Mid-Season Press Release
FRESNO, CA.-JUNE 30, 2015...Production on "Power Rangers: Shinobi Force" is continuing in full-force. Now that we are basically caught up on the posting, NightRanger Industries is planning a "Posting Hiatus" for six weeks...after the July 14th posting, and will post new episodes on September 1st. Production (writing and typing) WILL however continue through the hiatus so as that there will be episodes ready to post.
We have also looked at upcoming available air dates for the Shinobi Force source material, "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger," and see that the finale MAY air on February 7, 2016, with "Super Sentai 2016" premiering on February 14, 2016. SO, we have decided that Shinobi Force will be extended from sixty-five (65) episodes to seventy-two (72) episodes.
July 07: Episode #29: Surf's Up!
July 14: Episode #30: The Un-Raged Rage
July 21-August 25: HIATUS...
36-38: The Ancient Curse (1-3)
The rangers travel to a hidden village on Japan's Mt. Fuji to visit Trist's friend, Tadori, only to find that the temple there was taken over by the Demon Core's Samurai general, Yujazu, whose mission is to find the evil dragon. Trist finds that Tadori was turned into a dinosaur, thanks to a curse placed on him by Yujazu and his Yujabo.
39. The Shuriken Secret (1)
It is discovered that the Shurikens that summon the Auxiliary Shinobizords contain ranger powers. But who will receive them?
40. The Shuriken Secret (2)
With help from the visiting Tadori, Andrew is able to master Ninjutsu. Now, the Auxiliary Zord Shurikens are sought by the Demon Core.
"New Rangers! New Zords! New Friends! New Enemies! Find out what is in store for the Shinobi Rangers as they continue their fight against the demon core! The second half of Power Rangers: Shinobi Force...begins September 15, only on NightRanger Industries Online!"
FRESNO, CA.-JUNE 30, 2015...Production on "Power Rangers: Shinobi Force" is continuing in full-force. Now that we are basically caught up on the posting, NightRanger Industries is planning a "Posting Hiatus" for six weeks...after the July 14th posting, and will post new episodes on September 1st. Production (writing and typing) WILL however continue through the hiatus so as that there will be episodes ready to post.
We have also looked at upcoming available air dates for the Shinobi Force source material, "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger," and see that the finale MAY air on February 7, 2016, with "Super Sentai 2016" premiering on February 14, 2016. SO, we have decided that Shinobi Force will be extended from sixty-five (65) episodes to seventy-two (72) episodes.
July 07: Episode #29: Surf's Up!
July 14: Episode #30: The Un-Raged Rage
July 21-August 25: HIATUS...
36-38: The Ancient Curse (1-3)
The rangers travel to a hidden village on Japan's Mt. Fuji to visit Trist's friend, Tadori, only to find that the temple there was taken over by the Demon Core's Samurai general, Yujazu, whose mission is to find the evil dragon. Trist finds that Tadori was turned into a dinosaur, thanks to a curse placed on him by Yujazu and his Yujabo.
39. The Shuriken Secret (1)
It is discovered that the Shurikens that summon the Auxiliary Shinobizords contain ranger powers. But who will receive them?
40. The Shuriken Secret (2)
With help from the visiting Tadori, Andrew is able to master Ninjutsu. Now, the Auxiliary Zord Shurikens are sought by the Demon Core.
"New Rangers! New Zords! New Friends! New Enemies! Find out what is in store for the Shinobi Rangers as they continue their fight against the demon core! The second half of Power Rangers: Shinobi Force...begins September 15, only on NightRanger Industries Online!"
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