
Showing posts from April, 2010

Upcoming Episodes

Note: [tbp-To Be Posted]. All dates are subject to change. 12 Conflict Of Interest (tbp: May 7) Due to their opposite personalities, Melissa and Kyrie come into conflict, landing Heath right in the middle of it...but when a Swarm Alien infects the guys, it is up to the girls to work together to save the day. 13 Blue Vengeance (tbp: May 14) Before The Alliance attacked Earth, Aquios had a partner, who was killed in action by a Swarm Alien. Now, that monster is on Earth, and Aquios goes after him with vengeance in mind. 14 Return Of The Psychos (1) (tbp: May 21) The Alliance villains are ready to upgrade the Data Cards that they brought with them, and unleash it's programming onto Gardenville and the rangers. 15 Return Of The Psychos (2) (tbp: May 21) The Neo Psycho Rangers unleash their newest weapon onto the rangers...their own megazord! 16 Cheer Up! (tbp: May 28) The rangers face a Swarm Alien that absorbs all forms of power, endangering a hospital during a little girl's ope...

PRSG #11-Glitch

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #8: Runaway Gosei Power" ------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [The five officers watch Kevin as he draws an amazing picture of a bowl of fruit with crayons.] HEATH REGAN: That looks great, Kevin! KEVIN BILLINGTON: I got some extra paper...wanna draw with me, Heath? HEATH REGAN: I'd like to...but I am not a great artist. KEVIN BILLINGTON: You don't have to be a great artist to be one, Heath. [Heath then runs off in embarrassment.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: He'll be back...he's just embarrassed. [Suddenly the alarm klaxon sounds...trouble has been detected in the city. The four remaining officers exit the base.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The latest Swarm Alien, Flyzap is on a overpass, and uses his ability to create chaos with a traffic signal, causing a huge traffic mess. He then zaps a black S-U-V to make it's lights blink, horn honk, and run out of control, causing an accident. The five ...

Japan Hero Access-UPDATE!!!

Well, going to Japan Hero's main page will redirect to "Syracuse Social." I guess this means that JHA is no longer affiliated with the NRIO Network. To all the members (and board owner, Jeff) that were a part of JHA, I wish them the best of luck. For statistical purposes, the numbers for JHA are now frozen, just like what I did for the four or five boards last season. Final JHA numbers (as of April 15, 2010)- Members: 5, 229 Pages: 1 Replies: 6 Views: 344

Japan Hero Access

Hello fans... Every Thursday, I perform a statistical count of the various discussion boards I post these stories on...sort of like a ratings system. With this, I can gage how well the certain episode does, or even how the series is going when compared to the last series. Yesterday, I noticed that Japan Hero Access was not responding, even though the parent site was. Below is what the site gave me: The requested URL /forums/index.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I am afraid to announce that if this is not resolved in the next 3-4 weeks, then I must pull the affiliation with the site, and label them as a inactive affiliate as of April 15, 2010, and freeze all statisitical numbers associated with that board...which I would hate to do, but have to. If the NRIO Network leaves JHA, then I wish all of the members, and the board's owner, Jeff, the best of luck. By the way......

PRSG #10-Lessons Of The Land

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #7: Protect The Land!" ------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-DAY [The five officers are just coming out of a local market with a bag of groceries for the week. The five can't wait to go home for lunch.] DIEGO MAXA: Can't wait to get back to eat lunch...I'm starving! [Suddenly, Melissa sees an elderly man struggle to carry his groceries, runs toward him to help, with Diego following.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: Sir...I see that you are struggling with your groceries...can I assist? MAN: Yes...I can use some help. I live on the farm down the road. [Diego looks at Heath and Aquios, who motion for them the go ahead. The three continue on down the road.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-DAY [The latest Swarm Alien, Atauba is performing some research on Gardenville.] EXT.-CITY-FARM-DAY [Diego finds himself farming as Melissa does some housework for the man. Diego starts to go towards a fenced-off area, when the man sto...

PRSG #9-Red's Fitness Challenge

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #6: Breakout Goseigers" ---------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-GYMNASIUM-DAY [Gabe has put our heroes through their paces with a fitness test. The last test for the day...pull-ups, and Heath is looking a bit nervous. Everyone does well, then it's Heath's turn.] GABE CRENSHAW: Okay, Regan...your turn. HEATH REGAN: (thinking to himself) I can do this! [Heath grips the pull-up bar, and tries to do a pull-up...but he just hangs there. The team teases him a bit with snickers and smirks.] AQUIOS: Come on, Heath! [Suddenly, the alarm klaxon rings out, and the team departs the gym for the control room.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-DAY [The team runs in, and looks at the monitors.] HEATH REGAN: There's a Swarm Alien in the city. ALL OFFICERS: Let's go! [The five officers depart the base for the city.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The team arrives in the city, to find the Swarm Alien (Dragospeed) along with a platoon of ...

Episode #8-Cure For The Uncommon Cold (2)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #5: Magical Hyde" ---------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-BILLINGTON LABS-DAY [The Black Ranger runs after Sicko, who has already fled the area. Soon, the doctor rushes outside.] SUSAN BILLINGTON: You must hurry! Remember...I need his D-N-A to make the antidote! According to my research data, the kids do not have much time...only ninety minutes...or they will become Caprisects...permanently! BLUE STAR RANGER: Guardian Spear! [The Blue Ranger rushes to join the Black Ranger in battling Sicko as the doctor watches on with some hope.] EXT.-CITY-PARK [The Black Ranger uses his Guardian Axe to take swipes at Sicko, but the Swarm Alien dodges, until one swipe hits his armor.] BLACK STAR RANGER: No, way! Not even a scratch! SICKO: That's right, Black Ranger! My armor protects me! Bet you armor can't protect you from me? [Sicko delivers three punches to the Black Ranger's gut, and a fireball blast to make the Black...


Well...the time has come for me to hang up my pen. That's right...The NRIO Network will be no more as of now. I thank everyone for their viewership, and following. READ BELOW Happy (belated) April Fool's!!! The NRIO Network will be around for a while longer.

PRSG #7-Sick Day (1)

Sorry that this one is a day late. Life gets in the way sometimes, with not enough time in the day to get things done, and also, the time change (from a couple weeks ago) is still affecting me. ----------------------------------- Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #5 : Magical Hyde" ----------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-DAY [The team is going through their daily briefing when the Admiral tells everyone about something going on.] GABE CRENSHAW: Now...I have been receiving reports that smart school children are coming down with mysterious illnesses...much like the flu. MELISSA CRENSHAW: That's awful, father! GABE CRENSHAW: Furthermore...some of the ill kids are now missing. HEATH REGAN: We need to figure out what to do! [The team tries to come up with some plans.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-HIVE SHIP-COMMAND ROOM-DAY [Cometosis gives Mothros and Metroix an update on his plot.] COMETOSIS: plan is working! The Swarm Alien that I have...