
Showing posts from July, 2013

PRPS #19-The Lost Batteries (2)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE-NIGHT [Ken tries to remain optimistic during his capture.] INT.-FRANCE-FOREST-CABIN-NIGHT [The dark energy continues to flow into the Spinosaurus Paleo Charger.] EXT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE-DAY [At dawn, the five core team members prepare to storm the building.] DARIC KAYSON: Let’s go. [The five enter the building with their blasters drawn, and fingers on the triggers.] INT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE-DAY [Once inside, the five are met by a small army of MaZoDe and some Cambeasts. The five utilize their Paleo Blasters and Dino Blades to fight unmorphed.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: Let’s take them down! MIKO INOUE: For Ken! [After taking down some minions, the five feel the need to morph. The five stand in a row, take out their Paleo Chargers, activate them, and place them into their blasters.] ALL: Let’s Rock! [The five press the triggers on their weapons. The Paleo Ranger su...

PRPS #18-The Lost Batteries (1)

Original Episode --------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Erutan walks among the trees. It seems that he is on a mission. Suddenly, a cloaked figure captures Erutan.] INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [Chikyu is growing increasingly worried as Erutan, who went on a mission to find the Spinosaur Paleo Charger has not checked in.] CHIKYU: (worried) Where are you, my son!? INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry wants Candelira and Aigar team up to create a red and blue colored bicycle-themed DavroMon.] CYCLOPATH: I am the ‘tour de force,’ Cyclopath! D’GOL: More like ‘tour de farce!’ SENTRY: What can you do, Cyclopath? CYCLOPATH: (demonstrating his abilities) I can create and control bicycles, that look innocent and fun...but are anything but that! INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The six team members, along with Rezi all meet with Chikyu.] CHIKYU: I summoned all of you here to reveal that along with these twenty-three Paleo Chargers, th...

Posting Day Changes

This is just to let everyone know that The N.R.I.O. Network is officially moving the posting day of future Power Rangers: Paleo Strike episodes to Sundays beginning today.

PRPS #17-Robbie And The Angry Robot

(a.k.a. “D’Gol’s Ambition”) Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #15‬: “Just Get It Right! Dogold's Ambition" --------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-FUTURE SCIENCES INSTITUTE-LOBBY-DAY [Four scientists walk out of a hallway, and into the lobby of the building.] SCIENTIST #1: We can’t put money toward an expensive power supply unit! AARON SINCLAIR: Why not? [Robbie and Mari enter the building. They were hired to clean and organize the records room. Robbie recognizes one of the scientists.] ROBBIE MENDOZA: We are from Park Ridge Trade Services...Aaron? AARON SINCLAIR: Well, if it isn’t Robbie Mendoza! Haven’t seen you since... AARON SINCLAIR AND ROBBIE MENDOZA: High School! [The two hug and shake hands a bit.] AARON SINCLAIR: Last I heard you had all of a sudden left your job at that brokerage. Why? ROBBIE MENDOZA: My Brother-In-Law passed away, so I stepped in for him...and for my sister. This is Mari. [Mari is a bit inf...

PRPS #16-Schooled

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #14‬: “Oh, No! Spirit Base" ---------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-MIKO’S HOUSE-LIVING ROOM-NIGHT [Miko is sitting on the couch, looking none-too-pleased as Jim berates her for a subpar grade on a German Studies test...she got a 70% on the exam.] JIM YORK: A seventy percent!? This will not do, Miko! INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-NIGHT [Lukuro eats while reading a popular Manga. Sentry enters, and berates Lukuro.] SENTRY: This is what you do on your free time? You should be coming up with ways to defeat the Paleo Rangers! SO...I want you to lead the next mission. LUKURO: Me!? [Sentry looks down at Lukuro with a convincing expression, which scares her.] INT.-CITY-MIKO’S HOUSE-LIVING ROOM-NIGHT [Jim continues to berate Miko.] JIM YORK: Maybe your duties as a ranger are getting in the way! Maybe I should tell your parents in Hawaii. MIKO INOUE: No! Please don’t! My father wouldn’t unders...

PRPS #15-Tyson's Courage

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #13‬: “Brave #13: Jakireen! I'll Protect Your Heart" ------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-PARK RIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE-QUAD-DAY [Tyson is pouring over a book as a classmate wearing a purple bandana in her hair, named KIANA watches him. She has a crush on him, yet Tyson does not seem interested. Kiana then approaches, and hands Tyson a sandwich for lunch.] TYSON KIRKLAND: Oh, Hi there, Kiana. KIANA: I brought you a sandwich. Eat up, because our Kendo Class starts in a few minutes...and energy is key! Now, come on! [Kiana grabs Tyson by the arm, and is dragged away from the quad, dropping a small card. Nearby, Ken observes this, and retrieves the card.] KEN FERRADAY:: (trying to get Tyson’s attention) Tyson! [Tyson and Kiana are long gone. Chris walks by, and sees Ken.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: What’s up, Ken? KEN FERRADAY: Tyson’s friend dropped this. CHRIS RUTLEDGE: Let’s get this bac...


First of all, I apologize for not making the July 6th promise. I live in Fresno, California...on the West Coast of the United States, which has experienced a very hot heat wave the last couple weeks. In Fresno alone, today will be Day #12 of 100 degrees or hotter. Last week, we had several days of around 108 degrees. According to our local FOX affiliate, they are forecasting another 9-10 days worth of 100+ temps. after today. This week's episode, "Tyson's Courage" is FINALLY READY...and will be up in seconds. Thank you for understanding.