
Showing posts from December, 2014

PRESS RELEASE: Adaptation 2015!

MEET THE DEMON-HUNTING NINJA "POWER RANGERS" IN THE TWENTY-FOURTH SEASON OF THE ACCLAIMED FRANCHISE..."POWER RANGERS: STEALTH FORCE!" FRESNO, CA.- December 31, 2014...Production is progressing on the next installment of "Power Rangers," "Power Rangers: Stealth Force" from The NightRanger Industries Online Network, led by Writer Christopher Clark. All iterations of "Power Rangers" feature adventure, action, comedy, and drama wile teaching valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork. Stories are accented by the heroes' extraordinary powers, martial arts, acrobatics, special effects, and relatable characters that, in addition to the growing pains most people face, must work to triumph over evil. "Power Rangers: Stealth Force" will premiere on the affiliates of the NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network in March 2015. A 65+ episode run is planned to allow for maximum character and story development. St...

PRPS #57-The Unwanted Gift (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #42: “Brave #42: Wonderful! Christmas Of Justice (2)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-AMPETHEATER-DAY [D'Gol tries to charge at the three, but Daniel punches the ground to cause a dust storm to cover their escape.] D'GOL: It's not the Red Ranger I want...I want the Red Ranger's father! EXT.-LONDON-DAY [The Brachio Gigazord battles the Davros Clone, but gets overpowered.] EXT.-CHINA-DAY [The Ptera Megazord-Blade Mode continues to battle the Davros Clone.] BLACK PALEO RANGER AND GREEN PALEO RANGER: Ptera Blade Finish! [The attack has no effect on the clone, who soon overpowers the megazord.] EXT.-NEW YORK CITY-NIGHT [The Paleo Megazord battles the Davros Clone in Times Square.] BLUE PALEO RANGER: Stego Shield! PINK PALEO RANGER: Tricera Drill! [The attacks have no effect, and the Davros Clone soon overpowers the megazord.] EXT.-HAWAII-NIGHT ...

PRPS #56-The Unwanted Gift (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #41: “Brave #41: Yanasanta! Deboth's World War (1)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-SHOPPING MALL-DAY (Christmas Eve) [Daric and Ken are busy setting up and decorating a Christmas Tree on a stage. Robbie approaches the two.] ROBBIE MENDOZA: Wow! That looks great! KEN FERRADAY: This will be my first Christmas ever. I am very excited! DARIC KAYSON: I'm just excited to see all of the excited kids getting ready for Santa Claus! EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-DAY [Suddenly, an enlarged Master Davros appearing in the nearby Downtown area. The DinoMax Megazord flies in, and kicks Davros.] ALL RANGERS: DinoMax Brave Finish! [The finisher is bested by Davros. The Plesio Battlezord arrives, and blasts Davros. Tyranno and Cephala combine with Plessie. Below, D'Gol and his Christmas-themed DavroMon, RUDEYULE watch the battle.] D'GOL: This is one hell of a Christm...

PRPS #55-Dinosaur Unity (3)

Loosely Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Vs. Go-Busters: The Movie-The Great Dinosaur War! Farewell Our Eternal Friends" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-QUARRY-DAY [A furious D'Gol orders the two revived aliens to attack the rangers, who counter.] BLACK DINO THUNDER RANGER: We're just getting started! ALL RANGERS: Prehistoric Power! [More explosions erupt all over the floor of the quarry.] AIGAR: Let's get out of here! [The War Knights all vanish from the area, leaving the minions and the two revived aliens.] ALL RANGERS: Dino Strike! [The rangers combine their powers to take out more minions. Then, the Morphin Rangers and core Paleo Rangers activate their powered-up forms.] ALL DINO THUNDER RANGERS: Super Dino Mode! ALL CORE PALEO RANGERS: Jurassic Mode, Engage! [The ranger groups all form their combined weapons, and attack the enemy.] ALL CORE MORPHIN RANGERS: Power Cannon! ALL...

PRPS #54-Dinosaur Unity (2)

Loosely Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Vs. Go-Busters: The Movie-The Great Dinosaur War! Farewell Our Eternal Friends" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-QUARRY-DAY [The four War Knights, along with hundreds of MaZoDe and Cambeasts, as well as Goldar and his army of Putties, and Zeltrax with his army of Tyrannodrones and Triptoids all converge on the center of the quarry.] D'GOL: Come out, come out, wherever you are, rangers! [The enemies continue to amass, and ready to battle the rangers. Suddenly, twenty-five humanoids enter the quarry.] GOLDAR: Hey, boss! They're here! CHIKYU: D'Gol! You want us? You got us...all twenty-five of us! D'GOL: You can't handle all of us! CHIKYU: Rangers! Suit up! ALL MORPHIN TEAM MEMBERS: (as they place their coins into their morphers) It's Morphin Time! ALL DINO THUNDER TEAM MEMBERS: (as they place the Dino Plates onto the morphers) Dino...

PRPS #53-Dinosaur Unity (1)

Loosely Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Vs. Go-Busters: The Movie-The Great Dinosaur War! Farewell Our Eternal Friends" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [D'Gol, angry as usual complains.] D'GOL: Sentry put me in charge, and we are having a hard time creating new DavroMon! AIGAR: We don't you study up on previous evil factions that fought rangers for some inspiration? [Just as D'Gol is about to electrocute Aigar...he warms up to the idea.] INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Daric lays on a lounge chair near the conference table, remembering all of his Red Ranger friends (from Eternally Red). Chikyu walks into the area.] CHIKYU: Daric...are you okay? DARIC KAYSON: Yeah...just remembering all of those other Red Rangers. What were their teams like? CHIKYU: Brave. In fact...there were three other ranger teams that used the powers of the dinosaurs. DARIC KAYSON: Three!? IN...

PRPS #52-Blind-Date Blues

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #40: “Brave #40: Wowie! Pops Is Broken Hearted" ----------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-DAVROS HELL [Sentry talks with Master Davros, understands what he is saying.] SENTRY: Yes, is only a matter of time. I will make sure preparations are under way. INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Daric makes an announcement to the rest of the team (sans Robbie, who is pre-occupied).] DARIC KAYSON: Alas, poor Robbie. Mari is setting him up on a blind date. CHRIS RUTLEDGE: He didn't look too happy about it, either. INT.-CITY-STORE-DAY [With Mari watching, Robbie tries on all sorts of outfits for the date.] ROBBIE MENDOZA: I don't look good in any of these outfits. MARI UDO: Cheer up, Robbie. You're going on this date! [Robbie turns around to get another outfit, and Mari talks to herself aloud.] Besides...I know how busy you get when you're around the others. EXT.-CITY-D...

PRESS RELEASE: NRIO Network Status Update

THE NRIO NETWORK: STATUS UPDATE FRESNO, CA.-December 1, 2014...Writing of all Power Rangers: Paleo Strike episodes is now to type up and post the episodes. Unfortunately, I was forced to put The NRIO Network on hiatus for the previous six months due to some personal business that I had attend to...a forced move (a.k.a. an eviction). Now, I am in a new home...BUT...there is no land-line for a telephone, and no Internet access, since the nearest library is several miles away, and I do not have reliable transportation. PRPS is fully written, but I have not had time to type most of the final episodes. I have also decided to write a "Americanized Go-Busters" movie (using the actual Go-Busters character and item names), and basically taking elements from several episodes, and turning it into a movie. This will be called "Power Rangers IV: The Go-Busters," and it is completely written, but not typed. I am also working on one for ToQger, but using ...

PRPS #51-Eli's Heir

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #38: “Brave #38: Love Touch! The Too Beautiful Zorima" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Everyone is still upset that they cannot create new DavroMon.] D'GOL: We still cannot create new DavroMon! That makes me infuriated!!! CANDELIRA: Well...I do have an idea. Aigar...will you assist me? AIGAR: Sure. What do you have in mind? CANDELIRA: We will modify this MaZoDe into a DavroMon. AIGAR: How? CANDELIRA: Like this! [Candelira and Aigar use their powers to turn a MaZoDe into a feminine form...a FemZoDe.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Daric jogs in, and sees a punk-rocker coming toward him. The rocker then gets Daric's attention.] DARIC KAYSON: Oh! Eli! It's really you! ELI: I'm wearing this disguise because...I think I may have found one of my descendants...over there. But....