
Showing posts from February, 2014

PRPS #43-"The Thrill Of Victory"

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #32‬: “Brave #32: Victory! It's A Sports Match" ------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team marvels over additional Paleo Chargers created by Maria.] MARIA ARMSTRONG: You all have extra Paleo Chargers to use. I also created two additional Paleo Chargers...the Victory and Maximum. You can use these for... [Maria is interrupted by Chikyu sensing trouble.] CHIKYU: Rangers...trouble at the stadium. [The six main team members all rush out of the base.] EXT.-CITY-STADIUM-DAY [At the stadium, a track meet is interrupted by a DavroMon. The runners flee out of the stadium in fear as the DavroMon, BAD SPORT taunts.] BAD SPORT: And you wimps call yourselves “athletes!?” [The six rangers arrive already morphed, and face Aigar and D’Gol.] D’GOL: Hello, rangers! RED PALEO RANGER: D’Gol! What are you up to!? BAD SPORT: I am Bad Sport...and I’ll whip all of...

Power Rangers: TQG Press Release

ALL ABOARD! THE POWER RANGERS HIT THE RAILS ON "POWER RANGERS: TQG," THE LATEST IN THE #1 GLOBAL ACTION\ADVENTURE FRANCHISE. FRESNO, CA.-February 22, 2014...Production is progressing well on the next installment of‭ "‬Power Rangers,‭" "‬Power Rangers:‭ TQG" ‬from The NightRanger Industries Online Network,‭ ‬led by Writer Christopher Clark. All iterations of‭ "‬Power Rangers‭" ‬feature adventure,‭ ‬action,‭ ‬comedy,‭ ‬and drama wile teaching valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork.‭ ‬Stories are accented by the heroes‭' ‬extraordinary powers,‭ ‬martial arts,‭ ‬acrobatics,‭ ‬special effects,‭ ‬and relatable characters that,‭ ‬in addition to the growing pains most people face,‭ ‬must work to triumph over evil. ‭"Power Rangers: TQG" will premiere on the affiliates of the NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network in early-to-mid March 2014 (possibly early-April). Again, a 65+ episode run is planned to allow for ...

PRPS #42-"Everybody Have Fun"

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #31‬: “Brave #31: Vacation! The Eternal Holiday" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [It is October 20, 2013...about sixty-five degrees. Candelira tries to come up with a plan.] CANDELIRA: Oh, I wish Summer would return. Ah! I have an idea...oh, Partyon! [A tiki-themed DavroMon enters the room.] Let’s give the humans eternal fun! INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Robbie is showing off a poster for the annual Fall Festival at the local mall.] ROBBIE MENDOZA: We’re decorating the mall for the annual Fall Fest. I was wondering...if anything comes up tomorrow, can you cover for me? DARIC KAYSON: Sure, Robbie! MIKO INOUE: If we have the time, maybe we’ll show up and help you and Mari. INT.-CITY-ROBBIE’S HOUSE-NIGHT [Later, Robbie and Mari work on sorting and packing the decorations. The exhausted Robbie starts nodding off,] MARI UDO: We’ve been ...