PRESS RELEASE: Adaptation 2015!
MEET THE DEMON-HUNTING NINJA "POWER RANGERS" IN THE TWENTY-FOURTH SEASON OF THE ACCLAIMED FRANCHISE..."POWER RANGERS: STEALTH FORCE!" FRESNO, CA.- December 31, 2014...Production is progressing on the next installment of "Power Rangers," "Power Rangers: Stealth Force" from The NightRanger Industries Online Network, led by Writer Christopher Clark. All iterations of "Power Rangers" feature adventure, action, comedy, and drama wile teaching valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork. Stories are accented by the heroes' extraordinary powers, martial arts, acrobatics, special effects, and relatable characters that, in addition to the growing pains most people face, must work to triumph over evil. "Power Rangers: Stealth Force" will premiere on the affiliates of the NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network in March 2015. A 65+ episode run is planned to allow for maximum character and story development. St...