PRSF #16: A Warrior's Way
Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #11: "Shinobi #11: Shinobimaru, Come Back!" ------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [In the morning, Ian and Trist spar. Once the others enter, everyone sits down to some breakfast.] BROOK PADILLA: Breakfast is ready! INT.-DEMON CORE-DAY [The healed Kuraizo is ready to get back to action.] KURAIZO: Monukye! Think of a plan to lure the Red Ranger into another duel for me! In return...I will provide you more assistance in fully resurrecting Lord Genghis! INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Back at the dojo, everyone finishes their meal. X, who practices magic as a hobby, performs a few tricks...much to Trist's dismay.] X WYATT: (pulling flowers from his shirt sleeve) Voila! TRIST EMERSON: know that you can't mix magic with Ninjutsu. X WYATT: And why not? I think they can co-exist together. INT.-CITY-THRIFT STORE-DAY [Monukye and three Oni enter the store, and...