PRTNG #63-All-Dolled-Up

Based Upon
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #44: “A Wonderful Christmas Eve”
[King Monarchius is thinking to himself.]

Maybe I underestimated those rangers.

Sire...I have a friend who just became a Scallywag...and has an amazing ability...he can turn people into dolls.

You two go down there, and raise some chaos!

[An unusually grouchy Keri along with Kieran walk to a plaza square where a Christmas Tree is being set up. A man in a Santa Claus suit is standing next to a man in a panda bear outfit.]

Look! It’s Santa with the T-V character Pandy The Panda!

[The two are handing out presents for the less-fortunate kids. Keri and Kieran then walk a little bit further.]

[The two crewmen come to a playground and a group of children decorating another Christmas Tree. A boy (SAGE) is up on a ladder, trying to put up the star. Suddenly, the ladder wobbles a bit, and Sage starts to fall. Kieran runs in to catch him. Sage’s sister (Sara) comes over to reprimand her brother.]

Sage! What did you do!

[Sara starts to calm down.]

I’m so sorry about this!

(trying to reassure Sara)
Really, it’s no problem! Why don’t I top the tree.

I am the coordinator for this youth center here in the park. This tree is for those that do not have a tree at home.

[Keri follows Sara to a table, where she is making hand-made dolls, and looks on. Soon, Dyran along with some minions, and the Scallywag BIBOO (pronounced “BEE-BOH”) approach the area. Biboo uses her wand to turn a young man into a doll in front of his girlfriend.]

Doll Up!

[Biboo then starts turning other humans into dolls. The sight of the Zangyu force sends citizens fleeing in fear. Within seconds, the Zangyu force approaches the playground, with Keri and Kieran noticing them.]

Everyone! Get to safety!

[When Sara tries to get a hesitant Sage to run away, Biboo uses her staff to turn him into a doll. Sara is then in harm’s way when she kneels down to pick up the doll as Biboo prepares to turn her into a doll.]

Sara! Look out!

[Kieran rushes in to protect Sara, and gets turned into a doll.]


[Keri rushes in to recover the Kieran-doll, and blasts at the Zangyu with her musket. Suddenly, the Zangyu are blasted by the other four rangers, as they repel down the drag-chains from the galleon. The Green Ranger goes to check on Keri and Sara.]

They turned Kieran and some other humans into dolls!

[The Green Ranger rejoins the others when both sides charge into battle. Unfortunately, the battle thrashes the area, including toppling over the Christmas Tree. Keri then rushes in to help the others.]

Doll Up!

[Biboo accidentally turns two Red Scurvies into dolls, but quickly reverses the process.]


(much to Biboo’s chagrin)
So that’s how it’s done!

Let’s use the Alien Ranger keys!

[The five insert the keys into their morphers, and turn them to transform into the Alien Rangers, and continue to battle. Dyran pulls out his Dyranmer to enlarge it, and squash the rangers, forcing them to tuck and roll, and back into their Hero Ranger forms. Upon recovering, the five rangers see that Dyran and his forces got away. The team runs off to catch up to the Zangyu force, but the Yellow Ranger decides to hold back when she sees Sara near the fallen Christmas Tree. The Yellow Ranger de-morphs, and Keri approaches the area. Sara is dis-heartened as she looks at the Sage-doll.]

It’s all my fault...and now, Christmas is ruined!

Not yet. Can you make a doll like this?

[The four rangers leap in, and face the four Zangyu. The four charge in with their weapons, but Dyran uses his Dyranmer again to try and swipe at the quartet to force them back.]

We got to get that wand!

[All eight charge in to melee-battle.[

[Keri is handed the doll that Sara made.]

I want to go with you...I got Sage into this mess, and I want to help get him out.

[Keri reluctantly agrees.]

[The battle rages on. Keri then sneaks in behind Biboo, with her target being her wand, and moves into action.]

Just what do you think you are gonna do? Doll Up!

[Biboo attacks Keri, but she barely gets out of the way, and tosses the “fake” doll into the open.]


[Upon Biboo reaching down to pick up the doll, Keri rushes for the wand, but the Scallywag sees what she is up to.]

I don’t think so! Doll Up!

[Biboo finally turns Keri into a doll. The Scallywag saw that the first doll was a fake. The Red Ranger tries to battle Dyran, but instead gets a gut-punch from the Dyranmer. The four recover and face the four Zangyu. Both sides charge into battle, but the Zangyu do not realize that Sara is nearby, holding Keri’s morpher and key. With conviction, Sara inserts the key to morph into the Yellow Hero Ranger, and runs in to grab the wand after kicking Biboo in the rear. The sight of the Yellow Ranger gets the attention of the other four.]

That’s for turning everyone including my brother into a doll!

Dyranmer! Batter up!

[Dyran uses his hammer like a baseball bat to knock the four rangers away, and out of morph. The Yellow Ranger then places the dolls in her possession down, and shouts out the command.]



[Every doll is turned back into a human. With Sage not seeing his sister, the Yellow Ranger de-morphs to reunite with him, and to return the Hero Morpher and Yellow Hero Ranger Power Key back to Keri. Sara then hands the wand over to Keri, who hands it over to Kieran.]

(as he breaks the wand over his knee)
We’re not your little toys anymore!

[The others rush over to rejoin Keri and Kieran.]

Good job! Now...get to’s time for us to get to work.

[The six utilize their morphers and keys, and transform into Hero Rangers.]

Heroes Setting Sail For Adventure! Power Rangers, hya!

[The two Red Scurvies combine their staffs to send an energy blast to the rangers, but all it causes is sparks. The Yellow and Silver Rangers the rush the enemy, and battle the Red Scurvies. The Red Ranger tosses his cutlass to the Yellow Ranger, as she tosses her musket to him. The Yellow Ranger then perform her “sword yo-yo” maneuver on a Red Scurvy as the Silver Ranger uses his trident on the other. The two soon overpower the two minions. The six rangers decide to change up into various Yellow Rangers (Red>Wild Force, Blue>Morphin, Yellow>Overdrive, Green>Wind, Pink>Star, and Silver>Chi).]


(angered, ordering in the Red Scurvies)

[The rangers ready their various weapons and attacks, and charge in. The Overdrive Ranger uses her Drive Claws, followed by the Wind Ranger and his Shadow Dance with his Ninja Sword. The Morphin Ranger uses his Power Daggers, followed by the Star Ranger with her morpher and Star Card for the Rock Rush to produce two boulders to crash into the minions. The Chi Ranger rushes with his staff to slice followed by the Wild Force Ranger leaping up to attack with his claws, and the two Red Scurvies are destroyed. An angry Biboo powers up a wing to sweep at the rangers, striking them. The strike engulfs the six in explosions to knock them back into their Hero Ranger forms. The core team members then utilize their morphers and Battle Ranger Power Keys, and transform into Battle Rangers.]

voice of HERO MORPHER:
Battle Power!

[The core rangers use their powers’ dancing prowess. Another melee battle breaks out. The Red Ranger uses his spear on the general and Scallywag as the Silver Ranger watches. Feeling left out a bit, he gets an idea.]

Colin! Brock! Can I borrow your Hero Keys?

[The two rangers toss their keys to the Silver Ranger, who concentrates enough to merge the keys, and changes up into the Spirit Hero Ranger. The ranger uses his cutlass and musket on the two enemies, and the two are driven back.]

Battle Sticks! Battle Stick Cannon!

Spirit Blast And Slash!

[The dual attack forces Dyran back. Biboo cackles in red energy bolts before collapsing backwards, and exploding. The rangers then revert to their default Hero Ranger forms just as three pink beams hit Biboo and the two Red Scurvies to revive and enlarge them. The Red Ranger grabs his Hero Morpher, and presses “5-5-0-1-*” to summon the galleon. The galleon arrives, and drops the drag chains to pick up the core rangers. The Powerzords are deployed, and quickly form the Hero Megazord. The Silver Ranger places the Quantum Time Force Ranger Power Key into the Hero Caller, closes the cover, and presses “0-0-0-*” to summon the Tri-Legend from the future, leaps up into it’s cockpit. The Hero Megazord is immediately forms, but the Tri-Legend Drill flies in to attack the Red Scurvies, taking them down.]

Hero Bomber!

[The megazord fires cannonballs at Biboo, then charges as the Silver Ranger inserts his Green Morphin Ranger key into the control console to form the Tri-Legend Dino, and continues to battle the Red Scurvies, and attacks with a spinning drill tail as the Hero Megazord uses it’s Dual Heroic Sabers on Biboo, who leaps up to kick the megazord in the chest to knock it backward.]

She’s getting on my nerves!

[The Yellow Ranger uses her Mystic Key to summon the Mystic Dragon to burn Biboo, who goes down and quickly recovers. The Green Ranger uses his Ninja Storm key to summon Minizord, who throws his clubs, making the Scallywag spark. The Red Ranger then uses his Nitro Defender key to summon the Nitro Eaglezord and cell . The Silver Ranger then inserts his White Dino Ranger key to form the Tri-Legend Megazord. Minizord and Eagle then combine their attacks.]

Ningen Dual Slash!

Form the Ultrazord!

‭The chest hatches on both megazords open up to reveal beams of light, which forms the Hero Cell, and both zords take hold of it, and insert the cell into Eagle’s driver side holder. All three then start to combine into one massive megazord.]

‭Heroic Legend...Ultrazord!

‭[The Heroic Legend Ultrazord faces the much shorter Biboo.]

‭Heroic Super Power Punch!

‭[The attacks from the Mystic Dragon, Delta Runner One, Lion Wildzord and Minizord combine with the Ultrazord. Biboo cackles in red energy bolts, and sparks.]

‭It isn’t the most wonderful time of the year!

‭[Biboo collapses and explodes. The Ultrazord then turns around to pose victoriously as the rangers celebrate in the cockpit.]

‭[That night, the crew helps clean up the playground area, and re-trim the Christmas Tree.]

‭I want to thank you guys again for your help.

‭It was nothing.

‭There’s only one thing missing! Snow!

‭I can help take care of that!

‭[Keri takes her morpher, and inserts the White Mystic Ranger key.]

‭Magi Staff! Hero Storm!

‭[Snow starts falling over the city. The crew then politely excuses themselves to head back to the ship for their own party.]

‭[Upon returning to the ship, Navix tells the team that something is amiss with the key chest.]

‭Guys! The Key Chest is glowing!

‭[The six crewmen all go to investigate. Colin opens the chest allowing the glowing Battle Ranger Power Keys to float upward and flash in the hands of the five core crewmen.]

‭I guess we acquired the Battle Ranger powers.

‭[The team looks out the window to see that is it really snowing. Soon, the six turn to see the man in the Santa suit on the ship.]

‭I am really the former Black Battle Ranger. You rangers saved Christmas...and you have been rewarded. Merry Christmas!

‭Let’s celebrate!

‭Episode #64. AncientJustice (1)
‭Colin receives a strange call telling him that if he wants the Red Morphin Master Jewel, come to Dubai. But what will happen when the Zangyu double team the rangers?
‭NOTE: Episode #64 “AncientJustice, Part 1“ was originally scheduled to be posted this week, but I decided to push it back to next week so both parts could be posted at the same time.


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