Major Change Coming To PRSF

Hello, fans...

It is with sad regret that I will have to end Power Rangers: Shinobi Force prematurely. Although, I will not end the series in a cliffhanger. Currently, PRSF is at 32 episodes. I am in the process of producing a final three-part episode to wrap the series at 35 episodes.

I originally wanted the series to end with 72 episodes...but a major medical emergency in the family is the culprit in making me end the series early, since I need to step up and take care of my family member (my mother), and her needs (her care, paperwork, errands, etc.) leaving me with no time for writing the series.

With the reveal of "Super Sentai 2016," "Dobutsu Sentai Jyuohger," I would like to adapt the new series come Spring 2016...but right now, it is a "yellow-light" and not a "green-light" attitude, meaning that I am not sure if I will be able to write the upcoming series.

Again...I apologize for this. I did not want to end PRSF early...but things do come up, and emergencies happen that force changes. Again, I hope to adapt Jyuohger in 2016. Be expecting the PRSF finale around the end of 2015.


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