
Showing posts from December, 2017

NightRanger: Power Of The Night

INT.-ELTAR-PALACE-THRONE ROOM-NIGHT [One thousand years ago, the crown Prince of Eltar celebrates his eighteenth birthday with his parents, the King and Queen of Eltar looking on with pleasure.] NARRATOR: A thousand years ago, the evil Battalion Army sweeps through the galaxy, invading planets and assimilating the citizens to add to their army. On the Planet Eltar, a young prince celebrates a milestone. QUEEN ZORANNA: Happy Birthday, son! KING ZORIX: are eighteen years old...and soon, this kingdom will be yours. With that, you must own a beautiful saber. [Zorix hands Zethos a silver and black sword as a present.] I only wish my brother...your Uncle, Zordon was here to see how much you have grown. PRINCE ZETHOS: The's remarkable. KING ZORIX: I am told that it will protect the universe. [Zethos does not comprehend his father's previous words, but looks at the sword in awe as a crowd of thousands look on.] EXT.-OUTER SPACE [A flee...