
Showing posts from February, 2010

Ranger News And Views (March 2010)

Hello fans, and welcome to the March 2010 issue of "Ranger News And Views." Grab a slice from Jungle Karma, and enjoy! + My Adaptations - Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors (Wrap-Up) - Power Rangers: Star Guardians + Super Sentai - Tenso Sentai Goseiger + Power Rangers - MMPR v2 + The Rumor Mill + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): Well, another season has come and gone, and so has Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors. It is always sad to have a season come to an end, especially when you devote so much time and energy to it. I must confess that I have had some tough hardships writing the series (due to the motifs of traditional Japanese culture and Samurai warriors. I am a bit glad that it is over, but am sad at the same time. 2010 ADAPTATION ("POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS"): The three-part premiere episode ("It's All In The Car...

PRKW #72-Sealed! (4) [SERIES FINALE]

Loosely Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 49: The Super Sentai Is Eternal" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-QUARRY-DAY [The six rangers face Iod after morphing.] RED KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Fire! I am Dimitri Fedorov, Red Kendo Ranger! BLUE KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Water! I am Cody Egawa, Blue Kendo Ranger! PINK KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Air! I am Megan Noimi, Pink Kendo Ranger! GREEN KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Wood! I am Eddie Callahan, Green Kendo Ranger! YELLOW KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Earth! I am Sierra Croft, Yellow Kendo Ranger! GOLD KENDO RANGER: I Have The Spirit Of Light! I am Logan Kingston, Gold Kendo Ranger! ALL RANGERS: The Orikami Spirits Are Here To Stay! Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors! RED KENDO RANGER: You're going down, Iod! IOD: (snarlin...

PRKW #71-Sealed! (3)

Loosely Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 49: The Samurai Sentai Is Eternal" ---------------- INT.-CITY-DOWNTOWN-STYGIAN SHIP-DAY [The rangers, on the top deck face insurmountable odds as they face hundred of minions.] ALL RANGERS: (posing) The Orikami Spirits Are With Us, Power Rangers! [The rangers upgrade into their Orikami Spirit Modes, and attack with their enhanced Nature Sword attacks to put dents into the minion population. The six draw their bladed weapons (which are now a bit longer, and sleeker), and charge in.] RED ORIKAMI RANGER: Blazing Inferno! BLUE ORIKAMI RANGER: Ice Storm! PINK ORIKAMI RANGER: Cloud Burst! GREEN ORIKAMI RANGER: Vine Whip! YELLOW ORIKAMI RANGER: Rockslide! GOLD ORIKAMI RANGER: Electro Burn! ALL RANGERS: Orikami HexaSlash! [The combined effort from all six rangers defeat several minions, but more remain.] RED ORIKAMI RANGER: There are six of us, and hundred of looks like it's gonna be a long day! [The six rangers look...

PRKW #70-Sealed! (2)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 48: The Final Great Decisive Battle" {THE 200TH NRIO EPISODE!!!} ----------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The next morning, a recovered Talia enters the base.] TALIA NOIMI: My friends...I am resigning as the Red Ranger. CODY EGAWA: (angered) Right now is not the time, Talia! TALIA NOIMI: But it is the time, Cody. MEGAN NOIMI: Well, sis...who is your replacement? [The team waits in awe of who will replace Talia as the Red Ranger.] TALIA NOIMI: The rightful person... [Soon, Dimitri enters the base, and approaches Talia, then turns around. He then reveals that he has the Kendo Cell. Without speaking a word, the other team members are surprised, but happy.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [On what appears to be a normal time in the city, every vent, crack, sewer grate, etc. glows an eerie red color, making the citizens very nervous. Soon, water from the River Styx flows through the openings to flood parts of the city...

PRKW #69-Sealed! (1)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 48: The Final Great Decisive Battle" --------------------- EXT.-CITY-BEACH-DAY [The Kendo Superzord destroys the last of the Ibizars. The Red and Gold Rangers set their eyes on Iod.] RED SHOGUN RANGER: Look! GOLD KENDO RANGER: Iod! [A severely weakened Crustacea stumbles toward Iod, and bows at his feet.] CRUSTACEA: My lord! IOD: You have done well, is time for you to rest...forever! [The rangers watch in horror as Crustacea's Koda drops from her hand. Iod then absorbs Crustacea's body and spirit, and lets out a primal scream.] The time has come for the final battle, Power Rangers! [Iod then grows to his giant form. The Red and Gold Rangers command the Kendo Superzord.] GOLD KENDO RANGER: Lobster Swords! RED SHOGUN RANGER AND GOLD KENDO RANGER: Turbulence Slash! [The attack has no effect as Iod makes the robot spark and smoke.] RED SHOGUN RANGER: Rangers! Come aboard! [The other rangers enter the Kend...

PRSG Information

POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS The following fanfic is inspired by and based on Tensou Sentai Goseijaa, which is property of Toei Ltd., and the Power Rangers name is from The Walt Disney Company. This Fan-fiction was written for entertainment purposes only. Most of the stories (there are some originals) are adaptations for American audiences (although this is open to everyone)...some content has been changed from the original to fit this. All of the character names are original conceptions, some descriptions may be based off of the original. The persons and events depicted in this photoplay are ficticious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or deceased, or actual events is purely coincidental and unintentional. Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition is not recommended, unless you ask me first (PM me!). Copyright, MMX, MMXI (2010-11) NightRanger Industries -------------------------------------------- CAST- Taran Noah Smith (Officer Heath Regan/Red Star Ranger) Rami M...

PRKW #68-Fight To The Finish (4)

[a.k.a. "The Flood Of Evil (4)"] Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 47: Bonds" --------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-DAY [Dimitri and Sanzu joust through several fire blasts. The two let out primal screams, leap upward to attack each other with full fury. Upon landing, they continue to swordfight.] INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-DAY [Crustacea and Octo talk in the main room.] OCTO: It is time to revive our leader. [Crustacea looks out a window to the surface of the River Styx, sees the energy flashes from Sanzu's battle with Dimitri.] CRUSTACEA: Yes. It is time. EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-DAY [As the sun begins to set, Dimitri and Sanzu continue their duel as Megan, Eddie, and Sierra run toward them.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-NIGHT [Cody is ever so conflicted with himself. A villager reveals his's the mysterious fisherman that helped Cody catch the Marlin Ke...

Official PRSG Press Release

PREMIERE DATE SET FOR THE FOURTH NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES ONLINE NETWORK ENTRY INTO THE "POWER RANGERS" FRANCHISE, "POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS." FRESNO, CA.-February 4, 2010...Even though the 'real' "Power Rangers" has ceased production, Production is progressing well on the fourth installment of "Power Rangers," "Power Rangers: Star Guardians" from The NightRanger Industries Online Network, led by Writer Christopher Clark. All iterations of "Power Rangers" feature adventure, action, comedy, and drama wile teaching valuable lessons about the importance of teamwork. Stories are accented by the heroes' extraordinary powers, martial arts, acrobatics, special effects, and relatable characters that, in addition to the growing pains most people face, must work to triumph over evil. "Power Rangers: Star Guardians" will premiere on the affiliantes of the NightRanger Industries Online (N.R.I.O.) Network on March...