PRSG #29-Legend Of The Deep
Based Upon: Tensou Sentai Goseijaa "Epic 22: Over The Rainbow" ------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-LAKE-DAY [Megallusk appears at the crack of dawn, and remarks about the weather to Akui.] MEGALLUSK: It looks like it is gonna be perfect weather to do my bidding! AKUI: Yes, Megallusk…be sure that you accomplish all of your goals! Now…go! [Megallusk departs the lake for the city.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [On a warm day in the city, two pre-teens (a boy and a girl) order sno-cones from a vendor in the park as Megallusk watches. Soon, the monster decides to feast on their shadows, leaving the two pre-teens and the vendor in a catatonic and paralyzed state. Soon, another boy runs into the area, and brushes up against the pre-teens, who fall off of their seats.] BOY: What? [The boy then screams in horror as he notices the three in their catatonic states. Suddenly, the six officers arrive to investigate.] DIEGO MAXA: I’ll look over here. [Diego looks around a bit, ...