Hello, all! Here is a little update. So far, six Power Rangers: Paleo Force episodes have been written, and will be typed up this week. It includes the "Deboth Awakens\Plezuon\KyoryuViolet" arc. I am currently writing the “Endolf’s Arrival\Daigo Goes Dino” two-parter Since my netbook laptop computer "died and went to the digital beyond" several weeks ago, it has been very hard trying to accomplish my writing. In the meantime, I have been "window shopping," and trying to save up money for another, but right now it looks like a year or two longer until I can get one on my own. I am stuck using a desktop computer that for Internet use is a very, very, very slow dial-up, and not in a well lit area of the house. On the home desktop, I CANNOT access Facebook, Yahoo, and a couple other sites they way that they are supposed to work due to the speed of the connection. I can go to a nearby library, but I am limited to two hours a day, three days a week......