
Showing posts from October, 2010

PRSG #49-The True Guardian Power (3)

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ "‬Epic 32: Perform The Ultimate Miracle" ----------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [The next day, the six Space Command officers are decorating the room for Kevin's birthday party. Suddenly, the alarm klaxon sounds. The six officers depart the room just as Kevin walks in. The youngster knows that the officers have a job to do, but wishes that they could stay.] EXT.-CITY-CITY HALL-DAY [Ingu looks up at a enlarged Yomazho Dumpster atop of the building.] INGU: Soon...this planet will be a part of our territory! [The six rangers arrive, pre-morphed.] RED STAR RANGER: I don't think so! SILVER STAR RANGER: You're the last Yomazho, and now it's your turn to go down! INGU: Who says I'm alone!? voice of AKUI: Long time no see, rangers! ALL: Whoa! BLACK STAR RANGER: I thought we destroyed him!? [Akui's slime drips from the dumpster, down the side of the buildi...

PRSG #48-Rangers On Patrol (2)

Based Upon: "Tenso Sentai Goseijaa: Epic On The Movie" Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ "‬Epic 31: Never Give Up! Goseigers (1)" {NOTE: The 250th NRIO Episode!!!} ---------------------------------------- INT.-FOREST-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-DAY [The two Yomazho generals hold glasses of champagne to celebrate their apparent victory with a toast.] AKUI: Even as we speak, I can smell the Earth beginning to rot! The time for our victory is at hand! [The two clank their glasses together.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [More of the citizens of Gardenville are overcome by the toxic fumes of the slime, and collapse. Still, others run off with their hands covering their mouths and noses...some even wear protective masks.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-BRIEFING ROOM-DAY [The team discusses the current situation with Gabe and McKenna. They see emergency personnel in the city wearing white HazMat suits tending to the victims.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: Those poor people! HEATH REGAN: Come o...

PRSG #47-The Toxic Terror (1)

‭Based Upon: ‭"Tenso Sentai Goseijaa: Epic On The Movie" ‭Tenso Sentai Goseiger: "Epic 31: Never Give Up! Goseigers (1)" ‭----------------------------------------- ‭INT.-FOREST-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-NIGHT ‭[Akui and Ingu prepare for a full assault on Earth.] ‭AKUI: ‭Ingu, my friend...the time has come for a full on assault on Earth! ‭[The two Yomazho villains celebrate.] ‭INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-RECREATION ROOM-DAY ‭[Kyrie wraps a present for Kevin's birthday. The packaging resembles a cone. Kevin enters the room in a very good mood.] ‭HEATH REGAN: ‭You look happy! ‭KEVIN BILLINGTON: ‭Yeah! My birthday's tomorrow! ‭AQUIOS: ‭We know! ‭MELISSA CRENSHAW: ‭Hey, let's throw a party! ‭[Suddenly, McKenna enters the room.] ‭AUSTIN BALDUCCI: ‭Commander Cohen...what'cha got? ‭McKENNA COHEN: ‭I am working on a few new Star Cards for you guys. This one will call on the Patrol Adapters. ‭AQUIOS: ‭New zords? ‭DIEGO MAXA: ‭Awesome! ‭[Su...

PRSG #46-Dream Weaver

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ "‬Epic 30: Romantic Eri" ----------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [A week has passed since the rangers destroyed Upacra...and the Yomazho have not made a move since. The team relaxes before the upcoming Autumnal Festival.] DIEGO MAXA: Where's Aquios at? HEATH REGAN: He's meeting with the Admiral. EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Gabe is in the park, taking a small, daydreamy-like nap on a park bench. Propped on his stomach is an opened book, pages down. A Yomazho Monster called MUGAIMU arrives, and eats the Admiral's daydream, then vanishes.] GABE CRENSHAW: (waking up, puzzled What was that!? EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Mugaimu digests the dream that he just ate (from Gabe).] MUGAIMU: That was not as good as I expected. [Soon, Akui and Ingu materialize.] AKUI: Ah, Mugaimu,,,we've been looking for you. MUGAIMU: I just stopped in the park for a snack. INGU: We have been testing ways...

PRSG #45-Playing For Keeps

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ "‬Epic 29: The Goseigers Are Sealed!" --------------------------------------------- INT.-FOREST-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-DAY [Akui and Upacra discuss the recent events.] AKUI: Upacra...I have considered your plan to use the Yomazho Dumpster. Just to let you know...the dumpster's powers are unstable, and very risky to use. UPACRA: Remember my oath to you, my lord? I will risk my life to serve you and the Yomazho? AKUI: Ten thousand years ago, there was a group of Power Rangers that sealed us into the dumpster. UPACRA: And it was I who released you and Ingu from the dumpster, sir AKUI: Let's get started!. EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [A little bit later, a couple walks in the park. Between them is their young son. Suddenly, a platoon of Caprisects flood the serene setting as Upacra watches from a staircase landing above.] RED STAR RANGER: (to some fleeing citizens) Come on! Get to safety! [The six rangers use their Guardian Weapons against...

PRSG #44-What If?

Original Episode ---------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-RANGER SQUADRON ROOM-DAY [In the new Squadron room, the six officers prepare to patrol Earth.] KYRIE MAXA: I'm starting to tire of fighting the Yomazho. DIEGO MAXA: I agree. They're way stronger than The Alliance. HEATH REGAN: Guys...I am too...but we got to fight on! MELISSA CRENSHAW: We'll stay in the fight, guys! AQUIOS: It is our duty. AUSTIN BALDUCCI: Come on...we'd better get out there! [The six shut their lockers, and prepare to depart for their patrol cruisers.] EXT.-FOREST-DAY [An angry Akui prepares to attack Earth so he can rule the planet once and for all.] AKUI: It is time to ruin this planet! [Another Yomazho Monster arrives to offer his services.] Apoclyx can create massive Earthquakes once he absorbs enough power! UPACRA: Once he absorbs the powers of the rangers and their zords, he'll be able to level everything on Earth! AKUI: Go and do your thin...

PRSG #43-The Wolfman Of Tuscany

Original Episode ----------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-DAY [The team prepares for a few days without Austin around, as he is out on shore leave in Italy.] HEATH REGAN: Well, it's just us five for a few days! Austin's on shore leave. EXT.-ITALY-AUSTIN'S ANCESTRAL HOMETOWN-NIGHT [Austin arrives just up the hill from the town. He takes in the sights of the town, and takes a deep, cleansing and relaxing breath.] AUSTIN BALDUCCI: Home sweet home! [Suddenly, he hears an eerie howl in the near distance, as well as a couple of human, blood-curdling screams...that stop suddenly. Austin then continues on to the family home, contemplating what to tell his family about his time on ice. Once at the villa, he prepares to knock on the door, when he sees claw marks. He knocks and, the door opens.] WOMAN: Austin! ELDERLY MAN: Ah, Sergeant! Enter, enter! [Austin begins to enter the villa as he hears another howl. The door then shuts aft...

PRSG #42-Mind The Children

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ "‬Epic 28: A Father's Treasure" ----------------------------------------- INT.-INGU'S FLASHBACK ‭[Ingu remembers what happened to him.] ‭ALL GUARDIAN RANGERS: ‭Guardian Dynamic Blast! ‭[A flying symbol is sent to attack Ingu and Moodigoon, who cackle in red lightning bolts, and are enveloped in a massive fireball...then explode. Ingu goes flying backwards. At night, a severely wounded Ingu hobbles back to the forest.] ‭EXT.-QUARRY-DAY ‭[Akui is very upset at Ingu.] ‭AKUI: ‭How dare that Ingu act without my permission! ‭[Akui causes several small fires with his blob abilities.] ‭UPACRA: ‭Remember, I offer to risk my own life to serve you, Akui. ‭AKUI: ‭I do not want your help, Upacra. Time and time again, you have failed me...You were the one who let the rangers get the Guardian Power! ‭UPACRA: ‭An unfortunate error, my lord. ‭[Soon, Pipersect arrives to offer her services.] ‭PIPERSECT: ‭Lord Akui, my friend! ‭AKUI: ‭Pipersect! W...

PRSG #41-The Horn Of Korangar (2)

Loosely Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseiger:‭ ‬Epic On The Movie ----------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY ‭[The power of the megazords run out, and they break apart into their components, ejecting the rangers before vanishing.] ‭PINK STAR RANGER: ‭What are we gonna do now!? ‭ ‭BLACK STAR RANGER: ‭I though we could've beat these guys! ‭BLUE STAR RANGER: ‭There were just too many of them! ‭YELLOW STAR RANGER: ‭Did we lose!? ‭SILVER STAR RANGER: ‭Not by a long shot! ‭[The fourteen monsters loom over the rangers as they contemplate their next move.] ‭But I think we should regroup...for now. ‭[The monsters all laugh at the retreating rangers.] ‭EXT.-FOREST-DAY ‭[The two Yomazho generals have unearthed the relic known as the Horn Of Korangar. Upon unearthing the relic, they accidentally release the guardian of the relic...a goddess.] ‭GODDESS: ‭(berating the three) ‭What have you done!? You all shall pay for doing this! ‭AKUI: ‭I am Akui...leader of the Yomazho! I wi...