
Showing posts from January, 2010

Ranger News And Views (February 2010)

Hello fans, and welcome to the February 2010 issue of "Ranger News And Views." + My Adaptations (PRKW) - 2010 Adaptation (PRSG) + Super Sentai (Shinkenger) - Super Sentai 2010 (Goseiger) + Power Rangers (MMPR v2) + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): January closed with the final story-arc before the finale. Sanzu is gone, and Iod has full power. Due to trying to combine the actual Shinkenger finale storyline with some of my own plot-plans, I will expand the finale to a four-parter (all will be posted on the same day), and the series episode count to seventy-two. The finale, will be based off of Acts 48-49. UPCOMING EPISODES- week of FEB 07- Pre-empted for PRKW finale preparation week of FEB 14- #69 "Sealed! (1)" week of FEB 14- #70 "Sealed! (2)" week of FEB 14- #71 "Sealed! (3)" week of FEB 14- ...

PRKW #67-The Showdown Clash (3)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 46: The Showdown Clash (3)" ----------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Dimitri and Sanzu ready themselves for a fight. They both have their swords drawn, and Dimitri takes off the bandage that was around his head.] SANZU: You're mine, swordsman! DIMITRI FEDOROV: Bring it! [The two charge into a seemingly endless swordfight while trading slices and punches.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [Logan searches for Dimitri with no luck.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The battle continues on a suspended rope-like bridge high above the edge of the park near the forest.] SANZU: You're even weaker without your ranger powers! DIMITRI FEDOROV: And you are weaker without your human side! SANZU: You and your ranger friends took that from me! And for that, you shall pay! [Meanwhile, down below, Paolo is searching for Dimitri, and locates the bandage that was around Dimitri's head.] PAOLO NOIMI: (concerned) Oh, no! [Paolo then looks up to see his grandson and San...

PRKW #66-Changes (2)

1866-"CHANGES (2)" Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 44: The Eighteenth Head Of The Shiba House (1)" Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 45: The Impersonator (2)" ----------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The Kendo Superzord continues to struggle against Yomatsu's attacks. Suddenly, the Superzord cackles in blue lightning bolts before breaking apart into it's components.] ALL RANGERS: We lost the megazord! [On the ground, Dimitri sees the Superzord breaking apart...a tear rolls down his bruised cheek.] BLUE SHOGUN RANGER: We're still in the fight, guys! [The rangers recover, and try to battle Yomatsu in their individual Kendozords (with the lion sitting out, since it does not have a pilot), but they continue to struggle.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [Paolo greets Talia with open arms.] PAOLO NOIMI: Welcome home, Talia. TALIA NOIMI: (looking at the monitors) The other rangers are in dire need of help. PAOLO N...

PRKW #65-Target: Red (1)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 44: The Eighteenth Head Of The Shiba House (1)" --------------------------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [It is two weeks before Thanksgiving, and the team is celebrating the defeat of Jigara. After a few minutes, a villager appears, and hands Paolo an envelope.] VILLAGER: Excuse me, Paolo...this just arrived from Mount Hikoma. PAOLO NOIMI: Mount Hikoma!? [As Paolo reads the contents of the envelope, the villager excuses himself, and departs. A huge smile breaks out on Paolo's face.] EXT.-CITY-BEACH-DAY [Sanzu draws his katana, and admires it.] SANZU: I vow to use you again in battle... [Sanzu then re-sheathes his katana.] to cut down the Red Ranger! [Sanzu looks out to sea.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Octo talks to a wading Iod.] IOD: It is time to fight fire with fire. [Iod fishes a snake-like item from the water, gives it to Octo.] Give this to Yomatsu. It will negate the el...

PRKW #64-Jigara's Last Stand (6)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 43: One Last Sword" ------------------------------ EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-QUARRY-DAY [Jigara continues to encourage Sanzu to open the final gateway as the six rangers and Crustacea look on in horror as Jigara ties the Blue, Green, and Gold Rangers up with his "fingernail vines," then flings them toward the others.] RED SHOGUN RANGER: (as he combines his Shogun Razor with the Bullzooka to form the Super Bullzooka) I've had enough of this! Fire! [The Red Ranger fires the weapon at Sanzu.] JIGARA: No! [Jigara intercepts the blast, and deflects it back toward the rangers to force them out of morph. The six grab their chests in pain as Sanzu readies his Katana to open the gate.] Sanzu! What are you waiting for!? Open the gate! [Sanzu turns to strike Jigara with the katana. Jigara cackles in purple-black lightning bolts.] SANZU: You have controlled me long enough, Jigara! [Sanzu stabs Jigara in the upper chest....

PRKW #63-Gateway To Darkness (5)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 43: One Last Sword" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-BEACH-DAY [The rangers draw their weapons (Kendo Razors and Solar Dagger) and battle the Kusanizars for a few minutes.] JIGARA: Sanzu! Continue your mission! [Soon, Sanzu completes the spell, which dissolves the barrier between Earth and Purgatory. The opening creates a massive explosion of energy. The rangers and Sanzu are wounded, as Crustacea barely escapes. The sky above turns a fiery orange as Jigara walks toward the opening. The rangers recover to their feet, and try to block Jigara.] RED KENDO RANGER: We won't let you succeed, Jigara! JIGARA: (as he blasts the team back for a loop) You have no choice, rangers! You're power cannot stop me! [Jigara arrives at the gateway to Purgatory. As the rangers, Sanzu, and Crustacea look on in horror, a second explosion knocks the team out. Within a few seconds, Dimitri recovers, and starts to check on ...

PRKW #62-Jigara's Wrath (4)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 42: Two Centuries' Ambition" --------------------------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-NIGHT [Paolo briefs th e team about their previous battles with the Stygians as they continue to grieve for the loss of Aiden.] PAOLO NOIMI: Okay guys...these dots represent where all your previous battles have taken place. EDDIE CALLAHAN: Ah, memories. PAOLO NOIMI: (as he removes all dots that pertain to Iod's plots) And the remaining dots here represent your battle with Jigara and/or his Aykasi. MEGAN NOIMI: They're all in a straight line!? PAOLO NOIMI: We need to know what this means. I could be nothing...but it could also spell disaster for everyone. [Everyone starts looking through the computer and printed archives for answers.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-NIGHT [Jigara meets with the Aykasi known as Insectivox.] JIGARA: Insectivox! INSECTIVOX: (as he comes aboard) Yes, master!? JIGARA: (hand...

Quick Update...

Hello fans, and Happy New Year! Here is a quick scheduling update on the final few episodes of "Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors..." Due to the "crunch time" on the final nine episodes, I'm afraid that I will have to make some slight changes to the posting dates. Episodes 65-66 were to be posted on the week of January 10, 2010, but will now be posted on consecutive weeks (Episode #65 on the week of January 10, Episode #66 on the week of January 17), thus pushing Episode #67 and Episode #68 back a week. Please see below for the updated (and final) posting schedule... #62 w\o January 3 #63 w\o January 3 #64 w\o January 3 #65 w\o January 10 #66 w\o January 17 #67 w\o January 24 #68 w\o January 31 #69 w\o February 14 #70 w\o February 14 Since the home computer is still acting up, contingency plans are still in place, and postings are on a "week of" basis instead of exact days. This will be until further notice, and may run into postings of "Power Range...

Schedule update for final PRKW episodes...

Hello fans, and Happy New Year! Here is a quick scheduling update on the final few episodes of "Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors..." Due to the "crunch time" on the final nine episodes, I'm afraid that I will have to make some slight changes to the posting dates. Episodes 65-66 were to be posted on the week of January 10, 2010, but will now be posted on consecutive weeks (Episode #65 on the week of January 10, Episode #66 on the week of January 17), thus pushing Episode #67 and Episode #68 back a week. Please see below for the updated (and final) posting schedule... #62 w\o January 3 #63 w\o January 3 #64 w\o January 3 #65 w\o January 10 #66 w\o January 17 #67 w\o January 24 #68 w\o January 31 #69 w\o February 14 #70 w\o February 14 Since the home computer is still acting up, contingency plans are still in place, and postings are on a "week of" basis instead of exact days. This will be until further notice, and may run into postings of "Power Range...