
Showing posts from October, 2009

PRKW #44-Undercover Kendo

{a.k.a. "School Daze"} Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 30: The Manipulated Academy" -------------------------- EXT.-CITY-RIO MESA HIGH SCHOOL-DAY [As Sierra and her friend, Erica exit the campus, they see that a few of the students are in a trance.] ERICA: What is with them!? SIERRA CROFT: It looks like they are in a trance! [Suddenly, an army of Kanizars appear, frightening Erica.] Erica, Get to safety! [Erica runs to hide as Sierra battles the minions unmorphed until Dimitri and Logan arrive.] DIMITRI FEDOROV: You okay, Sierra!? SIERRA CROFT: Yeah! [Soon, Cody, Megan, and Eddie arrive as well. All six battle the minions as a flood of students (including Erica) get in the way. Within minutes, the six team members defeat the Kanizars, and the students are teleported away from the battle, leaving the six alone, and puzzled.] What was that all about!? DIMITRI FEDOROV: I don't will be Sierra's substitute teacher, and Sierra will b...

PRKW #43-The Odd One Out

Loosely Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 29: The Runaway Lantern" -------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-DAY [Logan helps Lumina train and hone his abilities.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [The four villains discuss various ways that they can get rid of the rangers.] OCTO: Well, you have sent a few Aykasi to battle the rangers, and lost every single time! JIGARA: A few!? Well, it seems like you three have lost dozens of times! Oh, and Octo...what exactly is your job around here? I haven't seen you do anything...useful! OCTO: I am the chief strategist of the Stygian Syndicate, Jigara! JIGARA: Really!? What...Defeat after defeat? [A very angry Octo exits the room.] Well...time for my new plan of attack to come aboard...Dokuro! [A red and white, skull-faced Aykasi with a rather long silver sword that has eyes in it surfaces from the river, and comes aboard the ship.] DOKURO: I'm her to serve you, master! JIGARA: Go to the ci...

PRND #40-On The Right Track (1)

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP31: Idol Debut" -------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The seven rangers are battling a Machine Knight called AUDIOTO, who is from a Machian moon called DECIA.] RED NITRO RANGER: Man! This guy's tough! AUDIOTO: I'm just getting amp'ed up! Gearoids! [Several dozen minions materialize, and the rangers charge in to battle them.] INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [The three generals gather in the main chamber.] ARGO: I know of an old Machine Empire faction that can aid us in our battle against the rangers...the Exerthal Tribe! YOGO: Do you know of their location? [Argo looks like he knows.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-CAVE-DAY [Two shadowy figures enter a cave in the mountains outside of Angel Grove, near the Power Center's hidden location. The two wear adventurer outfits. When they come into the light, their identities are revealed.] MACK HARTFORD: Where are we dad? ANDREW HARTFORD: This is the last known location of three ancient machines. [Andrew then see...

PRND #39-The Machine Princess Strikes Back

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP31: Japanese Title" -------- INT.-MOON-MACHINE SKYBASE-NIGHT [Princess Maki is in her quarters trying to come up with a plan to defeat the rangers.] PRINCESS MAKI: Very soon, those rangers will pay dearly for what they did to my servants…especially the Red Ranger! [Maki comes up with an idea…she has a sinister smirk on her face.] Yes…very soon! [Maki laughs maniacally.] INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [The next morning, Ryder enters the dojo a few minutes before his martial arts class starts, and goes to the juice bar counter to talk to the others.] RYDER SWANSON: Hi, guys! JAKE GARABEDIAN: Ryder! BRANDON CRAWFORD: So, are you okay? RYDER SWANSON: Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? [Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, as something is attacking the city. The television near the counter shows a news special report…the city is being attacked…by Maki.] EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-DAY [The seven team members arrive to see a human-looking woman in a white dress attacking b...

PRND #38-The Wheel Of Machia (2)

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP30: Punch Of Friendship" -------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [The seven team members continue to ponder the reason why G.T. and Pit are on Earth. Meanwhile, Ryder is reeling over the revelation that Maki wants to exact revenge on him.] JAKE GARABEDIAN: I'm glad that G.T. and Pit are here...but who is this Maki, and why does she want revenge on you? RYDER SWANSON: Remember when we I came back from Machia and we all fought the three monsters? JAKE GARABEDIAN: You mean when you came back with your Battlizer? RYDER SWANSON: Yeah...well, the two BioMach Beasts, Raiko and Goko were Maki's servants. MATT SANDOVAL: (listening in) Whoa! RYDER SWANSON: Plus...she is a princess...of the Machine Empire. KEIKO OGAWA: She is Gasket and Archerina's daughter!? MATT SANDOVAL: When it rains, it pours. BRANDON CRAWFORD: Global's sensors have not detected her yet. ADAM PARK: She may be on the moon with her parents. INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND...

PRND #37-Hammered! (1)

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP29: Stop Hiroto" -------- INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [Yogo has started to assemble a new Machine Beast called Pounderclaw…a walking hammer with a mallet for his right hand, and a spiked mace for his left hand.] YOGO: Those meddlesome rangers will pay dearly this time! [The energy from Yogo’s hatred is released, and flows into Pounderclaw.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [G.T. and Pit arrive, and meet with Zordon and Alpha.] G.T.: I wanted to let you know that Gasket and Archerina’s daughter, Princess Maki is on her way here to exact her revenge on the rangers…especially Ryder. EXT.-CITY-DAY [Pounderclaw arrives and starts to attack the city.] POUNDERCLAW: I’m gonna pound this city to the ground! [Soon, the rangers arrive, and confront the Machine Beast.] Gearoids! [Two dozen Gearoid soldiers materialize from flying nuts and bolts. The rangers then charge into battle them in hand-to-hand combat. Soon, Yogo arrives to create a diversion for...

PRND #36-Down The Black Hole

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP28: Partner Gunpei" -------- EXT.-CITY-NIGHT [Various people about the city begin to disappear down manholes.] INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [In the morning, the seven team members and the three employees prepare to open the dojo. There is kitchen preparation being completed, as well as some cleaning. The television by the juice bar is on with the local morning news. When the case of the missing citizens catches their eye, they pay attention to the screen.] voice of ANCHOR #1: Our top story...several citizens are mysteriously missing. We now go live to City Hall where the Police Chief, Jerome Stone is about to give us a briefing. EXT.-CITY-CITY HALL-FRONT STEPS-DAY [The city's police chief, who is a very familiar face...Jerome Stone takes to the podium to address a throng of media personnel.] CHIEF JEROME STONE: Thank you, everyone. The Angel Grove Police Department is investigating these cases of missing citizens. I assure you...we are do...

PRJF #40-We Work Together

Based on events from: Gekirenjaa #31: "We Muni-Muni!" -------- EXT.-CITY-STONE CANYON JUNIOR HIGH-DAY [A young boy, named COLIN in a red tee-shirt and blue denim jeans is feeling down. He is approached by Melissa and another boy wearing a blue shirt and black jeans.] COLIN: Guys...I'm sorry that I lost the game, but I need to be alone for a while. MELISSA OWENS:'s okay to lose, sometimes. COLIN: Not me! I'm used to myself. [Colin runs off toward a bridge.] EXT.-CITY-BRIDGE-DAY [Colin runs to the bridge, only to see people fleeing a monster, named FOXARROW. The monster has a bow and arrow weapon. Colin rushes in to confront the monster.] FOXARROW: Come here, kid! COLIN: Leave those people alone! FOXARROW: Oh yeah!? And how is a little squirt gonna stop me!? [The monster charges at the boy, who throws his backpack at the monster. The boy turns to run away, but trips and falls at the end of the bridge. The monster stalks the boy, while...

PRJF #39-The True Tiger (2)

Original Episode -------- EXT.-JUNGLE-DAY [Shawn continues to run toward the city. He receives a call over his communicator from Piper.] voice of Piper McCALL: Shawn...the others need you in the city quick! SHAWN PATRICK: (stops for a few seconds) I'm on my way, Piper! [Shawn forms the wushu pose, then presses the button] Jungle Fury, Beast On! [The Red Ranger suit forms over Shawn.] RED JUNGLE RANGER: Aura of the tiger...aura release! Prowler Mode...rev up! [The tiger aura appears, then transforms into a motorcycle. The Red Ranger hops on and speeds toward the city.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The four captured rangers struggle to break free as Arachna's offspring overrun the city. Reptiza re-appears at Arachna's side.] REPTIZA: Hook them up and drain their energy. [Arachna obliges just as the Red Ranger arrives below.] Ah, the Red Ranger! REPTIZA: He's here!? RED JUNGLE RANGER: Let my friends go! REPTIZA: You have a choice, your friends... ARACHNA: (pointing to ...

PRJF #38-The True Tiger (1)

Original Episode -------- INT.-JUNGLE FURY ACADEMY-LIVING QUARTERS-DAY [The team endures a day of cleaning.] JAZZ RUSSO: (spooked by a spider while dusting a bookshelf) Eww! A spider! [Jazz tries to kill the daddy-long-leg arachnid.] SHAWN PATRICK: (stepping in to rescue the spider, and puts it out a window) You need to be kind to all animals. JAZZ RUSSO: You should have killed it, Shawn! Besides...A spider is a bug...not an animal. INT.-ALMOZAR PALACE-DAY [A spider monster, named ARACHNA drops in from the rafters above, and lands next to Reptiza using her webbing.] MASTER GRIZZ: Arachna...go to the city and create chaos! [Arachna departs the palace.] INT.-JUNGLE FURY ACADEMY-LIVING QUARTERS-DAY [The students continue to clean the room, until Shawn senses trouble.] SHAWN PATRICK: (sniffing the air) Guys...trouble in the city! [The five rangers depart the academy for the city.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The five students arrive to see Arachna webbing the city.] JAZZ RUSSO: Did I mention how much ...

PRJF #37-Dangerous Gifts (2)

Based on events from: Gekirenjaa #30: "The Sei-Sei and Dou-Dou Woman" -------- EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [Dillon rushes to meet his sister, Lily, and gives her a gift bag for her birthday as Reptiza watches...and Dillon knows that she's watching.] DILLON HARRINGTON: Lily! LILY HARRINGTON: Dillon! What's this? DILLON HARRINGTON: Happy Birthday, sis! [Lily hesitates to open the bag.] Open it! [Lily opens the bag and sees the jewelery box. She opens the small box revealing a pendant necklace with a round stone (that looks similar to Tyzonn's crystal in Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive).] LILY HARRINGTON: It's beautiful! But, I have to go to the shop...Dad's expecting me. I'll talk to you later. DILLON HARRINGTON: Okay...bye! [Lily departs. Once she is safely away, Dillon calls Reptiza out.] You can come out now, lizard lips! [Reptiza comes into the open.] REPTIZA: You have something I want! DILLON HARRINGTON: What? A real life!? REPTIZA: Funny! I want...