
Possible return to writing - Kiramager adaptation

I am strongly considering adapting Mashin Sentai Kiramager into Power Rangers: Prism Guard. Premiere episodes would be posted beginning in April 2020.

NightRanger: Power Of The Night

INT.-ELTAR-PALACE-THRONE ROOM-NIGHT [One thousand years ago, the crown Prince of Eltar celebrates his eighteenth birthday with his parents, the King and Queen of Eltar looking on with pleasure.] NARRATOR: A thousand years ago, the evil Battalion Army sweeps through the galaxy, invading planets and assimilating the citizens to add to their army. On the Planet Eltar, a young prince celebrates a milestone. QUEEN ZORANNA: Happy Birthday, son! KING ZORIX: are eighteen years old...and soon, this kingdom will be yours. With that, you must own a beautiful saber. [Zorix hands Zethos a silver and black sword as a present.] I only wish my brother...your Uncle, Zordon was here to see how much you have grown. PRINCE ZETHOS: The's remarkable. KING ZORIX: I am told that it will protect the universe. [Zethos does not comprehend his father's previous words, but looks at the sword in awe as a crowd of thousands look on.] EXT.-OUTER SPACE [A flee...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NIGHT RANGER INDUSTRIES/THE N.R.I.O. NETWORK TO CEASE OPERATIONS, PRODUCTION OF CURRENT ADAPTATION, "POWER RANGERS; SAFARI" CANCELED. FRESNO, CA.-May 14, 2016...It is with deep regret that "NightRanger Industries" (with it's subsidiary, "The NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network") is ceasing operations, and thus, the current current Super Sentai-To-Power Rangers adaptation, "Power Rangers: Safari" is officially canceled, effective immediately. As the sourl "jack-of-all-trades" employee of all the productions (owner\writer\etc.), I feel that with recent "trials" within my family, I cannot devote the necessary time to write full seasons. In 2012, I did not adapt Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters due to burnout. In 2013, the Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger adaptation was slowed to a crawl due to a move, and was finally finished in 2014...which delayed Ressha Sentai ToQger into oblivion. The adaptati...

PRS #4-The Loose Cannon"

Loosely Based upon: Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger, Episode #3: "I Want To Go Home, But I Can't" --------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The team scours the city, looking for Caleb...even putting out missing persons flyers.] COLT EVANS: (handing a flyer to a citizen) Please, if you see him, call this number. [The citizen nods her head in understandment.] INT.-SPACE-THE ARK-LABORATORY-DAY [Zoldos is working with perfecting Rhyax.] ZOLDOS: Soon, you will be the perfect "war machine" in our Hunting Game! EXT.-CITY-DAY [Overlooking a busy freeway, a Hunter, X-BOW, plans his attack, then fires his crossbow and destroys a few vehicles. The drivers barely escape the flames. Meanwhile, the Hunter attack attracts the senses of the team.] GAGE MYERS: There's a Hunter in the city! SPENCER COOPER: Let's go! [Spencer, Gage, and Benny head to the scene. Back at the freeway, X-Bow leaps around onto the hoods of s...

PRS #3-Safari Search

Loosely Based upon: Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger, Episode #2: "Don't Underestimate This Planet!" --------------------------------------------------- INT.-SPACE-THE ARK-LABORATORY-NIGHT [In a darkened room, Zoldos is looking and taunting at something along a wall. It is Caleb, who is in a cage with a glass window...going stir-crazy.] ZOLDOS: You are my prize in this Hunting Game, young human! You are my new play toy...and I have plans for you! CALEB SELLERS: (yelling) Let me out! [As Caleb continues to yell, Zoldos laughs maniacally and moves to a control console.] ZOLDOS: You are not in any position to make any demands. [Zoldos presses a couple buttons and throws a lever. Caleb's cell fills up with white smoke and light blue energy bolts.] Your friends will be forced to take part in my game...where you are the pawn that they have to fight! [Another flip of a lever clears the cell, revealing a monstrous rhinocerous-like being.] I shall call you.....

PRS#2-Champions Of The Earth (2)

Loosely Based upon: Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger, Episode #1: "The Exciting Animal Land" ----------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-THE ARK-MAIN CHAMBER-NIGHT [Mobius readies a Hunter to send to Earth.] MOBIUS: Dojaku! You will be the one to go down to Earth and play. DOJAKU: Those puny Earthlings won't know what hit them! INT.-ANIMARIUM-TEMPLE-DAY [The priests hand out white and blue cubes to the teens.] LEAD PRIEST: These cubes are your Safari Morphers. They will equip your with powerful suits to protect you in battle, and an arsenal to defend the Earth from the Poachers. The Wildzords were damaged in battle. [The priests all use their staffs to transform the statuesque animals into small cubes, and they land on a table surface.] The Wildzords have been transformed into a cube form to recover their powers. In time, they'll be able to transform into the new Safarizords. [Five Zord Cubes all react, and transform their corresponding Morphers i...