Power Rangers: Safari (SERIES PRIMER)


"In 2002, the Wild Force Rangers defeated Master Org, and sealed the Nexus, stopping the Org's polluting ways. Fifteen years later, the Animarium is attacked by a new Org faction, known as the Poachers, and the Wildzords are seemingly destroyed in their Hunting Game. Animus recruits the children of the former Wild Force Rangers to battle the Poachers as the Safari Power Rangers."

Colton "Colt" Evans (Red Safari Ranger)
Age 15. The son of Cole Evans, the former Red Wild Force Ranger. An animal lover, he assists his father at the Evans Pet Hospital when he is not busy as a Sophomore at Turtle Cove High.

Spencer Cooper (Blue Safari Ranger)
Age 14. The daughter of Max Cooper, the former Blue Wild Force Ranger. Like her father, she loves recreational bowling in her spare time. She is also on the Freshman swimming team at Turtle Cove High.

Gage Bishop (Yellow Safari Ranger)
Age 15. The son of Taylor Earhardt-Bishop, the former Yellow Wild Force Ranger. The Turtle Cove High Sophomore is a military buff, and wishes to follow in his mother's footsteps, and "aim high" by joining the United States Air Force after graduation.

Benjamin "Benny" Delgado (Green Safari Ranger)
[Pronounced "Ben-Ha-Mean"] Age 15. The son of Danny Delgado, the former Black Wild Force Ranger. He is a nature-loving Sophomore at Turtle Cove High. He prefers to be called "Benny."

Shira Baliton (White Safari Ranger)
[Pronounced "Shear-Uh"] Age 15. The Daughter of Merrick Baliton, the former Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger and Princes Shayla, the guardian of Animaria. Like her parents, she is excellent at Billiards, and is an aspiring singer.

The ancient ruler of Animaria,

Caleb Sellers
Age 14. The son of Alyssa Enrile-Sellers, the former White Wild Force Ranger. A Freshman at Turtle Cove High, he is a skilled Martial Artist with a high I.Q.

Dr. Cole Evans
The father of Colt. He owns Evans Pet Hospital.

Max Cooper
The father of Spencer.

Danny Delgado: The father of Benny.

Taylor Earhardt-Bishop
Gage's mother. Saw combat in the Middle East before retiring as a Captain.

Alyssa Enrile-Sellers
Caleb's mother, recently promoted to principal of Turtle Cove High School, after being a teacher at Turtle Cove Elementary for fifteen years.

Merrick Baliton and Princess Shayla
Shira's parents.

An evil offshoot of the Orgs, from outer space. They have destroyed 99 planets in their "Hunting Game," and inted to make Earth #100.

The Poacher leader, loves playing with the lives of others.

Mobius' aide, who is responsible for enlarging the Hunters with coins.

A Poacher General who likes inflicting pain.

A Poacher general who likes causing emotional and mental distress.

Predators ("Predas")
The Poacher minion soldiers, summoned by coins.

The monster players of the Poachers' Hunting Game. The first three are "Dojaku," "Goruba," and "Gaboun."

1. "Return To Animaria (1)"
As the former Wild Force Rangers gather for a reunion, the Poachers attack the Animarium, and the teenage children of the former rangers are recruited to stop the enemy.

2. "Champions Of The Earth (2)"
The new rangers face the Poachers for the first time. Meanwhile, Caleb discovers the rangers' identities, and wants some answers.

Series Première will be at the end of this month.


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