January Episodes

‭Here are the January episode summaries for Power Rangers: Star Guardians...

‭>Episode #68: The Wrath Of Androis (1)
‭The Atlantrons set out for a direct attack against the rangers. Scheduled to be posted on January 7, 2011.

‭>Episode #69: The Wrath Of Androis (2)
‭The rangers battle Androis in a epic battle with the fate of humanity on the line. Scheduled to be posted on January 14, 2011.

‭>Episode #70: The Traitor Of Space Command (1)
‭Admiral Crenshaw tells the story of a former Space Command Captain named Andrew Trujillo, an officer who was expelled from the force for intentionally injuring Austin, then sending Boilweevil to battle the Blue and Green Rangers. Scheduled to be posted on January 21, 2011.

‭>Episode #71: Adapting To Darkness (2)
‭The rangers discover that Trijira has access to orbs that he can use similar to Star Cards, and Adapters that he can turn into monsters. Scheduled to be posted on January 28, 2011.

‭>>Episode #72 will be posted on February 4, then Episodes #73-75 (the series finale) will be posted on February 18. The debut for the next adaptation will be on March 4.


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