PRPS #47-Silver Radiance (3)
Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #36: “Brave #36: Giga Gaburincho! The Silver Miracle (3)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-DAY [Prototox snaps his fingers. The Cyan and Gray Paleo Warriors drop to the ground from a vortex.] CHIKYU: Rezi! Elias! What have you done to them!? PROTOTOX: Simple...I drained their spirit! [Soon, Sentry and D’Gol arrive alongside Prototox.] SENTRY: So, I take it you like your brother’s new form? PROTOTOX: And I now have a Mega DavroMon form as well! [Prototox reveals his real form...a slim-lined black and red version of his sister.] MEGA PROTOTOX: I am now Mega Prototox! [Chikyu delivers an energy attack past the Red Ranger to strike Mega Prototox, but it is ineffective.] Again with your failures! [Mega Prototox blur-charges the rangers, and duels Chikyu sword-to-sword. As the rangers try to help their mentor, Mega Prototox energy-slashes them, The ...