PRESS RELEASE: NRIO Network Status Update


FRESNO, CA.-December 1, 2014...Writing of all Power Rangers: Paleo Strike episodes is now to type up and post the episodes.

Unfortunately, I was forced to put The NRIO Network on hiatus for the previous six months due to some personal business that I had attend to...a forced move (a.k.a. an eviction). Now, I am in a new home...BUT...there is no land-line for a telephone, and no Internet access, since the nearest library is several miles away, and I do not have reliable transportation.

PRPS is fully written, but I have not had time to type most of the final episodes. I have also decided to write a "Americanized Go-Busters" movie (using the actual Go-Busters character and item names), and basically taking elements from several episodes, and turning it into a movie. This will be called "Power Rangers IV: The Go-Busters," and it is completely written, but not typed. I am also working on one for ToQger, but using adapted character and item names. This will be called "Power Rangers V: All Aboard!," which is also completely written. The reason for the ToQger "movie" is that the series is more than thirty episodes in...and I know that I will not be able to catch up.

I would like to start fresh with Ninninger in 2015 (with the tentative name of "Power Rangers: Stealth Force")...but with no Internet, it will be hard. The home desktop computer DOES still work, so I can type them up and save them. I do have minimal Internet access with a relative's Android phone, and will have to rely on descriptions from Wikipedia, or what the discussion boards post about the episode. My family is thinking about getting some sort of cable or satellite Internet, but will have to wait until finances can stabilize more. Because of this, I may have to post episodes several at a time (in bulk) when I can get to the library.

Christopher M. Clark “NightRanger”
Creator & CEO, NightRanger Industries



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