
Showing posts from August, 2011

PRTNG #31-Rebel (2)

Original Episode NOTE: Rebel Ranger suit loosely based upon “Gokaiger-GokaiBlack Concept" by Paulo “*Busasami" Santana. ------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-DAY [The Red Ranger and Rebel Ranger are set to battle with their weapons, and then come to blows. The two rangers battle for a while.] RED HERO RANGER: Something about you just rubs be the wrong way. REBEL RANGER: Same here, Red Ranger! [Suddenly, Shireikan shows up, and the two battling rangers decide to bury the hatchet for a bit.] Say...let’ together for a bit to get rid of that Zangyu scum? RED HERO RANGER: Sounds like fun! [The seven rangers face the Zangyu general.] SHIREIKAN: Foilers! [Soon, a melee-style battle breaks out, and the rangers use their weapons against the minions. Soon, all seven use their individual Hero Wave attacks.] RED HERO RANGER: (firing his musket, slicing with his cutlass) Hero Wave! BLUE HERO RANGER: ...

PRTNG #30-Rebel (1)

Original Episode NOTE: Rebel Ranger suit loosely based upon “Gokaiger-GokaiBlack Concept" by Paulo “*Busasami" Santana. -------------------------------------------- EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY [The Free Joker returns to Earth.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-FREE JOKER-BRIDGE-DAY [Paco sits in his chair as Primus pilots the ship. He holds up most of the keys seen at the end of Episode #20 and is scheming. He then pockets those keys, and pulls out another, covering it up, and his Hero Morpher-like device.] PACO GAMEZ: I want to have some more fun! EXT.-PACIFIC OCEAN-DAY [The galleon is flying over the water along the coast line.] INT.-PACIFIC OCEAN-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crew of six is relaxing, and enjoying a supposed day off.] EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY [As the Free Joker orbits the Earth, the small ship is over-shadowed by the Stampeder. The larger ship opens fire, damaging the Free Joker.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken rants and raves.] PRINCE K...

Upcoming Episodes (Through September)

‭August 27 #30 “Rebel (1)” A mysterious figure in a black ranger suit and cape appears...but, whose side is he on? #31 “Rebel (2)” The rangers decipher who the Rebel Ranger really is...but, what is he up to? 9\3\11 #32 “Heroes-To-The-Rescue" ‭Navix tells the crew that kindness will lead to a meeting. Later, Keri and Nikki are out and about, and meet Dr. Dana Mitchell of Lightspeed Rescue, and try their hardest to impress her. They get their chance when Paco sends a hot monster to heat things up. #33 “September-Mourn" Nikki is having a bad day...not only is she mourning the anniversary of her mother's passing, but she also has to deal with the Zangyu's latest scheme. 9\10\11 #34 “Reformations" Kieran and the crew are out for a meal when they come across Zealoci (who was previously banished by the Zangyu), and find that he has reformed his life. Meanwhile, “Senden” trashes the city. #35 “Vexed (1)” Shimazu and Vexacus start wrecking hav...

PRTNG #29-Wish-Upon-A-Star

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #22: “The Promise On A Star Shower" -------------------------------------------- INT.-STONE CANYON-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Kieran shows off his own ranger encyclopedia computer program. He uploads it into the main computer (which auto-downloads into everyone’s tablet device), as DeAndre does sit-ups.] KIERAN OLIVER: Hey guys...look what I just completed! BROCK CRANSTON: A ranger encyclopedia!? Cool! KERI SCHMIDT: (pouring over the Zeo Section) I didn’t know that we could do these things! NIKKI BUCHANAN: This is very well organized, Kieran. You did a great job! COLIN SCOTT: Excellent work, Kieran! Why do some of the rangers look different? KIERAN OLIVER: Those are their power-ups and Battlizer armors. Are you going to look at the encyclopedia on your tablet, DeAndre? DeANDRE TAYLOR: (uninterested) Later. I’m going out for groceries! KIERAN OLIVER: Wait for me! EXT.-STONE CANYON-RAILYARD-DAY [...

PRTNG #28-Adventure-Of-A-Lifetime

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #21: “The Heart Of An Adventurer" ------------------------------------------ INT.-SAN ANGELES-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The galleon arrives over the city after a long journey from Mirinoi. Colin comes upstairs from his quarters as the others set the table for breakfast. He is a bit upset at Navix for her cryptic clues.] BROCK CRANSTON: Colin is sure upset this morning. DeANDRE TAYLOR: It might be due to seeing Paco on Mirinoi. KERI SCHMIDT: can’t treat Navix like that! NIKKI BUCHANAN: (as she exits the kitchen) How about we all have some tea? MACK HARTFORD: How about a spot of tea for me? KIERAN OLIVER: (getting excited) Operation Overdrive’s Mack Hartford! Can I have an autograph? [Mack sits onto the couch, and pens his name to a piece of paper for Kieran.] COLIN SCOTT: So what brings you here? MACK HARTFORD: I need your help, guys. I am after a relic of great power. INT.-OUTER SP...

PRTNG #27-VenturedDecisions

NOTE: Posted early to make up for last week’s late episode. ------------------------------------------ Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #20: “The Lost Forest" ------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Navix performs her treasure navigation.] NAVIX: Look to the Mirinites that are lost for the answers. KIERAN OLIVER: Mirinites!? The Galaxy Rangers are on Mirinoi...maybe this clue is about them? COLIN SCOTT: Mirinoi, huh? Brock! Set a course for the Lost Galaxy! EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY [The galleon flies into space.] INT.-OUTER SPAQCE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Sanbo reports to Kraken.] SANBO: Sire...those pesky rangers have left Earth, and are heading for a known wormhole. PRINCE KRAKEN: Interesting! EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY [The galleon enters the wormhole.] EXT.-MIRINOI-FOREST-DAY [The six crewmen walk through the forest.] BROCK CRANSTON: This forest sure does look lost! COLIN SCOTT: Where’s your sense of adventure, Brock? [Soon, something dis...