Episode #2-The Way Of The Warrior, Part 2
EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-DAY [The five teenagers face Kagekamen and a dozen Kanizars.] MEGAN NOIMI: Leave our planet! KAGEKAMEN: Make us! DIMITRI FEDOROV: Our pleasure! [The five reveal their Kendo Cells and Orikami Emblems. Both sides prepare to battle. Before the five have time to react, the Orikami Spirits in Emblem Mode spring to life by transforming into small animals in their partners' palms.] SIERRA CROFT: What the!? [The small Orikami Spirits in Animal Mode leap from the palms to attack Kagekamen and destroy him, and his Kanizar soldiers.] EDDIE CALLAHAN: Whoa! SIERRA CROFT: No, way! [The Orikami Spirits return to their partners in Emblem Mode. The five teens inspect them.] MEGAN NOIMI: Amazing! INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Octo serves a drink to Iod. During this, another Aykasi, Doublis enters.] DOUBLIS: Lord Iod...the Kendo Rangers have returned! IOD: (angered, tossing his drink) I know that! So...what do you plan on doing about it? DOUBLIS:...