
Showing posts from September, 2011

Sentai 2012 title revealed!!!

It looks like that the title for the 2012 Super Sentai in Japan has been confirmed. "Tokumei Sentai Gobusters" (Special Mission Taskforce Gobusters)." Once more information is released abou Gobusters, I will decide on an adaption name. It might have the word "Spirit" or "Spirits" in the title...we'll see! One thing is for sure..."Force" will NOT be in the title.

PRTNG #41-Wingman

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #28: “Wings Forever" ----------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The megazord is in the midst of battling enlarged Scurvies in it’s Delta Mode. The megazord fires it’s blasters at the three to overpower them. Soon, the Tri-Legend gets in on the fun.] YELLOW HERO RANGER: Let’s get wild! [The five core rangers insert their Wild Force keys to summon the Lion Wildzord.] ALL CORE RANGERS: Hero Megazord, Wild Mode! [The megazord charges through several Scurvies with it’s Dual Heroic Sabers.] PINK HERO RANGER: Let’s call the Minizord! [The rangers insert their Ninja Storm keys to summon the Minizord.] MINIZORD: I am Minizord! [Minizord gets absorbed into the Hero Megazord, then releases the shuriken knee-caps and elbow-caps.] ALL CORE RANGERS: Hero Megazord, Storm Mode! Shuriken Storm! SILVER HERO RANGER: Triple Legend Strike! [The Scurvies cackle in red energy bolts, and explode. Both megazords pose victoriously.] INT.-O...


The episode "Wingman," originally scheduled for release along with the previous three, is still in production due to some delays, and will be posted on in a few hours across the network. All episodes in October and through December 3rd will be one per week with the exception of October 22, where there will be two (due to a two-part episode).

PRTNG #40-Switch

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #27: “A More Than Usual Gokai Change" ------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Keri and Brock are walking down a path. Suddenly, the sound of bangs stop the two in their tracks, and disrupt the peacefulness of the day. The two crewmen run to the scene.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The two crewmen run up toward a building where several men in dark suits are shooting handguns at dozens of Foilers, a Scurvy, and a Scallywag. Keri aims her musket at the Zangyu to interrupt their activities as Brock catches up to her. The two-toned Scallywag, REVERJESTER orders the Foilers to charge at the two crewmen, who morph into action.] KERI SCHMIDT AND BROCK CRANSTON: (while preparing their morphers and keys) It’s Morphin’ Time! voice of HERO MORPHER: Hero Power! [The suits “flash-form” over the bodies of the two, who then charge into action. The two rangers use their weapons on the Foilers as the Scurvy confronts the V.I.P. and a guard....

PRTNG #39-MorePower (2)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------- EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [The rangers power down back into their Hero Ranger forms. Suddenly, Vampiya stands on the top of the cliff, and is soon flanked by the six remaining Scallywags.] VAMPIYA: I am Vampiya...queen of resurrection. Now you will have to face me, and my six newly powered-up friends. Face it’ve already lost! Surrender now to the Zangyu Empire...or be destroyed! GREEN HERO RANGER: Now what do we do!? [The rangers contemplate their next move.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken is very pleased/] PRINCE KRAKEN: (laughing maniacally) Soon, the era of the Power Rangers will be at it’s end! [Kraken continues to laugh maniacally.] EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [The rangers use their weapons, and charge in against the Scallywags...but with their new abilities, the rangers do not fare so well...and are thrown to the ground, and are forced out of morph.] COLIN SCOTT: (angry) That does it! [Colin then remembers ab...

PRTNG #38-MorePower (1)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crew holds a meeting around the table. The six discuss their previous battles, and what they need to do to defeat future enemies.] DeANDRE TAYLOR: How are we going to defeat the Zangyu? They’re getting more and more brazen and powerful! COLIN SCOTT: I don’t know. KIERAN OLIVER: Why don’t we consult the ranger archives!? INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken and Shireikan enter the room.] PRINCE KRAKEN: Sanbo...Kyatsu...meeting. [The other two generals approach Kraken’s command chair.] I have a plan that is sure to win! How about if we re-animate every past Scallywag to overpower those meddlesome rangers! KYATSU: And my friend has the power to resurrect them Vampiya! [The vampire-like Scallywag enters the room.] Show them what you got! [Shireikan slices a Foiler into oblivion...and Vampiya resurrects it.] PRINCE KRAKEN: (pleased) Show the Earth what you got! INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MA...

PRTNG #37-PyramidScheme

Original Episode ------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The six crewmen are relaxing on a lazy Saturday morning. Soon, the ship receives a call from Power Mountain.] BROCK CRANSTON: I’m putting the call onto the viewscreen. COLIN SCOTT: This is the Galleon Powerzord, go ahead. voice of TOMMY OLIVER: Hello, all. We did you a favor, and have located the next Morphing Master Jewel...the Jewel of Friendship. It’s yours, Kieran. KIERAN OLIVER: Where is it, Dad? voice of TOMMY OLIVER: It is in the Pyramids of Giza. This jewel once belonged to the Black Morphing Master, Kinwon from the planet K-O Thirty-five. COLIN SCOTT: What are we waiting for? Set a course for Egypt! [The galleon sets off from California, and is en route to Africa.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Sanbo enters the room to report to Kraken.] SANBO: Sire...the rangers have departed the North America continent for Africa...Egypt to be precise. KYATSU: I believe that...

PRTNG #36-Stormed (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #26: “Shushuuto THE SPECIAL (2)" -------------------------------------------- EXT.-BLUE BAY HARBOR-PLAZA-DAY [Kieran, flanked by the other two remaining core rangers confront the Wind Ninjas.] KIERAN OLIVER: We all spent a long time going after the keys and powers of the previous rangers. NIKKI BUCHANAN: Now is not the time to bicker, Kieran. We need these back when you return [Nikki hands the Wind Ranger keys over to the Wind Ninjas.] SHIMAZU’S DIMENSION [The lights come on, and the three look around before being bound by chains around their arms and chest. Soon, they are pulled to individual seats, much akin to a game show.] SHIMAZU: Welcome to my Quiz Dimension! If you answer my questions correctly, you will receive a chance to escape...answer wrong, and you will nd up staying here for all eternity! [Shimazu laughs maniacally as the three crewmen look on with horror.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Sanbo reports to Kraken r...

A couple items...

Today, we Americans pause to remember those lost in the attacks on September 11, 2001. We will never forget. The N.R.I.O. Network would like to send prayers and condolences to the families and friends of those lost on that tragic day. We also stand with Japan as they mark the six month anniversary of the earthquake that devastated their homeland, and are sending prayers and condolences to the families and friends of those lost on THAT tragic day. ALSO...Thank you, fans for making the two PRTNG episodes last week a huge success. Every Friday, I take a statistical count of the page views from the three active discussion boards, combine that with the “frozen” numbers of the one inactive board, and total them up. Last week, there were 511 views...the best ever for the season! So far, for the entire season, we are at over 9700 views.

PRTNG #35-Vexed (1)

‭2035-"VEXED (1)" Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #25: “Pirates And Ninjas (1)" ------------------------------------------- INT.-BLUE BAY HARBOR-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Kieran is standing in front of two display boards, facing the others, who are watching him.] KIERAN OLIVER: (as clips from the powers play) So far, from the thirty-four ranger power groups, we have received twenty-two...the Mystic, SPD, Wild Force, Kendo, Turbo, Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force, Morphin, Dino, Star, Nitro Defender, Overdrive, Chi, Auto, Bio, Nuclear, Fusion, Electro, Royal, and Agent powers. [Soon; Colin, DeAndre, and Keri quietly depart the ship leaving Brock and Nikki along with Kieran.] Hey! Where’d everyone go!? INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Shireikan enters the room to report to Kraken.] SHIREIKAN: Sire...the new Scallywags have arrived. PRINCE KRAKEN: Excellent! Where are they? SANBO: They are ninjas from space that were found near the Abyss of Evil. They once w...

PRTNG #34-Reformations

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #24: “Foolish Earthlings" ------------------------------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crew has returned home to Angel Grove. The six crewmen are relaxing. Soon, Nikki enters with a piece of paper and an envelope.] NIKKI BUCHANAN: Hey, guys! I got a letter from Dana. KERI SCHMIDT: What does it say? NIKKI BUCHANAN: Dear Nikki, During the ordeal last week, I could not help but notice that you were pre-occupied. I heard about your sister, and how much she meant to you. It also made me think about my little sister, Jane. During the days of the demon uprising back in the year 2000, Jane was six, and my father sent her and our mother to New York to be away from all of the danger and chaos. It was so hard that year to be separated, but all of us Mitchells knew that it was for the best. Now, she is the Orange Lightspeed Ranger, and is helping protect Mariner Bay with us former Lightspeed Rangers helping out the best we ...

PRTNG #33-SeptemberMourn

Original Episode ------------------------------------------ EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-PARK-DAY [At the crack of dawn, Nikki slowly walks through the park, looking a bit sad and dejected, and with her arms crossed.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The remaining crewmen awaken, and inquire to Navix as to Nikki’s whereabouts.] COLIN SCOTT: Navix...where’d Nikki go? NAVIX: She went out for a walk. [Suddenly, Nikki returns, and looks very depressed, and plops her pitiful self down on the couch.] KERI SCHMIDT: What’s wrong, Nikki? NIKKI BUCHANAN: (depressed) Nothing. COLIN SCOTT: Come on...something’s got to be wrong. NIKKI BUCHANAN: (as she gets up, and leaves) I’m sorry, guys. [Nikki goes into her quarters, and shuts the door. The rest of the crew know that something is obviously wrong with Nikki, and want to help her.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken sees the depressed Pink Ranger, and wants Kyatsu to carry out a plan.] PRINCE KR...