FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NIGHT RANGER INDUSTRIES/THE N.R.I.O. NETWORK TO CEASE OPERATIONS, PRODUCTION OF CURRENT ADAPTATION, "POWER RANGERS; SAFARI" CANCELED. FRESNO, CA.-May 14, 2016...It is with deep regret that "NightRanger Industries" (with it's subsidiary, "The NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network") is ceasing operations, and thus, the current current Super Sentai-To-Power Rangers adaptation, "Power Rangers: Safari" is officially canceled, effective immediately. As the sourl "jack-of-all-trades" employee of all the productions (owner\writer\etc.), I feel that with recent "trials" within my family, I cannot devote the necessary time to write full seasons. In 2012, I did not adapt Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters due to burnout. In 2013, the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger adaptation was slowed to a crawl due to a move, and was finally finished in 2014...which delayed Ressha Sentai ToQger into oblivion. The adaptati...