
Showing posts from August, 2010


NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES TO GO BLOG ONLY IN 2011. FRESNO, CA.-August 28, 2010...NightRanger Industries will be moving ahead with the adaptation of "Super Sentai 35 (2011)." Sadly, due to the riggers of daily life (as evidenced the past few weeks), I am afraid that PR2011 will be a Blog and Rangerboard exclusive (Rangerboard due to it's flagship status). I know that this will be a big risk to take, and I will anger some members, but I am willing to roll with the punches. Posting dates will remain the same, however...and I will continue to be a member of all the former affiliates, and keep updating them in each board's "advertising" section. So far, PRSG has garnered over 14, 000 views. To my viewers out there, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE: Due to JLG revamping their site, and taking away the fic area, and also for not being able to get into PRO, I might just start this plan as soon as Monday.

PRSG #35-Card Wars

Original Episode ---------------------------- INT.-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-DAY [The three Yomazho generals try to come up with a way to finally defeat the rangers. Ace, a clown-like monster (based off of the title character of the "Saw" series of movies) enters the room, and offers her services.] ACE: I see that you three need my abilities. UPACRA: I like your style, Ace! AKUI: I agree. Go to the city, and take care of the rangers! [Ace depart the base, heads to the city.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The six officers arrive in the area on their Star Cycles, and get off of them to investigate.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: I don't see anything unusual. [Suddenly, the whole are turns into a carnival.] DIEGO MAXA: Now, that's freaky! HEATH REGAN: Now we can investigate. [The six officers come to a giant tent.] CLOWN (ACE): (trying the coax the sextet into a tent) Step right up and enter a world of mystery! [The six officers enter the tent.] INT.-CITY-PARK-CARNIVAL TENT-DAY [The six offi...

PRSG #34-Reclaim The Base (2)

Original Episode ----------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-OPS-NIGHT [The entire base staff gets everything ready to depart for the space station. The team sits at various stations in the room.] GABE CRENSHAW: All alert! Helm...take us home! AQUIOS: Right! [Aquios presses a few buttons.] EXT.-MOUNTINS-OPSCOMM-NIGHT [The entire OpsComm module lifts off of the ground, and flies up into the starry sky.] INT.-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-NIGHT [The three Yomazho generals commiserate, and try to come up with a plan to defeat the rangers. Suddenly, a lone Caprisect messenger reports to Upacra.] UPACRA: Everyone! I was just told that the rangers' base is leaving the planet! AKUI: Yes! They are retreating! UPACRA: No! The Space Command has an orbiting space station. The Alliance heavily damaged it upon arrival on Earth a few months ago. INGU: It seems that they are re-taking their main base of operations! AKUI: No is the time to take the planet once a...

Computer Update

Well, as you can see below, I was able to put up one of the two episodes that I was supposed to post this past week. You know what that must mean...THE TOWER HAS RETURNED!!! The tower is fixed, meaning that all postings will move back to Fridays, beginning August 27, and the stat counts will move back to Thursdays beginning August 26. The remaining two episodes for this week will be posted to here as soon as they are ready, but will be posted to the rest of our affiliates on August 27. Beginning in October, and running through the end of the season, there will be at least two episodes per week. Think you fans for your cooperation the past month and a half while the contingency plan was in effect.

PRSG #33-Maxa-d Out (1)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The six rangers are battling the Caprisects in hand-to-hand melee fighting.] BLACK STAR RANGER: If only dad could see us fight...he'd be proud...huh, Kyrie? YELLOW STAR RANGER: Yeah! [The six continue to fight.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-ADMIRAL'S OFFICE-DAY [Gabe is talking with a high-ranking Space Command officer (who is on Eltar) on a small viewscreen in his office.] GABE CRENSHAW: Commander Marcus...where is Captain Maxa? JAMISON MARCUS: Sir...I'm afraid that I have some tragic news about the Captain. During the evacuation, the shuttle that he was on crashed. The crash killed the Chief Medical Officer, and others. Nathan was severely injured...and died of his injuries last week. GABE CRENSHAW: I was asking for him...because...I want to retake the space station as soon as possible. JAMISON MARCUS: I want to help. Right now...I am in command over here. GABE CRENSHAW: Begin to mobilize. You will...

RELEASE: small delay, upcoming episodes, etc.

SMALL DELAY IN POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS EPISODE POSTINGS. FRESNO, CA.-August 19, 2010…I am afraid that there will be a small delay in posting episodes of Power Rangers: Star Guardians. This is due to the home computer tower being in the shop for a modem repair. The tower has been in the shop for exactly one week, and they are having problems replacing the modem. The hope was to have the tower back a couple days ago. In talking to a tech at the shop, he said that finding a modem for a 2004 HP a400n tower is becoming harder and harder. If it comes to having to purchase a new tower, The old one will be just used for non-Internet activities. Due to the tower being in the shop, and time limits on the computers at the public library, I have not had time to type the two episodes that were supposed to be posted today. Due to this, I will get the two typed, along with next week’s episode, and post them on either August 26th (or the 27th). ----------------------------------- Here are s...

PRSG #32-Power Of The Guardians (2)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 24: The Miracle Attack Goseigers" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-DAY [The Silver Ranger continues to battle the platoon of Caprisects alone, as more minions keep coming.] EXT.-FOREST NIGHT [The Yomazho continue celebrate as a lone Caprisect enters, talks to Upacra.] UPACRA: (angered, but somewhat intrigued) What!? [The Caprisect departs the party.] Everyone...five of the rangers have left the area! The Silver Ranger is all alone in the city! AKUI: We must strike now while most of the rangers are gone! Victory is at hand! [The villains are in shock as they prepare to take the city.] EXT.-AREA 51-FRONT GATES-DAY [From a guard shack, emblazoned with the NASADA logo, a guard directs Heath to go straight to the main hangar. The five move out, and head to the hangar.] EXT.-AREA 51-MAIN HANGAR-DAY [The five cycles (in a arrow formation) enter the hangar, and park within a large square. Suddenly the square (r...

PRSG #31-Power Of The Guardians (1)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 24: The Miracle Attack Goseigers" --------------------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-OPERATIONS-BRIEFING ROOM-DAY [During the usual daily morning briefing, the six officers talk with Gabe and McKenna.] HEATH REGAN: Sir...the Yomazho are getting increasingly more and more powerful... AUSTIN BALDUCCI: ...And more desperate in their attempts at global domination. GABECRENSHAW: I have heard your concerns, and will consider them...but for now, there is nothing that we can do right now. Dismissed. [The six officers get up from the table, leave the room.] McKENNA COHEN: Sir...there might actually be something that we can do. But...I will have to do some more research on it. GABE CRENSHAW: Get on it, Commander...that will be your top priority. [McKenna gets up from the table, leaves the room.] INT.-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-DAY [The three generals are peeved at their previous defeats.] UPACRA: Akui...let me take on the...

Computer Problems...An Update

Well, WinXP has been re-installed onto the home computer...unfortunately, a new problem cropped up, and reared it's ugly head. That corrupted WinXP file may have burned out our modem. No modem means no Internet!!! Hopefully, the modem will be replaced soon, as it is not much to fix. THE GOOD NEWS is that I can begin typing the scripts at home, and that will begin later today (and the series bible for PRSG took three days to update). SO...the posting schedule of Thursday afternoons will continue until further notice. I will keep everyone updated.

PRSG #30-Burnout

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 23: Burn! Goseigers" ----------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [The team relaxes as they prepare for a much needed day off. But, for Austin (who is out training), there is no such thing as a day off. Heath is on the couch, and is in a drawing mood, as he draws the Silver Ranger…albeit terribly as Diego and Aquios watch. AQUIOS: What is that? HEATH REGAN: The Silver Ranger. DIEGO MAXA AND AQUIOS: (as they see the scribbles) Ahhhh. [Soon, Melissa and Kyrie exit their quarters into the main room, dressed to the nines in beach-ware.] HEATH REGAN: Where are you guys going? KYRIE MAXA: To the beach to relax, then see some fireworks. [Susan and Kevin enter the room in beach-ware as well.] SUSAN BILLINGTON: You two ready to go? [The four head out of the room.] EXT.-BEACH-DAY [The four arrive, and stake their spot on the sand. Meanwhile, on the other side of the beach, Ingu is at the opening of a c...