
Showing posts from May, 2011

PRTNG#16-Warrior-In-Blue (2)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #12 “The Guaranteed Showy Samurai (2)" ------------------------------------------ INT.-RIO MESA-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The three crewmembers (who are able to) oogle over DeAndre’s note.] NIKKI BUCHANAN: He was acting a bit weird yesterday. BROCK CRANSTON: In battle, as Shireikan was about to clobber him, it looked like he saw a ghost of his past. [Nikki starts to use her morpher to call DeAndre.] COLIN SCOTT: (waking up, still in pain) Leave...him be. He’ fine. [Colin sits up a bit.] More importantly...what’s...for breakfast? [The rest of the crew seem relieved.] FLASHBACK [DeAndre continues to walk down the sidewalk. As he walks, he takes a stroll down memory lane. He remembers his first assignment for the slaughter innocent to be exact.] SCURVY: Your first assignment...kill them! [He can’t do the task, and is immediately labeled a coward after being beaten up. A Scurvy wants to show how it’s done...

PRTNG #15-Warrior's-Way (1)

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #11 “The Serious Rebellion (1)" --------------------------------------------------- EXT.-TEMPLE-DAY [DeAndre is practicing with two Crossbone Cutlasses as Nikki and Brock watch. DeAndre comes to a stop as Brock gets up to approach him, but accidentally trips up on a raised brick. DeAndre tosses one of his swords in front of Brock so he can use it to catch himself.] BROCK CRANSTON: You did that to protect these flowers? DeANDRE TAYLOR: I did that to help you, man. [Brock recovers, and pulls the sword out of the ground. Suddenly, the morphers beep.] voice of NAVIX: A very large Zangyu ship has showed up! DeANDRE TAYLOR: We’re on our way! EXT.-RIO MESA-DAY [The Hero Megazord lands in the city with it’s Dual Heroic Swords drawn, and battles some Scurvies with them. ALL RANGERS: Power Bomber! [The megazord charges up the Hero Cannon, and fires the cannonballs at the Scurvies to destroy one of them. The rangers then insert their S.P.D. Pow...

Upcoming Episodes

UPCOMING EPISODES (titles, summaries, and post dates subject to change) May 28 15. "Warrior’s-Way (1)" "Beware of a Samurai". The galleon crew begin their search, then are introduced to Talia Noimi, who asks for the Ranger Keys from them. When DeAndre faces Shireikan, the Zangyu general shows off a sword move, which he recognizes as belonging to an old friend. 16. "Warrior-In-Blue (2)" DeAndre finds Shireikan's sword as the cyborg arrives to reclaim his weapon. Later, he goes back to help after Talia gives him a Kendo Disc to even the odds. The gathered team assume the forms of the Kendo Rangers to defeat Delzei, then destroyed by the new Kendo Mode of the Hero Megazord. June 4 17 "DesperateMeasures" Nikki decides to go for a excursion to a marketplace, where she is kidnapped by a desperate young man, but the events are blurred when a Scallywag stirs up trouble while looking for a dangerous substance from a meteorite, which is in the kidnap...

PRTNG #14-Altered

Original Episode ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The five crewmen talk on the viewscreen with their parents.] voice of BILLY CRANSTON: I have sent a program to the ship. You need to download it, and watch it. voice of HAYLEY OLIVER: The program contains information on the past ranger teams, including weapons, zords, and the enemies that those teams have faced. voice of TOMMY OLIVER: Also, we are working on something exciting to help you out...but it is taking a little longer than expected. We’ll keep in contact. Power Mountain...out. BROCK CRANSTON: Got it. COLIN SCOTT: Let’s watch our heritage. [The team watches the video from various seats in the room.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [The four villains discuss their next plot.] PRINCE KRAKEN: I want some do we get rid of those rangers! SANBO: I do recall that previous forces that the ranger teams fought in the past did involve attacking them mentally. ...

PRTNG #13-Fueled

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #10‬: Card Game" ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The five crewmen are sitting around the table, playing cards.] COLIN SCOTT: One pair. NIKKI BUCHANAN: Two pair. KERI SCHMIDT: Three pair. BROCK CRANSTON: (feeling confident) Four of a kind. DeANDRE TAYLOR: Got you all beat... [DeAndre lays his cards out on the table.] BROCK CRANSTON: No way! A royal straight flush! Never seen one of those before! [Colin gets frustrated, and calls for another game. Suddenly, the alarm rings out, and the ship shakes violently. The crew sees the problem...a fleet of Zangyu ships!] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The Hero Megazord in it's Mystic Mode is in the midst of battle, and takes out several ships.] BLUE HERO RANGER: (seeing a green ship) Wait! Don't fire on that green ship! RED HERO RANGER: Why? INT.-CITY-GREEN FLEET SHIP-BRIDGE-DAY [A red and green Scallywag commander, YAKUBRI is seen shuffli...

PRTNG #12-Wild

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #9‬: The Lion, Runs" ---------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-GALLEON-CROW'S NEST-DAY [Nikki, Keri, and DeAndre are in the crow's nest with binoculars, looking for the Animarium.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Inside, Brock is conducting a sensor search as Colin steers the ship in the wheel-house.] BROCK CRANSTON: You sure about this, Navix? NAVIX: Have I been wrong before? [Brock looks unsure of Navix' prophecy.] voice of RED HERO RANGER: Prepare to circle the Earth for a fourth time. EXT.-CITY-GALLEON-CROW'S NEST-DAY [Nikki sees a funny-looking cloud that was there the last time around.] NIKKI BUCHANAN: That cloud was here last time around. KERI SCHMIDT: Funny...clouds do not stay in the same location or stay their shape very long. voice of RED HERO RANGER: Let's take a look! [The Red Ranger spins the wheel to make the ship turn sharply, which throws around everyone else in the ship...

PRTNG #11-Spygame

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #8‬: Little Spy Tactics" ------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-DAY [The Hero Megazord is in the middle of battling a trio of Scurvies. The rangers use an "X" cut to gain the upper-hand.] RED HERO RANGER: Everyday, it's the same old thing! Let's use our Mystic Keys to finish these losers off! [The five insert their Mystic Keys, and turn them to power the megazord up into...] ALL RANGERS: Hero Megazord,‭ Mystic Mode! ‭[The three Scurvies prepare themselves.] ‭Mystic Bind! ‭[The Mystic Dragon leaps off of the megazord to encircle the three and bind them together. The three Scurvies cackle in red energy bolts, and explode as the megazord poses victoriously.] ‭INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY ‭[Kraken is very upset as usual, and wants Shireikan to go with him to select another Scallywag.] ‭PRINCE KAKEN: ‭Those blasted rangers! Shireikan...let's go choose another Scallywag! ‭[K...