpha Six is at the main computer console, and presses a few buttons to double check things.] ALPHA SIX: The Morphing Grid is super-charged! Aye-yai-yai! The zords...every single one of them...are on line! Aye-yai-yai! EXT.-OLD QUAR...

PRTNG #79-Payback (5)

Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-OLD QUARRY-DAY ‭[There are still thousands of minions left.] ‭RED GUARDIAN RANGER: ‭Battlizers! ‭[The minions continue to charge at the rangers, as the rangers who have a Battlizer step forward.] ‭RED SPACE RANGER: Red Battlized Ranger! Battlizer Missiles! [The missiles destroy several minions.] RED GALAXY RANGER: (putting the keys together) Red Armored Ranger! [The Red Armored Ranger uses the claw wench to destroy several more minions.] RED LIGHTPSEED RANGER: Red Trans-Armor Cycle! Transform! Trans-Armored Ranger! [The Red Trans-Armor Ranger uses his weapons to take out more minions.] RED TIME FORCE RANGER: Red Battle Warrior! [The Red Battle Warrior uses the armor’s sword to destroy even more minions.] RED WILD FORCE RANGER: (using the buckle) Animarium Armor, Activate! [The Red Ranger flies through more minions to destroy them.] RED WIND RANGER: Tri-Battlize...

PRTNG #78-Payback (4)

Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-DAY [The golden orb super-charges the pyramid device and the six Morphing Master Jewels. The jewels and the pyramid start flashing, and the six Morphing Masters appear in the room.] MATRIZ: I am Matriz of Triforia, the Red Morphing Master, defender of justice! LEXIAN: I am King Lexian of Edenoi, the Blue Morphing Master, defender of hope! KINWON: I am Commander Kinwon of KO-35, the Black Morphing Master, defender of friendship! DEMITRIA: I am Demitria of Inquirius, the Yellow Morphing Master, defender of passion! DULCEA: I am Dulcea of Phaedos, the Pink Morphing Master, defender of love! ZORDON: I am Zordon of Eltar, the Green Morphing Master, defender of courage! TOMMY OLIVER: Welcome! We’re glad you are here...the Zangyu are battling the rangers at the old quarry. MATRIZ: Let’s give them what they want! [The six “parents” and six maste...

PRTNG #77-Payback (3)

Based Upon Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-OLD QUARRY-DAY [The twelve un-morphed rangers place the key chest on the ground. Colin then prepares to open the chest when Crossius appears with an army of Red Scurvies, who quickly overpower the twelve, who don’t even have a chance to morph. The minions capture the chest, and take it back to Crossius, who unveils a weapon on his right arm.] CROSSIUS: Hello, rangers...long time no see! I believe this chest belongs to me, now. HEATH REGAN: Not this guy, again! COLIN SCOTT: Been expecting you. CROSSIUS: (as a hatch on the weapon opens up) Got an interesting game for you pathetic rangers! [Crossius dumps the keys into the hatch, and lights on the device power-up, showing red, blue, yellow, pink, and green. Crossius then fires the device at an area behind the twelve.] Prepare to battle your fellow ranger forms! [The twelve turn around, and see over two hundred min...

PRTNG #76-Payback (2)

2076-"PAYBACK (2)" Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie-The Flying Ghost Ship Gokaiger Goseiger 199 Super Sentai Great Hero Battle --------------------------------------------------- ALTERNATIVE DIMENSION (SHIPPING YARD) [The five crewmen (now de-morphed) lay on a street in a shipping yard, and recover to their feet. The smoky skull opens it’s mouth, then closes it. Suddenly, several minions (Krybots, Blueheads, and the Orangeheads), surrounded by an alien being appear, and stalk the five crewmen. DeAndre, who’s been finally reading some of Kieran’s encyclopedia entries, recognizes the beings.] DeANDRE TAYLOR: Broodwing! [Broodwing and the minions approach the group, and he fires lasers at them, forcing them to run behind a large shipping container, and draw their muskets as they discuss strategy and come up with a plan.] Colin...we want you to get up into the skull, and get back to face Lodar...we’ll handle the guy with a fishbowl for head. [Broodwing and hi cron...

PRTNG #75-Payback (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie-The Flying Ghost Ship ---------------------------------------------------- INT.-ONYX-TAVERN-DAY [In the tavern, several aliens are discussing the defeat of the Zangyu King at the hands of the Hero Rangers on Earth.] ALIEN: So, what’s going to happen to the Zangyu now that the king is gone!? [Soon, an alien standing around at the bar, turns around, and walks out of the establishment.] ALIEN: That’s Prince Lodar! EXT.-ONYX-TAVERN-DAY [A large, decaying galleon-like ship launches upward into the air, and departs Onyx for Earth.] EXT.-CITY-MARINER BAY-PARK [in a large, open, grassy area, a soccer pitch is set up, and a match is in progress between Team Heroes and Team All-Stars. On Team Heroes is the Mid-Fielder, Austin Grayson, the brother of Carter Grayson, along with the girlfriend of Austin; Jane Mitchell, playing Forward. Also playing is Conner McKnight, playing Defender. Through eighty minutes of play, the score is tied at two points a...