
Showing posts from March, 2016

PRS #1-Return To Animaria (1)

2501: "RETURN TO ANIMARIA (1)" Original Episode -------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [Scenes and music from the Power Rangers: Wild Force finale are shown.] NARRATOR: In two thousand two, the Wild Force Rangers defeated the Orgs and their polluting ways in Turtle Cove. After surrendering their powers to Princess Shayla, the Animarium lifted into the sky, and the now-retired rangers would go their separate ways. Fifteen years later, they reunite. EXT.-CITY-CEMETARY-DAY [In the cemetary, three gravestones, belonging to Richard Evans, Elizabeth Evans, and Dr. Viktor Adler are seen. The six former Wild Force Rangers and their mentor friend, Princess Shayla arrive and gather at the graves for a reunion.] COLE EVANS: Thanks for coming, guys. MERRICK BALITON: Anytime, Cole. DANNY DELGADO: I can't believe that it's been fifteen years! ALYSSA ENRILE SELLERS: It was a special time for us...being Power Rangers. COLE EVANS: ...

Power Rangers: Safari (SERIES PRIMER)

POWER RANGERS: SAFARI STORY: "In 2002, the Wild Force Rangers defeated Master Org, and sealed the Nexus, stopping the Org's polluting ways. Fifteen years later, the Animarium is attacked by a new Org faction, known as the Poachers, and the Wildzords are seemingly destroyed in their Hunting Game. Animus recruits the children of the former Wild Force Rangers to battle the Poachers as the Safari Power Rangers." RANGERS: Colton "Colt" Evans (Red Safari Ranger) Age 15. The son of Cole Evans, the former Red Wild Force Ranger. An animal lover, he assists his father at the Evans Pet Hospital when he is not busy as a Sophomore at Turtle Cove High. Spencer Cooper (Blue Safari Ranger) Age 14. The daughter of Max Cooper, the former Blue Wild Force Ranger. Like her father, she loves recreational bowling in her spare time. She is also on the Freshman swimming team at Turtle Cove High. Gage Bishop (Yellow Safari Ranger) Age 15. The son of Taylor Earhardt-B...