Ranger News And Views (March 2010)
Hello fans, and welcome to the March 2010 issue of "Ranger News And Views." Grab a slice from Jungle Karma, and enjoy! + My Adaptations - Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors (Wrap-Up) - Power Rangers: Star Guardians + Super Sentai - Tenso Sentai Goseiger + Power Rangers - MMPR v2 + The Rumor Mill + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): Well, another season has come and gone, and so has Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors. It is always sad to have a season come to an end, especially when you devote so much time and energy to it. I must confess that I have had some tough hardships writing the series (due to the motifs of traditional Japanese culture and Samurai warriors. I am a bit glad that it is over, but am sad at the same time. 2010 ADAPTATION ("POWER RANGERS: STAR GUARDIANS"): The three-part premiere episode ("It's All In The Car...