
Showing posts from May, 2015

PRSF #11: Ninja Rivalry (3)

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #7: "Shinobi #7: Spring Ninja Festival (1)" --------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-DESERT OF DESPAIR-DAY [Chronotosis attacks the four groups of rangers, and knocks all twenty-three out of morph, and onto the ground. The heroes struggle to recover to their feet.] CHRONOTOSIS: My friends...gather around me! We shall take these "power pests" down once and for all! [MasterVile, Lothor, and Iod all gather around Chronotosis, who has a devious smirk on his face.] Chrono Merge! [The other three villains all look at Chronotosis like they've been double-crossed as they all merge with Chronotosis to form KING RAHZA. Rahza then unleashes his army of minions...mixed from the Tengas, Kelzaks, Kanizars and Oni.] KING RAHZA: Quadnin Warriors! [The twenty-three ninjas and two allies look at Rahza and the hundreds of Quadnin in shock.] TOMMY OLIVER: Hey, guys! Sorry about...

PRSF #10: Ninja Rivalry (2)

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #7: "Shinobi #7: Spring Ninja Festival (1)" -------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-DAY [The rangers summon their zords, and board them...all arrive to the scene of the battle.] ALL NINJA RANGERS: Ninja Mega Falconzord! ALL SHINOBI RANGERS: Shinobi Megazord! Ready! [Both megazords battle each other, and Ninjor battles Ninjakon. A few more hits from the Ninja Mega Falconzord forces the Shinobi Rangers to eject from the Shinobi Megazord, and Ninjakon is forced to shrink down.] MONUKYE: (watching from a nearby building rooftop) So, that is how to defeat a group of pesky rangers...with another group of rangers! [On Main Street, Ninjakon, taking a knee, and the Shinobi Rangers struggle to recover to their feet as Chronotosis, Monukye, and Kuraizo flank a massive army of Oni. The enemy have the Shinobi team surrounded.] CHRONOTOSIS: Having fun yet, rangers? I'...

PRSF #9: Ninja Rivalry (1)

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #7: "Shinobi #7: Spring Ninja Festival (1)" -------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [In a wide-open grassy area, Andrew teaches a class, which includes the five Shinobi team members. Watching the class is Antonia, the wife of Andrew, and the mother of Ian and Izzy. Also there are Ace and Sabrina Brewer.] ANDREW FROST: (as he walks past the rows of students) You all are doing well, class. Keep it up. EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-CIVIC SQUARE-DAY [Monukye and Kuraizo arrive at City Hall. On the building's clock, a corrupted Sealing Shuriken activates, and possesses the clock, turning it into a Rage Monster called CHRONOTOSIS.] MONUKYE: have enough power to be a general like us... KURAIZO: ...And you will be, IF you destroy the rangers! CHRONOTOSIS: I have a plan to do so...but I would like some time to prepare the plan. KURAIZO: You got it! [An...

PRSF #8-A Red Test

Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #6: "Shinobi #6: Tengu's Spiriting Away" --------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-SHINOBI OPS-SIMULATOR-DAY [Each of the rangers is in the simulator, fighting a virtual Skater Rage. Each of the five do well...except for Ian, who nearly costs his own safety.] EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Kuraizo yells at Monukye for interrupting his last battle with the Red Ranger.] KURAIZO: I had the Red Ranger's defeat at my grasp, and you had to go and revive that Rage! Do not interrupt me again! [Kuraizo takes his leave.] EXT.-CITY-PROJECTS-DAY [Kuraizo walks the streets, scaring the citizens. He then sees a broken clarinet, and uses a corrupted Shuriken to create MUSIC RAGE.] MUSIC RAGE: I love the smell of destruction in the morning! INT.-CITY-DOJO-SHINOBI OPS-DAY [Andrew tells the team members individually their grades. The quintet is all excited.] ANDREW FROST: Ian...your grade is...

PRSF #7-All The Rage

Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #5: "Shinobi #5: The Space Ninja, UFOmaru!" ------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DOJO-BASE-DAY [Josh enters the base to see everyone except for Brook has already arrived.] JOSH TURNER: Hey, guys! ANDREW FROST:'re here. Got something for you guys. JOSH TURNER: Where's Brook? IZZY FROST: She had class at the college. A Science lecture. X WYATT: That's right up her alley! ANDREW FROST: Any-who...these are your TRI-STARS. A Shuriken-like weapon with three forms...Sword, Claw, and Arrow. IAN FROST: Cool! INT.-CITY-HOUSE-DAY [At the home of an elderly couple, the woman sits down next to her husband.] ELDERLY WOMAN: Oooh, goodie! It's just about time for my stories! [The elderly woman grabs the remote control off of the coffee table, and points it at the television to turn on her favorite soap opera.] Sarah is going to propose to John! EL...

PRSF #6: Shinobi Teamwork

Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #4: "Shinobi #4: It's Here! Paonmaru" ------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DOJO-TRAINING ROOM-DAY [The rangers are in the training room, battling virtual Oni and Chainsaw Rage.] YELLOW SHINOBI RANGER: There's too many of them! BLUE SHINOBI RANGER: Let's hide and come up with a plan! [The team hides as the Blue Ranger comes up with a plan...but the Red Ranger suddenly charges in.] RED SHINOBI RANGER: (as he slashes with his Katana) I don't need a plan! [The Red Ranger destroys the enemy with a single slash. The others don't look too happy.] ALL: (as they remove their helmets) Ian! NINJAKON: You guys have the ability to use the Shurikens much like how Monukye can...but you must work together as a team...or you will never defeat the Demon Core. EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Monukye and Kuraizo walk a bit, then stop.] MONUKYE: I want you to gather more fear so ou...

PRSF #5: Rise Of Kuraizo

Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #3: "Shinobi #3: The Vicious Gabi Appears" --------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-TRAINING ROOM-DAY [The team, all morphed, train in the simulator room in a task to steal a scroll. After evading traps, the five finally succeed in their objective...except for the Red Ranger, whose carelessness gets them all caught in a trap to end the training in failure.] ALL RANGERS (EXCEPT RED): (getting after the Red Ranger) Ian! [The White Ranger slaps the Red Ranger upside the helmet.] INT.-DEMON CORE-DAY [Monukye watches as Kuraizo fully revives.] MONUKYE: Now that you're fully awake, it is time for you to go and gather some darkness. KURAIZO: The only one I take orders from is Genghis...I do not take orders from you or anyone else, missy! Call me when there is a battle. [Kuraizo then takes his leave.] EXT.-CITY-PARK [The five team members take a break, and relax a bit. Su...

PRSF #4: Code Of Honor

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-ANIMAL SHELTER-DAY [Ian and Izzy are in the midst of helping feet the animals. Their supervisor approaches them to tell the two something.] SUPERVISOR: Ian...Izzy! IZZY FROST: Yes, sir? SUPERVISOR: Saturday morning is the annual bake sale fundraiser in the parking lot. IAN FROST: What are we fundraising for? SUPERVISOR: This will be to raise funds so we can offer low-cost spaying and neutering. IAN FROST: Cool! We'll be there! EXT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE DISTRICT-ABANDONED WAREHOUSE-DAY [Izzy arrives on her bicycle, and gets off as she puts the kickstand down. She takes off her backpack and opens the zipper to reveal a small bag of dry cat food, a couple cans of wet cat food with a spoon, and a couple bottles of water. Several stray cats approach her.] IZZY FROST: Hi, little ones! Got some "nummies" for you! [Izzy opens the cat food, and spreads o...