
Showing posts from July, 2010

PRSG #29-Legend Of The Deep

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 22: Over The Rainbow" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-DAY [Megallusk appears at the crack of dawn, and remarks about the weather to Akui.] MEGALLUSK: It looks like it is gonna be perfect weather to do my bidding! AKUI: Yes, Megallusk…be sure that you accomplish all of your goals! Now…go! [Megallusk departs the lake for the city.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [On a warm day in the city, two pre-teens (a boy and a girl) order sno-cones from a vendor in the park as Megallusk watches. Soon, the monster decides to feast on their shadows, leaving the two pre-teens and the vendor in a catatonic and paralyzed state. Soon, another boy runs into the area, and brushes up against the pre-teens, who fall off of their seats.] BOY: What? [The boy then screams in horror as he notices the three in their catatonic states. Suddenly, the six officers arrive to investigate.] DIEGO MAXA: I’ll look over here. [Diego looks around a bit, ...


UPDATE TO CURRENT HOME COMPUTER SITUATION. FRESNO, CA.-July 22, 2010…For the last couple of weeks, the home computer has been down due to a “Corrupted WinXP File,” which has forced NightRanger Industries to activate a contingency plan. There is some great news though…a copy of WinXP is on it’s way to our headquarters in Fresno, CA. from Oregon. Even though a fix is coming, I do not know when it will arrive, or when the computer will be fully repaired. Until the repair is complete, the contingency plan will remain in effect until it is repaired. We here at NightRanger Industries appreciate everyone for putting up with the inconvenience that this has caused.

PRSG #28-A Piece Of Cake

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 21: Elegant Eri" ---------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [In the morning, Aquios is mopping the floor as Melissa offers to make breakfast.] MELISSA CRENSHAW: Good morning! Want some breakfast? AQUIOS: Sure! All this mopping is making me hungry! [Melissa goes into the galley area, and whips up some scrambled eggs. Soon, everyone else enters. Melissa serves everyone their plates of eggs, and all start to eat. Suddenly, their meal is interrupted by alarms.] DIEGO MAXA: Aw, man! Do the Yomazho ever take a break!? [The klaxon alerts them to trouble in the city. The six depart the room.] INT.-CITY-TRAIN STATION-DAY [During the busy early morning commute, everyone goes about their day as normal. A Yomazho Monster, GREMVOLT hacks into a nearby power box to feat on the electricity, and make everything electrical stop working. People on a nearby escalator waiver and jerk around as the moving s...

PRSG #27-Love Is In The Air

(a.k.a. "MATCHMAKER") Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 20: Fall In Love Goseigers" --------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-CIVIC CENTER-DAY [Heath has just picked up Kevin from school, and are walking toward the base. After crossing a pedestrian bridge, the two see an older schoolmate named Lewis...who is trying to work up the courage to ask a girl out on a date.] KEVIN BILLINGTON: What's wrong, Lewis? LEWIS: I want to ask a girl...Melanie...out on a date...but I am just too shy. HEATH REGAN: Maybe I can help? INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-RECREATION ROOM-DAY [Later that day, the team and Kevin consult with Lewis about his problem.] MELISSA CRENSHAW AND KYRIE MAXA: Yeah...we can help Lewis get a date with Melanie...right guys? ALL OFFICERS: Yeah! [Gabe then enters the room, and hears the team trying to help Lewis.] EXT.-FOREST-NIGHT [The three Yomazho generals exit the hatch, and prepare to summon Parapid, who then comes down to Earth like a meteor, ...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE…TECHICAL ISSUES WITH HOME COMPUTER FORCE CONTINGENCY PLANS TO TAKE EFFECT. FRESNO, CA.-July 6, 2010…The computer at home is down yet again with another technical issue (corrupted WinXP file), and is forcing some contingency plans to be put into effect. Until further notice, new episodes will be posted on Thursdays instead of Fridays. The statistical count will be on Mondays OR Tuesdays, and I will type new episodes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Here is the good news. Before the computer went down, I already had the next episode, “Prisoner Of War” ready to go, and has been posted to the blog…but the two episodes after that, “Love Is In The Air” and “Undercover Pink (TEMP)” still need to be typed…plus, luckily, there are three original episodes coming up in a few weeks (following my version of Goseiger’s Epic 24). I’m afraid that there are only three ways around this technical issue… 1.) A repair job to take WinXP off, and re-install it. At a shop, this is a $75 re...

PRSG #26-Prisoner Of War

Original Episode ----------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-CORRIDORS-DAY [Gabe's voice calls everyone into Ops.] voice of GABE CRENSHAW: Operations! [The six officers hurry to the Operations Center.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-OPERATIONS-DAY [The six officers enter through the doors to meet with Gabe and McKenna.] HEATH REGAN: You called for us, sir? GABE CRENSHAW: The time has come for me to take my annual day off. McKenna will be in charge of the base...and...Austin...will be in charge out in the field. I will be back tonight. AUSTIN BALDUCCI: Thank you, sir...enjoy your day off. MELISSA CRENSHAW: Be careful, dad! GABE CRENSHAW: I will. [As Gabe exits, he secretly plants a emergency transponder beacon (which looks like a normal shirt button) on himself.] EXT.-UNDERGROUND-YOMAZHO LAIR-DAY [The three villains prepare another plan. Soon, a lone Caprisect enters, and talks to Upacra.] UPACRA: I have some intelligence...the ...

PRSG #25-Pride Of The Lion (6)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 19: GoseiKnight Will Not Allow It" ----------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-BRIEFING ROOM DAY [During the morning briefing, Gabe briefs the six officers.] GABE CRENSHAW: As you may have known...the county fair is going on. Space Command and Make-A-Wish are teaming up, and I want the six of you to each take a deserving family and let them have their day of fun. DIEGO MAXA: (griping) Aw, sir!? Do we have to!? GABE CRENSHAW: YES, are assigned the Sizemore family. Steven and Brie...and their daughter, Cali. Briefing over...go get your assigned families. [Diego tries to calm down as everyone departs the room.] EXT.-CITY-FAIRGROUNDS-DAY [Later that morning, the six officers are escorting the families around the fair as a roller-coaster slides down the tracks nearby.] BRIE SIZEMORE: (as Cali skips ahead a bit) I want to thank you for this opportunity, Officer Maxa... STEVEN SIZEMORE: See...Cali has a un...

PRSG #24-The Comet's True Face (5)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #18: The Earth Purifying Knight Of Destiny" ----------------------------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-OPSCOMM-OPERATIONS-NIGHT [Gabe and Austin come out of Gabe's office.] GABE CRENSHAW: And so...that's how we ended up here. I think the others would like to hear more about you. AUSTIN BALDUCCI: Hi, everyone. I know that all of this is so sudden. Let me explain myself to you. See...I was a part of the top secret ranger program about a year ago to test the technology...sort of like a guinea pig. When three Alliance members were located on Triforia, I was immediately pressed into service, and severely injured during the subsequent battle. I was placed into a medical induced cryo-stasis to heal my injuries. When the attack happened, I guess the cryo-stasis was cut-off, and I slowly woke up...yesterday, and to an alien releasing those three Alliance members...which I destroyed...since they were heading for here. HEATH REGAN: W...

PRSG #23-Awakenings (4)

Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic #17: A New Enemy, The Yumaju!" [Second Portion] ------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-CRYO PRISON-NIGHT [The abandoned space station is dark and quiet. A lone alien being, PASUNDO, teleports in. Every action causes an echo against the hum of the cryo-machine. Pasundo looks around, trying to locate three certain cryo-cells...and quickly finds them. The alien de-activates the cryo-cell tubes, and their inhabitants wake up.] PASUNDO: I am Pasundo...a remnant of the Alliance. I have woken you three to destroy the Power Rangers, and then to rule the universe! JYNX: (the female jester-like alien speaks) I am Jynx...and I like to torture for fun! CROAXIS: (the male brown frog-like alien speaks) I am Croaxis...and I can secrete toxins from my slimy skin! VIPIRO: (the male snake-themed warrior speaks) I am Vipiro, master warrior... [Vipiro waves his dagger around in a slashing maneuver.] ....