
Showing posts from March, 2010

PRSG #6-The Not-So-Great Outdoors

Original Episode --------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-DAY [On a bright, sunny morning, Heath is alone, hiking through the quiet and peaceful forest. He pauses for a bit to take a drink of water from his canteen, then continues on.] HEATH REGAN: What a beautiful day! INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-DAY [The three villains spy on Heath, and see that he is all alone.] COMETOSIS: The Red Ranger is all alone! MOTHROS: I suggest we take him out! METROIX: I want to take care of him...personally! MOTHROS: I want to capture him...go to get the Red Ranger with a platoon of Caprisects! METROIX: My pleasure! [Metroix departs the ship with a platoon of minions.] EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Heath continues on with his hike for a little bit, until he comes up to a area of bushes, and hears some rustling.] HEATH REGAN: Who's there, come out and show yourself! [Suddenly, several Caprisects reveal themselves, and converge on Heath.] Not good! [Heath reaches for his service sidearm (Spac...

Ranger News And Views...Coming To An End

It has come to an end...I have decided to end the monthly newsletter known as "Ranger News And Views" due to the fact that most of the time, I do not have the Sentai titles for upcoming episodes in time for publishing. Also, there are instances that I do not have the time to keep up with writing the newsletter. There is a slight chance that RNV might comeback in the future.

PRSG #5-Out Of Tune

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #4: Resound, Singing Angel" --------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-DAY [The team is performing some spring cleaning inside the base. Kyrie dons a dust mask after she has a sneezing attack.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: You okay, Ky!? KYRIE MAXA:'s just the dust. [Soon, Diego grabs a radio, and turns it onto a heavy metal music station, and cranks the volume way up.] HEATH REGAN: (yelling over the music as he and the others cover their ears) Hey, D! Turn that noise down! AQUIOS: Yeah! Pump down the volume! [Diego turns the music way down to a more manageable level.] DIEGO MAXA: Sorry, guys! [The other officers uncover their ears.] EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [A sudden feedback of music sends citizens running. The obnoxious music is coming from the Swarm Alien known as NOTORIOUS, who uses more awful music to attack again. Suddenly the five officers arrive to confront the Swarm Alien.] HEATH REGAN: His music is worse than...

New Company E-mail

The NRIO Network now has a "company" e-mail address for all the fans out there that want to talk to me. Ask questions, send suggestions, etc.

PRSG #4-Sibling Rivalry

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #3: Landick Power, Divided" ---------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-DAY [After a tough couple of weeks, Gabe decides to give the team a day off.] GABE CRENSHAW: has been a tough couple of weeks. That is why, I am giving you all a day off. HEATH REGAN: (after seeing the looks on the others' faces) Sir...we will not use the time on frivolous activity...instead, we will go workout. [The five depart the base.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-DAY [The three Alliance villains come up with a plan.] COMETOSIS: The only way to take over the Earth without the interruption of the rangers is... METROIX: ...Freeze the planet in place! MOTHROS: Excellent! Snailstorm! [The Swarm Alien exits the room.] EXT.-BEACH-DAY [Aquios spends some time hydrating in the water...until the water gets colder.] AQUIOS: Something's amiss...the temperature of this water is now ten degrees colder! I better notify the Admiral...

PRSG #3-It's All In The Cards (3)

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #1: The Tensou Sentai Descends" Tenso Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #2: Fantastic Goseigers" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-DAY [The rangers have finished their roll-calls, and are now battling the Caprisects.] [A hundred Caprisects materialize from the ground, and face the rangers, who look a bit overwhelmed, but ready to battle Scarabus and his Caprisects.] SCARABUS: Attack! [The rangers un-holster their morphers and insert their Adapter Cards to summon the Guardian Adapters.] ALL RANGERS: Insert Card! Power Of The Guardians! [The five default Guardian Adapters fly through the Star Morphers, and the five rangers take hold of them. The rangers then un-holster their Star Pistols, and install their Adapters onto the weapons.] Install! [The five rangers all ready their primary sidearms, and go into battle against the Caprisects. The rangers all perform acrobatic maneuvers, and begin to blast the minions one-by-o...

PRSG #2-It's All In The Cards (2)

Based Upon: Tenso Sentai Goseijaa #1 "Epic 1: The Tensou Sentai Descends" ------------------------------------ EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [Metroix and his platoon of Caprisects arrive, and immediately scout the area.] METROIX: This will be an excellent place to start our expedition! [Metroix stands in one spot as the Caprisects fan out.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM MODULE-COMMAND-DAY [Gabe and McKenna prepare to present Project: S.G. to the five officers.] GABE CRENSHAW: everything ready? McKENNA COHEN: Yes, sir. I hope they're ready. GABE CRENSHAW: (looking at the USB Drive from earlier) They better be...those five are the Earth's only hope. [Suddenly, the alert klaxon sounds. Gabe and McKenna look at the monitors and see that there is trouble in the quarry.] GABE CRENSHAW: (with conviction) Get them in here. It's time to activate them. [The two high ranking officers look very concerned. Within seconds, the five officers re-enter the Operations Command room.] Ok...

PRSG #1-It's All In The Cards (1) [SERIES PREMIERE}

Original Episode ------------------------------------ INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-TRAINING CENTER-DAY (One Month Ago) [Four young Space Command officers (Heath Regan, Diego Maxa, Melissa Crenshaw, and Kyrie Maxa) are going through a harsh training session in the holo-range area, as they are preparing for duty.] DIEGO MAXA: Man! This is brutal! KYRIE MAXA: Hey, cheer up, a few minutes, we'll be out on patrol! HEATH REGAN: Come on you two...enough sibling rivalry...we got to train! MELISSA CRENSHAW: Yeah! [The four continue their training.] EXT.-ONYX-TAVERN-DAY [As three villainous beings depart the tavern, a hooded being approaches with a small box. Soon, a platoon of yellow minion soldiers grab the hooded being's arms.] MOTHROS: Caprisects...begone! [The Caprisects unhand the being, and stand ready. Mothros then opens the box, seeing a yellowish-green glow.] Just what we need to conquer Earth! [One Caprisect seems to act a bit differently than the o...