
Showing posts from January, 2015

PRESS RELEASE (2015 Adaptation-Small Change)

NAME CHANGE: "POWER RANGERS: STEALTH FORCE" IS NOW "POWER RANGERS: SHINOBI FORCE." FRESNO, CA.- January 20, 2015...Production is slowly progressing on the next installment of "Power Rangers," from The NightRanger Industries Online Network, led by writer Christopher Clark. With a recent revelation of a tag line used in "Ninninger," stating that the rangers will say "We are Shinobi, but we don't hide," It has been decided that we would need to change the name of the show...slightly, from "Stealth Force" to "Shinobi Force." The word stealth, means to hide or evade, much like the United States Military's "Stealth Bomber," which can evade radar detection. The saying from the Ninningers is the exact opposite. Other information regarding the show, such as villain names, character breakdowns, etc. is slowly being revealed, and we are anticipating the official reveal this coming weekend (January 24-...


NIGHT RANGER INDUSTRIES ANNOUNCES THE COMPLETION ON "POWER RANGERS: PALEO STRIKE," READIES FOR 2015-16 ADAPTATION OF "SHURIKEN SENTAI NINNINGER," "POWER RANGERS: SHINOBI FORCE." FRESNO, CA.- January 20, 2015...Production is now complete on "Power Rangers: Paleo Strike," and all the final episodes have been posted to the blog...while production on the next adaptation, "Power Rangers: Shinobi Force" is still in the preliminary stages. I would like to take this time to apologize again to my fans for the lengthy hiatus that put PRPS on hold for several months, and led to the cancellation of the ToQger adaptation, which was to be called "Power Rangers: Imagination Express." This was out of my control...due to a recent forced move. I am planning on adapting Ninninger, but due to no regular access to view downloaded episodes, I will have to rely on the Wikipedia summaries and short clips that I can view on YouTube or other sit...

PRPS #65-Extinction? (3) [SEASON FINALE]

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #47: “Brave #48: The Big Explosion! Goodbye Kyoryugers (5)“ Final Scene Loosely Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger V-Cinema: “Kaettekita Zyuden Sentai Kyuryuger: 100 Years After” ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-BEACH-DAY [The others continue to cheer Miko up. Suddenly, a golden aura is released, leaving everyone in awe.] INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The golden aura rebuilds the base, and resurrects Ken. Daniel greets Ken, who slowly (with assistance) recovers to his feet.] INT.-FROZEN CASTLE-MAIN CHAMBER-DAY [Davros' sees the intruder in his chamber.] ABSOLUTION GOD DAVROS: Red Ranger! DARIC KAYSON: Miss me, Davros? EXT.-BEACH-DAY [Mari and Max join the other five, followed by Daniel and the revived Ken. Miko then recovers to her feet.] MIKO INOUE: We can help Daric...with our feelings. Join hands! [All of the unmorphed rangers join hands, and close their eyes to h...

PRPS #64-Extinction? (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #47: “Brave #47: The Great Counterattack! The Greatest Final Brave (4)“ Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #47: “Brave #48: The Big Explosion! Goodbye Kyoryugers (5)“- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Ixilon uses the power of his mirrors to blast the two back. In the blast, D'Gol's armor forms over Ken's body.] Don't worry...I am loosely possessing you to combine our powers. KEN-GOL: Lightning Shockwave! [The blast makes Ixilon cackle in red and golden yellow energy bolts, then explodes and D'Gol's armor re-possesses the Cambeast.] D'GOL: Let's finish our duel! KEN FERRADAY:'re critically injured! [The two take their battle stance, and prepare to battle. The two then rush-slash each other.] You do have honor after all. D'GOL: Thank you for humoring my request. You were a worth adversary. [Both D'Gol and...

PRPS #63-Extinction? (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #47: “Brave #47: The Great Counterattack! The Greatest Final Brave (4)“ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-BEACH-DAY [The Main six activate their Paleo Chargers, and prepare to morph. They charge into battle, and all morph individually as they fight the MaZoDe.] ALL SIX: (with the core five rolling their barrels on the minions) Let's Rock! [Killjoy blasts at the six as they complete their morphing sequence...but the Paleo powers shine through.] KILLJOY: They blew away the dark melody! [The six rangers continue to battle.] IXILON: You go battle them too! MaZoDe around the world...rise up! EXT.-CITY-DAY [The Earthlings all battle the MaZoDe. Even Miko's butler, James "Jim" York gets in on the action.] INT.-CITY-ROBBIE'S HOUSE-DAY [Rina runs from some MaZoDe. She gets a few hits in, but it is Rezi, and a Paleo Blaster shot from Mari that save the day...

PRPS #62-Melody Of The Earth (3)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #46: “Brave #46: The Great Duel! The Strike Of Love And Tears (3)“ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [Erutan, laying down in the infirmary bed sits up. As the others enter the base, they see Erutan walking around.] MIKO INOUE: (tearfully) Erutan! Your mother is... ERUTAN: I know, Miko. I know what happened to her. I will leave the fighting to you guys. There is something that I must take care of. [Erutan leaves the base as the others look on in bewilderment.] EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [Daric keeps struggling to walk, when Brachio breaks through the surface of the ground.] DARIC KAYSON: (sort of delirious) Brachio! You came to pick me up! EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Lukuro pours a cup of coffee.] CANDELIRA: Ah, Lukuro...keep smiling! LUKURO: How can I keep smiling? Davros is getting rid of me! [Aigar stumbles in.] AIGAR: We got to run, Candelira! Those two...

PRPS #61-The Greatest Betrayal (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #45: “Brave #45: It Can’t Be Dad! The End Of Silver (2)“ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team looks at the Paleo Chargers' Charging Station.] DARIC KAYSON: We can't wait for my father any longer. If we do, there won't be a Earth to protect! [One-by-one, the six grab all of their Paleo Chargers and their blasters. Chikyu watches the six as they valiantly prepare to leave the base. Chikyu then calls Tyson over.] CHIKYU: (handing her sword over) Tyson. I want you to have this. TYSON KIRKLAND: The Feather's Edge? You're making this sound ominous, Chikyu. CHIKYU: It's for the best. EXT.-CITY-BEACH DAY [The seven head toward the Frozen Castle. Sentry (without Davros inhabiting him) stops the team.] SENTRY: You're too late, rangers! [Ixilon and the two cloaked beings arrive by Sentry's side.] Davros has left my b...

PRPS #60-Resurrection Of Evil (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #44: “Brave #44: Chaos Laughs! The Countdown Of Destruction (1)“ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Lukuro, D'Gol, and Aigar all stare at the cloaked beings. Soon, white emotion-masks appear as their faces...the masks of sorrow and joy.] CANDELIRA: I don't remember making that DavroMon! AIGAR: Neither do I! [Sentry then enters, and tells the other War Knights about them.] SENTRY: I created them to gain more intense sorrow and joy. They were acting independently. AIGAR: What's the matter...don't you trust us? [Suddenly Sentry grabs Aigar by the neck.] SENTRY: I woudn't have had to create these two if you guys weren't useless peons! [Sentry lets go of Aigar, and sinks to his knees before quickly getting up.] CANDELIRA: Stop, Sentry! You're freaking us out! SENTRY: I apologize...I...lost my composure there fo...

PRPS #59-Green Perfection

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #43: “Brave #43: The Blade Of The Soul! Roar, Straizor“ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-RESTAURANT-DAY [Tyson plays with the straw in his glass of iced team while deep in thought, staring into space.] DARIC KAYSON: He wants to perfect Chikyu's Air Razor attack...but something is holding him back. [Suddenly, two men in dark suits and dark sunglasses walk in, and confront the team. Tyson turns around, and spots a lapel pin on one of the men. The two then step apart as a woman walks between them.] TYSON KIRKLAND: (recognizing the logo on the pin) That pin! Guys! TYSON KIRKLAND: (surprised and shocked) Mom!? MIKO INOUE: Mom!? Your mother is the famous fashion designer, Keri Kirkland!? [Keri is dressed to the nines in the latest fashion attire.] KERI KIRKLAND: guys are those crazy superhero kids that my son is running around with. TYSON KIRKLAND: Mom....

PRPS #58-Cyan Destiny

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Erutan is still laying on a infirmary bed, sweating profusely. Maria continues to run tests on his Paleo Charger.] MARIA ARMSTRONG: Either Erutan's powers...or his morpher may have been sabotaged. [Chikyu emotionally breaks down.] Chikyu...that is only a preliminary assessment. More tests will have to be done. [The statement by Maria calms Chikyu down a bit.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [Rezi is feeling a bit depressed as Eli and Max approach.] ELI: Rezi...what is wrong? REZI: You found your descendent...but I have not found mine. ELI: Rezi...give it time. You will. [Unbeknownst to the trio, a lone MaZoDe is spying on them.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [The MaZoDe reports to Sentry.] SENTRY: Excellent. Aigar...come up with a plan to strike the Cyan and Gray Paleo Warriors. AIGAR: Why not use Possessor and Meteorix again? LUKURO: B...