
Showing posts from April, 2011

Upcoming Epsodes (Vol. 2: Game On!)

(titles, summaries, and post dates subject to change) April 30 #11. "Spygame" Concerned of the rangers' ability to use the powers of the previous rangers, Sanbo sends the Spy Brothers to learn their method of getting new powers. Meanwhile, Navix reveals a clue about an island in the sky. May 7 #12. "Wild" The rangers locate the island "Animaria" with the Zangyu hot on their trail. When ejected off of the island, Nikki is injured and receives help from a veterinarian. May 14 #13. "Fueled" DeAndre and Keri infiltrate the Green Fleet of the Zangyu Special Forces to learn about a powerful and volatile weapon on board. May 21 #14. "Altered" Upon the suggestion of their parents, the team researches their heritage on the ship's computer. When the Zangyu sends a Scallywag to use it's hypnotic powers against the rangers. May 28 #15. "Warrior's-Way (1)" Navix gives a clue about samurais to the rangers. When they are s...

PRTNG #10-Beast-On!

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #7‬: Niki Niki! Kenpou Training" ---------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The team relaxes in the Galleon...Colin plays darts, DeAndre does push-ups, Brock and Nikki fix a meal and set the table.] BROCK CRANSTON: Lunch is almost ready, guys. KERI SCHMIDT: Brock! The screen's frozen again. BROCK CRANSTON: Well, if you quit downloading music videos, it won't freeze up. NAVIX: (flying around) should seek the tiger's kid for answers. INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Shireikan introduces the next Scallywag to the rest of the villains.] SHIREIKAN: I introduce to you...Pajyuka. SANBO: An excellent choice, Shireikan. Pajyuka is a master of Cosmic Kung-Fu. PRINCE KRAKEN: Excellent. Send him to the city! EXT.-CITY-ZOO-DAY [At the zoo, a zookeeper yells down into the tiger pit where Colin is talking to a real tiger.] ZOOKEEPER: Hey! Get out of there! EXT.-CIT...

PRTNG #9-Inquiry

Loosely Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #6‬: The Most Important Thing" ------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The three remaining crewmen go about their normal routines on the ship as Brock and Keri .] EXT.-CITY-JJEWELRY STORE-DAY [On their way back from grocery shopping, Brock and Keri stop in at a jewelry store. Keri oogles over various pieces of jewelry, and picks a yellowish-orange ring.] BROCK CRANSTON: Shouldn't we get back to the others? KERI SCHMIDT: A girl isn't anything without her bling...even if I just want to look at it. [Suddenly, a teenage girl enters the store with attitude, and shoves Keri out of the way.] Hey! What was that for!? TEEN GIRL: You're in my way! SALES CLERK: And what can I do for you? TEEN GIRL: I want everything in the store. SALES CLERK: You must be joking...that would cost twenty million dollars! [The girl whips out a gold credit card, and the clerk immediately rec...

PRTNG #8-Emergency (Link to OP Theme video at end)

‭Loosely Based Upon: ‭Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa: "Episode #5: Judgement Pirates" ‭---------------------------------------------------- ‭INT.-BRAZIL-AMAZON JUNGLE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-NIGHT ‭[Navix receives a cryptic message.] ‭NAVIX: ‭(entranced) ‭The enforcers of law know about the tri-fold jewel of justice. ‭NIKKI BUCHANAN: ‭Law enforcement? The Time Force Rangers? S.P.D.? ‭[The Galleon continues toward California as the the ship rocks violently. The alert klaxon rings out.] ‭DeANDRE TAYLOR: ‭Uh, guys...we're in a vortex of some sort! ‭[The rest of the team rushes to the windows to look.] ‭EXT.-VORTEX-NIGHT ‭[The Galleon is being sucked through a vortex, and it is not known where it will end up.] ‭voice of NAVIX: ‭We're caught in a time-hole! ‭voice of ALL TEENS: ‭(shocked) ‭A time-hole!? ‭[Brock grabs at the controls, presses a few buttons.] ‭BROCK CRANSTON: ‭Trying to use the power of the ship to get us out of here! ‭[The rest of the crew see two other ...

PRTNG #7-Jewel-Of-Eltar

Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------- EXT.-BRAZIL-GALLEON-DAY [The Galleon arrives over Brazil, and flies toward the Amazon.] INT.-BRAZIL-AMAZON JUNGLE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The teens prepare to go on an expedition to find the Jewel Of Eltar. Brock is excited, but cautious.] BROCK CRANSTON: Are you sure that all of us need to go down there? COLIN SCOTT: Your courage is the one that got us here...besides...our parents and the other rangers are depending on us. [The five depart the ship.] EXT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [The Zangyu villains notice that the Galleon is over Brazil.] SHIREIKAN: Sire...the rangers' ship is over Brazil. PRINCE KRAKEN: They must be looking for the Jewel Of Eltar. Go and intercept those pesky rangers and bring the jewel to me...and take Sanbo with you. He's itching for some action. SHIREIKAN: Yes, sire. [Shireikan exits the Bridge.] EXT.-BRAZIL-AMAZON JUNGLE-DAY [The five team members endure very warm and humid ...