PRSF #3: Frost-y Relations
Based Upon: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger, Episode #2: “Shinobi #2: Become The Last Ninja“ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Ray shows off the newly remodeled dojo to everyone.] RAY FROST: This will be your training center to learn what it takes to be a ninja. But...I will not train you. [The collective jaws of all five Shinobi team members drop in shock.] Unless! One of you can best me in exchange. IAN FROST: I'll be that one! Shinobi Power! [Ian morphs into his Red Ranger form, and tries to take on his grandfather...who easily overpowers him, and is forced out of morph.] You five lack the focus and skill that you need to master in order to earn my title. [Ray then transforms into Ninjakon, and vanishes into a puff of smoke.] ANDREW FROST: Ah, don't mind him. Although...he is right. You five need a lot of practice in order to defeat the Demon Core, and earn his title of "The Last Ninja....