
Showing posts from 2015

Major Change Coming To PRSF

Hello, fans... It is with sad regret that I will have to end Power Rangers: Shinobi Force prematurely. Although, I will not end the series in a cliffhanger. Currently, PRSF is at 32 episodes. I am in the process of producing a final three-part episode to wrap the series at 35 episodes. I originally wanted the series to end with 72 episodes...but a major medical emergency in the family is the culprit in making me end the series early, since I need to step up and take care of my family member (my mother), and her needs (her care, paperwork, errands, etc.) leaving me with no time for writing the series. With the reveal of "Super Sentai 2016," "Dobutsu Sentai Jyuohger," I would like to adapt the new series come Spring 2016...but right now, it is a "yellow-light" and not a "green-light" attitude, meaning that I am not sure if I will be able to write the upcoming series. Again...I apologize for this. I did not want to end PRSF early...but t...

PRSF #32: The Noble Red Lion (2)

Loosely based upon: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger #20: "Shinobi #20: The Chozetsu! Lion Ha-Oh (2)" ---------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-MOUNTAINS-DAY [The rangers continue to battle Tool Rage, and his upgraded toolbox cannon.] ALL CORE RANGERS: We summon the true Shinobi Power! Shinobizords…rise! [The Shinobizords of the core five all arrive, and forms the Shinobi Megazord.] Shinobi Megazord, Ready! [Tool Rage has the two Skull Rages transform into a sword, and uses it to swordfight the megazords. The Shinobi Megazord is able to break the sword, and destroys the two Skull Rages. Angered, Tool Rage blasts the megazords to “break apart” the combinations, and eject the rangers. Seeing the trouble, Leonshi transforms into his orb form, and floats up to a rock formation, which transforms into the massive Lion Shinobizord.] voice of LEONSHI: Lion Shinobizord, Activate! [The massive zord flies in, firing it’s cannons and turrets with it’...

PRSF #31-The Sky Shinobi (1)

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #19: "Shinobi #19: Find! The Sky OtomoNin" ------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [The team (except for Trist) meets with Ray.] IAN FROST: Grandpa…we want you to take Ray on as a student. He’s been with us for a while, and has proven to be worthy. RAY FROST: No. I am not taking on students anymore. Not since Monukye. But…if you want to persuade me…be better than me at something. [The team looks a bit dejected.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [In a vacated area of the park, the Gold Ranger is battling Monukye.] GOLD SHINOBI RANGER: How dare you even consider that I would betray the other rangers! Storm Shuriken, set! Lighting Power! MONUKYE: The Sky Shinobi is out there still…a Shinobizord that Raymond Frost couldn’t even tame! GOLD SHINOBI RANGER: (letting his guard down) What!? [Monukye vanishes, leaving Gold to think for a bit.] INT.-DEMON CORE-DAY [Tsumaka voice...

PRSF #30: The Un-Raged Rage

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #18: "Shinobi #18: The Yokai That Yakumo Loved" --------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Four of the core ninja students are practicing.] BROOK PADILLA: So...where's X at? IZZY FROST: He's helping his elderly neighbor mow her lawn. JOSH TURNER: It's been too quiet around here since Trist is on Catalina seeing family. ANDREW FROST: (entering the dojo with the mail) Speaking of a postcard from him! IZZY FROST: Family's doing great...missing you guys in Forest Hills. Will return soon with plenty of fish! [Suddenly the sensor alarms ring. Andrew checks his hand-held tablet-like device.] ANDREW FROST: There's a Rage in the neighborhood where Xavier's at! IAN FROST: We're outta here! [The four rush out of the dojo.] EXT.-CITY-QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD-HOUSE-DAY [The four rangers, already morphed, and join the Blue ...

PRSF #29: Surf's Up!

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #17: "Shinobi #17: Good Bye, StarNinger! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-NIGHT [Trist is sparing with Ian and X...but as usual, Trist is not able to defeat them...and leaves the dojo.] IAN FROST: Another defeat. X WYATT: You're losing your touch, Trist! TRIST EMERSON: (sighing) Maybe I'm not cut out for this, guys. [Trist hangs his head down in shame, as he gathers his things, and leaves the dojo. Josh sees that Trist left his book, which has a picture of Trist and his family in it like a bookmark.] JOSH TURNER: Trist left his book...and it has a family photo of him in it. I'm going to catch up to him and return it! [Josh leaves the dojo with the book to catch up to Trist.] EXT.-FOREST-NIGHT [Trist is in the forest, and is seen talking to Monukye. Josh arrives in the area, and watches from behind a bush.] MONUKYE: Tristan Emerson. ...

Mid-Season Press Release

MID-SEASON ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES REGARDING "POWER RANGERS: SHINOBI FORCE." FRESNO, CA.- JUNE 30, 2015...Production on "Power Rangers: Shinobi Force" is continuing in full-force. Now that we are basically caught up on the posting, NightRanger Industries is planning a "Posting Hiatus" for six weeks...after the July 14th posting, and will post new episodes on September 1st. Production (writing and typing) WILL however continue through the hiatus so as that there will be episodes ready to post. We have also looked at upcoming available air dates for the Shinobi Force source material, "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger," and see that the finale MAY air on February 7, 2016, with "Super Sentai 2016" premiering on February 14, 2016. SO, we have decided that Shinobi Force will be extended from sixty-five (65) episodes to seventy-two (72) episodes. UPCOMING POSTING SCHEDULE: July 07: Episode #29: Surf's Up! July 14: Epi...

PRSF #28: The Zodiac Zoo, Part 5-Snappy Decisions

Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Genghis has provided hundreds Oni and Kuroni for his generals to use along with their own minions...the Kageoni and Zo-oni. Zodaxiz, Tsumaka, and Monukye all amass in the park along with the minions. Joining them are the last three Zodiac Rage...Aquarius Rage, Pisces Rage, and Sagittarius Rage. Soon, the six unmorphed rangers arrive, and face them.] IAN FROST: You know...we are still young, and can go up against you freaks for many, many years to come! BROOK PADILLA: (being snarky) And since when were there three generals, and two of them are bitter old women! [The six produce their bladed weapons.] ALL CORE STUDENTS: Katana Morpher! TRIST EMERSON: Riff LaserBlade! [The six rangers set their Morph Shurikens onto their blades, with the core five pressing the red Morph Button on their Katana Morphers and Gold pressing a button on his Riff LaserBlade.] ALL: ...

PRSF #27: The Zodiac Zoo, Part 4-Hyena Hijinx

Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The rangers are in the park the next day, battling Zodaxiz and her Zo-oni...which are swiftly defeated] ZODAXIZ: I've had enough of you rangers! PINK SHINOBI RANGER: (snarky) Funny! We feel that way about you and your fellow demon cronies! ZODAXIZ: With a little mouth like that...I'll show you! Comet Crash! [Zodaxiz uses her staff to summon fireballs from the sky to strike the rangers.] Big Bang! [Zodaxis then slams the end of her staff into the ground to cause explosions to "floor" the rangers. The blast allows Zodaxiz to make her getaway.] I'll have some more fun for you pesky rangers later! [Zodaxiz vanishes.] INT.-CITY-DOJO-SHINOBI OPS-DAY [The team returns home. On the poster wall, six "X's" cover the pictures of the destroyed Zodiac Rage Monsters.] IZZY FROST: Six down...! IAN FROST: ...Six to go! AND...

PRSF #26: The Zodiac Zoo, Part 3-Charging Into Battle

2426-"THE ZODIAC ZOO (3): CHARGING INTO BATTLE" Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-DEMON CORE-DAY [At sunrise, Monukye and Tsumaka return to the base with Zodaxiz and the nine remaining Zodiac Rage in tow.] GENGHIS: Monukye! You awakened her!? ZODAXIZ: Nice to see you again too, my love! Nice digs you guys got here! GENGHIS: It's a bit too modest...but it'll do for now. ZODAXIZ: decided to attack the humans again, and you didn't invite me to the party!? MONUKYE: My lord...I awakened her so she can help us gather for fear so you can fully revive. GENGHIS: Excellent! TSUMAKA: Just how many Demon Core generals are there, Lord Genghis? GENGHIS: I had many generals at my side during that last battle with Ninjakon and his human friend, Raymond Frost. All of us were sealed away. I gave their masks to Monukye to hold onto until they could be revived to service me. ZODAXIZ:...

PRSF #25: The Zodiac Zoo, Part 2-The Raging Stars

Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-ZOO [The twelve Zodiac Rage all arrive at the battle site, and flank Zodaxiz.] ZODAXIZ: Rage! Sound off! AQUARIUS RAGE: With the power of an alligator, I am Aquarius Rage! ARIES RAGE: With the power of a ram, I am Aries Rage! CANCER RAGE: With the power of a crab, I am Cancer Rage! CAPRICORN RAGE: With the power of a goat, I am Capricorn Rage! GEMINI RAGE: With the power of two hyena, I am Gemini Rage! LEO RAGE: With the power of a lion, I am Leo Rage! LIBRA RAGE: With the power of a cheetah, I am Libra Rage! PISCES RAGE: With the power of a piranha, I am Pisces Rage! SAGITTARIUS RAGE: With the power of a vulture, I am Sagittarius Rage! SCORPIO RAGE: With the power of a scorpion, I am Scorpio Rage! TAURUS RAGE: With the power of a bull, I am Taurus Rage! VIRGO RAGE: With the power of a mole, I am Virgo Rage! ALL RAGE: With the power of the...

PRSF #24: The Zodiac Zoo, Part 1-The Coming Of Zodaxiz

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-NIGHT [Monukye has managed to slip out of the Demon Core base with a third "fallen general mask." Soon, Tsumaka catches up with, and surprises her.] MONUKYE: (quietly) Yes! I don't have him following me around! There will be another female general to help me! TSUMAKA: What are you up to, Monukye!? MONUKYE: We need help in collecting fear to fully resurrect our master...and I have the means to do so! TSUMAKA: How many of those masks just do you have? MONUKYE: In order to help Lord Genghis...many! [Monukye gently places the mask on the ground, and starts to pour "fear juice" into it. Soon, a female general forms holding a staff. The general is ZODAXIZ.] Welcome to the world of the living, Zodaxiz ZODAXIZ: I heard the word..."Rangers." Where are they? TSUMAKA: They are down there in that city. ZODAXIZ: Excellent! [T...

PRSF #23: Teaching The Teacher

Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #16: "Shinobi #16: The Father Tsumuji Is A Super Ninja?!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [At dawn, the rangers are fighting a couple platoons of Kageoni, and defeat them after a few minutes.] YELLOW SHINOBI RANGER: Now, that's what I call a morning workout! BLUE SHINOBI RANGER: Yeah! Ian...Izzy! Do you have your Father's Day gift yet? WHITE SHINOBI RANGER: With all the demon attacks lately...we haven't had a chance to go shopping! PINK SHINOBI RANGER: Well, Father's Day is in a couple's your chance! Go! GOLD SHINOBI RANGER: Yeah! We'll wrap things up here. RED SHINOBI RANGER: You sure? Okay...thanks, guys! Come on, sis! Let's go! [The Red and White Rangers power down, and depart for the plaza shops to find Andrew, their father a Father's Day gift. Unbeknownst to the siblings, they are bein...