Ranger News And Views (February 2010)
Hello fans, and welcome to the February 2010 issue of "Ranger News And Views." + My Adaptations (PRKW) - 2010 Adaptation (PRSG) + Super Sentai (Shinkenger) - Super Sentai 2010 (Goseiger) + Power Rangers (MMPR v2) + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): January closed with the final story-arc before the finale. Sanzu is gone, and Iod has returned...at full power. Due to trying to combine the actual Shinkenger finale storyline with some of my own plot-plans, I will expand the finale to a four-parter (all will be posted on the same day), and the series episode count to seventy-two. The finale, will be based off of Acts 48-49. UPCOMING EPISODES- week of FEB 07- Pre-empted for PRKW finale preparation week of FEB 14- #69 "Sealed! (1)" week of FEB 14- #70 "Sealed! (2)" week of FEB 14- #71 "Sealed! (3)" week of FEB 14- ...