
Showing posts from March, 2014

PRPS #47-Silver Radiance (3)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #36‬: “Brave #36: Giga Gaburincho! The Silver Miracle (3)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-DAY [Prototox snaps his fingers. The Cyan and Gray Paleo Warriors drop to the ground from a vortex.] CHIKYU: Rezi! Elias! What have you done to them!? PROTOTOX: Simple...I drained their spirit! [Soon, Sentry and D’Gol arrive alongside Prototox.] SENTRY: So, I take it you like your brother’s new form? PROTOTOX: And I now have a Mega DavroMon form as well! [Prototox reveals his real form...a slim-lined black and red version of his sister.] MEGA PROTOTOX: I am now Mega Prototox! [Chikyu delivers an energy attack past the Red Ranger to strike Mega Prototox, but it is ineffective.] Again with your failures! [Mega Prototox blur-charges the rangers, and duels Chikyu sword-to-sword. As the rangers try to help their mentor, Mega Prototox energy-slashes them, The ...

PRPS #46-Giga Power! (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #35‬: “Brave #35: Super Awesome! Gigant Kyoryuzin (2)" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-RESTURAUNT-NIGHT [Daric, surrounded by the main team uses a Paleo Blaster to try to gain access into the Sacred Ground.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: For some reason, the entry portals are not working. TYSON KIRKLAND: And we haven’t been able to contact Chikyu. DARIC KAYSON: And also...Rezi, Eli, and my father have gone missing as well. EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-NIGHT [The Cyan and Gray Warriors investigate the area. Soon, what appears to be Chikyu appears...but the being’s eyes glow red, and rush-attack the two warriors.] INT-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-NIGHT [D’Gol inquires about the item in Sentry’s hand.] D’GOL: What is that thing? The energy that thing is throwing off is intense! SENTRY: This little item is our ace in the hole against the rangers. INT.-CITY-RESTURAUNT-NIGHT [Maria arr...

PRPS #45-The Tenth Paleozord (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #34‬: “Brave #34: Revival! Bragigas Appears (1)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-DAY [Chikyu speaks to the lake.] CHIKYU: Brachio! The time for your awakening is near! INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Lukuro is afraid that she’ll get yelled at.] LUKURO: Oh, I’m gonna get yelled at for sure! [Lukuro accidentally bumps into a fisherman-based DavroMon, REELROD. SENTRY: What do you mean “yelled at?” I want you to assist Reelrod with his fishing trip. Take some MaZoDe with you in case if the rangers interfere. REELROD: It’s time to go hook the big one! LUKURO: Yay! INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The Cyan and Gray Warriors stand before Chikyu and the main six.] GRAY PALEO WARRIOR: We found the final amber stone. [Everyone celebrates a little bit.] Unfortunately, the stone is underwater at the nearby lake...covering the entrance to Davros Hell. CHIKYU...

PRPS #44-Maximum Protection

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #33‬: “Brave #33: Maximum! I Will Protect The Lady" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-JAPANESE GARDENS-DAY [Ken practices some moves with his Ptera Baton. Suddenly, two young women run up to him.] GIRL #1: Hey, you’re one of Chris’ friends, aren’t you? [The girl hands Ken a pair of sunglasses.] Can you give these to him? [Ken starts to get a bit angry with Chris for his womanizing ways.] GIRL #2: (trying to “chat it up” with Ken) Hey, you’re cute too! [Ken’s uneasiness around women starts to get the best of him, and he runs off.] INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Chris brags to the others.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: So...not only will I get my sunglasses back...but I get to prank Ken in the process. MIKO INOUE: That’s not nice, Chris! TYSON KIRKLAND: Yeah! You know how Ken gets uneasy around women! CHRIS RUTLEDGE: I sure do! Look...everything will be fine! [An ...