
Showing posts from August, 2009

PRKW #31-Pink Secrets (3)

Original Episode ----------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-QUARRY-DAY [With the Pink Ranger's Kendo Razor glowing in pink energy, both sides charge into a lengthy battle, before the Pink Ranger begins to lose the battle.] PINK KENDO RANGER: You're going down, Tannin! [The Predator Ranger uses his double-bladed staff to slice through the Pink Ranger's body. She is then flown into the air, and lands awkwardly on her feet. As she grabs her chest, the Pink Ranger suit vanishes from her body. Megan then winces in pain. She then has to make a decision that she'd rather not make, as the other rangers pound on the forcefield.] MEGAN NOIMI: (as she closes her eyes) I Summon The Power From Within! [The Night Ranger armor materializes over Megan's body.] NIGHT RANGER: Night Saber! [The Night Ranger extends her right arm upward as a gold-hilted long silver sword materializes in her hand.] With The Power Of The Night! Night Ranger, Power Up! PREDA...

PRKW #30-Pink Secrets (2)

Original Episode ---------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-DAY [The Night Ranger looks at her hands, and is amazed at how her new powers feel.] NIGHT RANGER: Night Saber! [Like second nature, the Night Ranger extends her right arm upward as a gold-hilted long silver sword materializes in her hand.] With The Power Of The Night! Night Ranger, Power Up! [The villains look afraid as the other rangers look shocked. As the other rangers battle Sharkron and the Stygians, the Night Ranger takes on the Predator Ranger in a swordfight.] You're going down, Predator! PREDATOR RANGER: I got all the time in the world! [With everyone busy, a crimson-clad ranger (with an appearance similar to the Triassic Ranger) is Honoshi, the Magma Ranger. He appears to help the Night Ranger against Predator.] MAGMA RANGER: Don't worry, little sis...I'm here to help! NIGHT RANGER: What!? PREDATOR RANGER: Well,! [Predator laughs maniacally as he s...

PRKW #29-Pink Secrets (1)

Original Episode --------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-NIGHT [Three non-Stygian villains (Queen Batara...a dark gray humanoid bat-creature in a orange skin-tight body-suit with a black cape, Lord Sharkron...who looks similar to Vexacus, and the Predator Ranger...who looks similar to the White Dino Ranger) arrive. They create mass chaos by blasting things at will making innocent citizens flee in fear. Within a couple minutes, the six Kendo Rangers arrive, and begin to battle the three (two-on one style) intensely with their bladed weapons.] RED KENDO RANGER: Who are these freaks!? LORD SHARKRON: We are with the Battalion! You're worst nightmare from the future! BLUE KENDO RANGER: Did I miss something? Where are the Stygians!? PREDATOR RANGER: The Stygians!? Those fools were weak...that's why they don't exist anymore! [The rangers are confused with the villains' comments. During the battle, Batara sympathizes with the rangers...feeling sorry for...

PRND #5-Engine Trouble

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP04: Engine Trouble" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-OUTER SPACE-NIGHT [Two vehicles speed towards Earth...a green orca-shaped motorcycle, and a dog-shaped police car.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-NIGHT [At sunrise, the young adults, Adam, and Alpha continue to watch the two blips approach Earth.] ADAM PARK: Alpha...any idea of what they are? ALPHA SIX: Aye-yi-yi! Wait a second! I'm detecting VehAni energies! RYDER SWANSON: We better get out there. ADAM PARK: Be careful, guys...we have to assume that the Machine Empire is detecting them too. ALPHA SIX: Global has projected their landing area...Angel Grove Pines. RYDER SWANSON: Let's go guys! [The five young adults teleport out of the base.] INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [The villains are following the arriving blips as well.] YOGO: Those two thins are carrying VehAni energy signatures! METALIA: I'll have one of our Machine Beasts ready...

PRND #4-Here's The Scoop!

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP03: Basic Investigation" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Adam wraps up teaching a class, and goes to the counter to grab a bottle of water to drink. Chloe is there to hand him the bottle.] CHLOE WILCOX: Adam...when can I see the Power Center? ADAM PARK: Well...we can go now. [The two go into a secluded area of the establishment to teleport out.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [Adam and Chloe teleport in. Adam shows her around the base. Meanwhile, Alpha is showing Jake and Matt the ropes.] ALPHA SIX: And this is our computer system, Global...the most sophisticated computer on the planet. [All of a sudden, Global's sensor alarms rin out, and alert everyone to trouble in the forest nearby.] MATT SANDOVAL: (into his Defender Shifter) Ryder...trouble in the forest near the base...we'll meet you there. (turning to Jake) Let's go! EXT.-FOREST-DAY [The two teleport in fo...

PRND #3-Global Defenders

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP02: Reckless Guys" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [The three generals are upset that their first attempt to take over the planet was thwarted by the VehAni's new allies...the Power Rangers.] YOGO: Those rangers! METALIA: How will we destroy them? ARGO: We'll take out their water supply. [The chamber opens up to reveal a pipe-like Machine Beast.] EXHAUSTOR: I am Exhaustor! What is your bidding? YOGO: Go and pollute Angel Grove's supply of drinking water...start at it's source...destroy the dam! EXHAUSTOR: Yes, sir! YOGO: And don't fail! [The Machine Beast departs the palace.] EXT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [The three young adults are doing what they can to help at the dojo. Chloe has them working the counter at the juice bar area before opening.] BRANDON CRAWFORD: Now this is something I can enjoy...those classes I took at the culinary academy a while back are gon...

PRND #2-Return Of The Machines (2)

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP01: Allies Of Justice" (second half) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE-DAY [Infernus fires two powerful blasts (one in back of the rangers, and one in front). The blasts are powerful enough to make the trio fall down, and struggle to recover, but quickly do so.] RYDER SWANSON: Ah, that does it! [The three take out their Nitro Morphers as they get up.] ALL THREE: (as they hold their morphers in their left ands, and place the device near their right cheek.) Start Up! [The three press the yellow button to morph. The suits form over the trio as the cuffs spin into place around the tops of their gloves and boots, then the belt forms along with the "seatbelt" straps, then the numerical chest logo appears. The helmets then appear over their heads as they grab for them. The trio then puts their helmets on, and the "side wheels" spin and lock into place as the lights...

PRND #1-Return Of The Machines (1)

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP01: Allies Of Justice" (first half) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-MACHIA-NIGHT [The three main VehAni (Condor, Lion, and Bear) are racing through the sky-streets of Machia, a planetoid in another realm filled with beings made of vehicles and animals. The VehAni are chasing the Machine Empire Gunships, or MEGs, piloted by three members (Yogo, Metalia, and Argo) of a rogue branch of the Machine Empire. Metalia fires on Condor, who launches off of Lion to crash into some MEGs. The Machine Generals retreat from their crafts and flee via a purple wormhole in the sky. EXT.-EARTH-CITY-PARK DOJO-REAR PATIO-DAY (six months later) [A busy Saturday at the dojo. A familiar face is showing a class of about fifteen students the solar eclipse.] ADAM PARK: (showing everyone the shadowbox created to view the eclipse) Okay everyone...get's the apex, where the entire sun is covered. Now, d...

PRJF #5-The Five Deadly Venoms (1)

Based on events from: Gekirenjaa #4 "Zowa-Zowa! The Five Venom Fists" --------------------------------------------------------- INT.-ALMOZAR PALACE-HALLWAY-NIGHT [Reptiza walks around a corner, and into a long hallway with doors on either side. On these doors are window-like openings. Reptiza looks in, and watches the Venoms practice their moves in preparation to battle the rangers. After looking in on Ribbitor, she continues down the hall, with a sinister laugh.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The three un-morphed rangers and Master Tao are training, when a female familiar to Abby walks up to them, wearing a yellow shirt and a brown dress...she is KIRA FORD, the former Yellow Dino Ranger, and Cousin to Abby. KIRA FORD: Abby! ABBY McHENRY: Kira! What are you doing here!? KIRA FORD: Came to visit my favorite cousin, silly! [Shawn and Yoshi continue training. Shawn gets a little overzealous, and almost bumps into Kira, but she leaps and flips out of the way.] YOSHI TANAKA: Whoa! [Kir...