
Showing posts from June, 2011

Changes To VBC-TV

Aaron Bielert, the President and CEO of VBCnet has decided to cancel the entire Kids-VBC lineup, which includes all episodes of our Power Rangers series' (PRJF, PRND, PRKW, PRSG, and PRTNG) due to low ratings. Now, before anyone gets into a fighting mood, I agreed with Aaron, and decided that this was a good time to leave VBC. I have sent messages of good luck to Aaron, and all showrunners of VBC. The ratings (the number of views on the discussion boards) for PRTNG are low this season compared to the high numbers from PRND three years ago. PRTNG and future Super Sentai series adaptations will continue on the blog (The NRIO Network), and the four discussion boards (Rangerboard, RangerCrew, Henshin Justice Unlimited, and RangerVision) into the forseeable future. Again, I send thanks and good luck to everyone at VBCnet.

PRTNG #20-Ransom (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #16 “Clash! Sentai Vs. Sentai (2)" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [The Red Ranger battles the Gold Kendo Ranger and Solaris Knight Mystic Ranger...the Pink Ranger battles the Mercury Overdrive Ranger and White Morphin Ranger...the Yellow Ranger battles the Gold and Silver Sky Rangers...the Green Ranger takes on the Silver Space Ranger and Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger....and the Blue Ranger faces the White Dino Ranger and Silver Star Ranger.] PACO GAMEZ: You have to realize, have to throw away something to gain something. [The four other rangers are defeated, and forced out of morph, and are roughed up...badly. DeAndre tries to reach for his cutlass, and gets his hand and head stepped on. The Red Ranger is the last to go down. The drones take hold of the other galleon crew.] Let’s go! [Everyone except for Colin teleports up to the Free Joker, looming over the battlefield. Before he teleports up...

PRTNG #19-Rival (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #15 “A Privateer Appears (1)" ------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Everyone in enjoying a quiet day, with the team resting, and Colin playing darts...until, Brock runs in with the latest Space Times newspaper.] BROCK CRANSTON: Everyone! Our bounty has gone up again! It’s up to twelve thousand five hundred and five Zabatars! COLIN SCOTT: (as he grabs the paper from Brock, throws it) That’s only if we go into the depths of space. Navix! Navigate us another clue! NAVIX: I sense big danger ahead! [As Navix moves out of the way, one of Colin’s darts is stuck in the picture of Colin, near the figure’s heart. COLIN SCOTT: Sounds exciting. NAVIX: I have a very bad feeling about this. EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY [A red Zangyu Armada-like ship with a red flag depicting a letter “B” in white inside of a trumpet is heading for Earth, It is called the FREE JOKER. INT.-OUTER SPACE-FREE JOKER-BRIDGE-DAY [A red face...

PRTNG #18-Triangle

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #14 “Now For Traffic Safety" ------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY (ANGEL GROVE)-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The entire crew takes a nap...including Navix, who soon has a vision. She looks similar to the Condor Nitrozord, racing down a street, but has to dodge on-coming big-rig trucks and “melting” traffic signs. She then wakes up, and does her “head-bump” routine on the ceiling of the ship, waking everyone up.] NAVIX: Everyone should obey the rules of the road...oy! [Navix tips over in a comedic ploy. The crew is confused, but intrigued.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Sanbo shows Kraken a video of a human in red...T.J. Johnson, that came into contact with their previous Scallywag, Zangler.] SANBO: Sire...I thought that you should see this. A human interfered Zangler’s mission the other day. The human reprimanded Zangler for trying to cross the street on a red light. PRINCE KRAKEN: And...? Sanbo...this...human’s...

PRTNG #17-DesperateMeasures

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #13 “Tell Me The Way" *Rated TV-14 for Fantasy Violence, Situations, and Language ------------------------------------------ INT.-RIO MESA-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The morning after their big two day battle with Delzei, the team relaxes. Colin just wakes up, and grabs an apple from the bowl on the table. Brock is fixing an electrical item as DeAndre does sit-ups and Keri is admiring her jewelery collection.] DeANDRE TAYLOR: ‘Morning...did you sleep well? COLIN SCOTT: Yeah...that medicine that Paolo and Talia put on me really worked! Where’s Nikki? BROCK CRANSTON: She went window shopping at the outdoor marketplace. She should be back soon. EXT.-RIO MESA-PLAZA-OUTDOOR MARKETPLACE-DAY [Nikki admires the various merchandise for sale at the various booths. As she passes a window display, she doesn’t know that she is not alone...a man named Elias is watching her every move. Nikki walks away from the marketplace to head back to the ship. ...