
Showing posts from 2013

PRPS #30: Tears Of Ice

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #24: “Brave #24: Burn! The Seven Kyoryugers" ------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Aigar wipes a tear from his eye before picking up a rock to skip it into the nearby stream as Candelira and Lukuro watch.] AIGAR: What are we going to do now!? CANDELIRA: Sentry and D'Gol are gone...they were inside Master Davros when the rangers destroyed him! [Icious then appears, flanked by two Cambeasts.] ICIOUS: I know what we can do! Exact our revenge on those pesky rangers, and humanity! [Icious then flexes his powers to turn tears (including Aigar's) into ice.] INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team celebrates a bit, clank their drinking glasses in a toast. Miko then sees that Chikyu his something on her mind.] MIKO INOUE: What's wrong, Chikyu? CHIKYU: Our mission is not over, yet. We only destroyed Davros, Sentry, and D'Gol...the others survived. As long as ev...

PRPS #29: Shades Of Purple (4)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #23: “Brave #23: Go! Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin (3)” ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Lukuro, Candelira, and Aigar arrive, joining D'Gol in watching Master Davros face the megazord. The four cheer on their master.] SENTRY: This will be your oblivion, Power Rangers! RED PALEO RANGER: (as Master Davros stalks the fallen robot) Come on, guys! We got to destroy that thing! [Soon, Kylo and Cephala arrive, and blast at Master Davros to drive him back a bit. The two zords then combine with Tyranno to form the Paleo Megazord-Hammer Mode.] CHIKYU: Daric! Are you insane!? You can't control that megazord alone! RED PALEO RANGER: Watch me make history, Chikyu! [The Red Ranger tries to attack with the Cephala's mace, but it is deflected back, striking the megazord. Master Davros then blasts the megazord with an energy beam from his mouth. The strength of the blast...

PRPS #28: The Master's Revival (3)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #22: “Brave #22: Im-Poss-ible! Deboth’s Resurrection (2)” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-PARK RIDGE GENERAL HOSPITAL [A restless Kofi is laid up in a bed suffering from back pain, tries to sit up, but a nurse lays him back down.] KOFI ARMSTRONG: I want outta here! NURSE: Please lay down sir! You are not well! [Kofi relents, lays down per the nurse's insistence.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry is ready to proceed with his plans.] SENTRY: It is time to display the amounts of human emotions collected so far. [The three emoti-columns light up one by one...but the columns for anger and joy still are not completely full.] I see we are still lacking a bit in anger and joy. We cannot allow all ten Paleozords to assemble, or our efforts will be all for naught. I will add my own power to the mix. D'GOL: You're going to awaken Master Davros? You kno...

PRPS #27: Mystery Of The Battlezord (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #21: “Brave #21: Zuon! Plezuon Returns (1)” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-DAY [The six team members announce themselves with a shortened roll-call.] RED PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Red Paleo Ranger! BLACK PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Black Paleo Ranger! BLUE PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Blue Paleo Ranger! GREEN PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Green Paleo Ranger! PINK PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Pink Paleo Ranger! GOLD PALEO RANGER: (posing with colored explosions) Gold Paleo Ranger! ALL RANGERS: (posing with colored explosions) Power Rangers...Paleo Strike! [Both sides enter into battle with their weapons and abilities. The Mega DavroMon trio try their sphere attack again, but this time, there are two spheres, and both Icious and Possessor attack the rangers,...

PRPS #26: The Hero Of The Sea (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #21: “Brave #21: Zuon! Plezuon Returns (1)” ------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-PLANET Y'NOS-SURFACE-NIGHT [A male ranger, clad in purple uses his Buckle-Comm to scan a rock.] PURPLE PALEO RANGER: That's it, everything I was looking for. Let's go home. I need to report my findings to Chikyu. [A ship, ready for launch awaits the Purple Ranger. The ship is another Paleozord...a Plesiosaurus. The Purple Ranger enters the cockpit, and the zord lifts off, heading for Earth.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry senses the Paleozord that is approaching Earth.] SENTRY: The Plesio Battlezord is on it's way back to Earth. It is one of the more dangerous Paleozords that the rangers will have. D'GOL: But the ranger piloting that zord will not be a problem...he's too old! AIGAR: But that hasn't stop the Gold, Cyan, and Gray Rangers. SENTRY: I want that zor...


Hello, all! Here is a little update. So far, six Power Rangers: Paleo Force episodes have been written, and will be typed up this week. It includes the "Deboth Awakens\Plezuon\KyoryuViolet" arc. I am currently writing the “Endolf’s Arrival\Daigo Goes Dino” two-parter Since my netbook laptop computer "died and went to the digital beyond" several weeks ago, it has been very hard trying to accomplish my writing. In the meantime, I have been "window shopping," and trying to save up money for another, but right now it looks like a year or two longer until I can get one on my own. I am stuck using a desktop computer that for Internet use is a very, very, very slow dial-up, and not in a well lit area of the house. On the home desktop, I CANNOT access Facebook, Yahoo, and a couple other sites they way that they are supposed to work due to the speed of the connection. I can go to a nearby library, but I am limited to two hours a day, three days a week......

PRPS #25: Future Shock

Original Episode ‭------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‭EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [On a Saturday morning, Robbie is in the park, kicking around a soccer ball back-and-forth with his niece, Rina.] ROBBIE MENDOZA: You’re getting good, Rina! RINA UDO: Uncle Robbie...what’s it like being a ranger? ROBBIE MENDOZA: It is the greatest feeling ever...having the ability to help others, and protect the universe. RINA UDO: When I grow up, I want to be a ranger too! ROBBIE MENDOZA: I have no doubt that you will make an excellent ranger. INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [The three War Knights and Lukuro all gather in the main chamber. The quartet await Sentry, who then enters.] AIGAR: (anxiously) So, whose turn is it to lead a mission? SENTRY: All of yours. Master Davros wants to try to divide and conquer the rangers. [Sentry puts his hand on each of the three “Emoti-columns” to create an army of Cambeasts.] EXT.-CITY-ROBBIE’S HOUSE-D...

PRPS #24: The Cursed Wish

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ ‬Episode‭ ‬#20:‭ ‬“Brave‭ ‬#20:‭ ‬Unluckyu‭! ‬The Tanabanta Windfall‭!" ‭------------------------------------------------------------------------ ‭EXT.-CITY-NIGHT [At‭ ‬dusk,‭ ‬a DavroMon stands on top of a tall building,‭ ‬and taunts at the city.‭] DEMON WISHER: Tomorrow is Wish Day,‭ ‬and I will make all you wishes come true‭! CANDELIRA: Let‭’‬s spread some joyful presents‭! LUKURO: With some deadly consequences‭! [The‭ ‬evil trio laugh maniacally at the city as Demon Wisher releases his powers to make slips‭ ‬of paper fly all over the city.‭] EXT.-CITY-ROBBIE‭’‬S HOUSE-NIGHT [Rina puts her wish slip onto a tree,‭ ‬and calls to the others,‭ ‬and all‭ (‬except for Daric‭) ‬write down their wishes on the slips.‭] MIKO INOUE: James has been onto me about my grades again‭…‬so here‭’‬s to a good grade on my next exam. TYSON KIRKLAND: My Kendo stick is getting pretty beat up. KEN FERRADAY: I‭’‬ve always wanted to try so...

Ingenuity at work...possible solution to computer probs.

Well, I think my ingenuity was working a bit of overtime last night, and it is proving somewhat successful. I took a piece of copper wire from an old co-axial TV antenna cable, and stuck it into the adapter for my computer, and stuck it into the computer, and searched for what I call the “sweet-spot.” As soon as it connected (and the cord shoved up against something). [see pics below] I was able to fully charge my computer battery. Although, this set-up is a bit temper-mental, and I do not know how well this will work in the long-run, I am happy that this will give me some more time with this computer, and I can get some things done. I did call up a trusted local computer repair shop. They told me that the cost of the part, and for them to install it would cost $125...but, due to the size of my tiny netbook, the repair may compromise the motherboard. I am still in the market for another computer though, and am saving up little by little by recycling.

Message From The CEO of NightRanger Industries...

Hello, fans. This is just to let you know that there are more computer problems that are occurring. The company laptop is now pretty much down. The pin that I must attach the power cord to broke about a week ago, alas there is no other way to recharge the battery, which is on the verge of being depleted (only 30 min. or less left on it). I am in the process of saving up funds to purchase a new laptop, but that may take quite some time, as I do not work, and am using money saved from recycling. I am also thinking of doing a Kickstarter campaign to get funds a bit faster. I do have in place a contingency plan, but the timing of getting episodes up will be sporadic, due to my having to use the library, and the fact that the home desktop uses dial-up...but they will be put up. Episode #23, "The Cute DavroMon" has just been put up, and expect #24, "The Cursed Wish" between Saturday and Tuesday.

PRPS #23-The Cute DavroMon

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #19: “Brave #19: Kyawaen! Kidnapped Family" ---------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Ken practices his Kendo in the park. A young boy, named MICHAEL walks alone to school, and comes face to face with three bigger boys, who start to bully the youngster. Michael just cowers to the ground as the trio of bullies wale on him. Ken tries to go help Michael, but the boy is able to get up as the bullies run off. Suddenly, two adults come running to the boy's aid, and begin to "smother" him...they're his parents.] KEN FERRADAY: Is he okay? MICHAEL: Mommy...Daddy! I needed help, and he would not come to help me. KEN FERRADAY: I was approaching when the bullies ran off. I thought you were able to handle the situation after they left. MICHAEL'S MOTHER: You must come to the aid of a youngster every time! KEN FERRADAY: (as Michael and his parents walk away) Bu...

PRPS #22-A Paleo Pounding (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #18‬: “Brave #18: Caught! Kung-Fu Strike (2)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-ROOFTOP-DAY [Daric stands at a railing, thinking to himself.] DARIC KAYSON: (thinking to himself) What did I do wrong? [Chikyu appears, and tries to comfort Daric.] CHIKYU: Do not resent Elias. After all, he was the first Paleo Ranger to morph with a Paleo Charger...and knows first hand how frightening the Davros Legion is. Long ago, he lost his loved ones in the battle...because he was not strong enough. [The Gray Warrior appears, and kicks at Daric, who has to dodge the move.] GRAY PALEO WARRIOR: need not waste your time with Mister Kayson...he’ll never be good enough. [Daric recovers, but must battle the Gray Warrior in kung-fu combat. The warrior then elbows Daric in the chest to knock him down. Daric recovers enough to activate his Paleo Charger, and inserts it into ...