
Showing posts from October, 2011

Revised Episode Schedule

NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES REVISES THE SCHEDULE OF POWER RANGERS: THE NEXT GENERATION’S UPCOMING EPISODES. FRESNO, CA.-October 30, 2011...Information for upcoming episodes, and some rumors for other upcoming episodes were released. Due to this, I have had to make some changes to upcoming episodes. The list below has been updated from the previous “press release.” As usual, this is subject to change at any time. NOV 05..........#48. InnerChi {NRIO’s 325th Episode!!!} NOV 12..........#49. MindGames (a.k.a. Yellow-Dreams) NOV 19..........#50. Start-Up!, Part 1 NOV 26..........#51. Start-Up!, Part 2 DEC 03..........#52. Raise-The-Dragonzord DEC 03..........#53. WaterWoes DEC 10..........#54. The-Zangyu-Weapon (1) DEC 10..........#55. MasterIllusions (2) DEC 17..........#56. SchoolDaze DEC 17..........#57. Notes-From-The-Future DEC 24..........#58. Iced DEC 24..........#59. Monarchy (1) DEC 31..........#60. Revelations (2) DEC 31..........#61. Treachery (3) JAN 07..........#62. Escape (4) JA...

PRTNG #47-GhostlyEncounter

Original Episode ----------------------------------------------------- INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Prince Kraken is getting more and more angry at the rangers always ruining his plans of universal domination.] PRINCE KRAKEN: Those rangers have been a thorn in my side for nearly a whole year! SANBO: Do not worry...I have a Scallywag on his way to Angel Grove to turn up the heat! PRINCE KRAKEN: (sounding pleased) He’d better be able do the job! INT.-ANGEL GROVE-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-HANGAR-DAY [Brock, Kieran, Billy, and Hayley are in the hangar making some repairs to the galleon after the run in a few weeks prior with Dial.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-DAY [The remaining four crewmen chat it up with their parents about Paco\Jokia.] COLIN SCOTT: I want to know. JASON SCOTT: Know What, son? COLIN SCOTT: Paco...and the truth! JASON SCOTT: Okay...the truth. After the war, and the scattering of the powers...Tommy and I, with the knowledge of Navix and the other re...

PRTNG #46-Against-All-Odds

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode 32 “One Power" ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-INDUSTRIAL ZONE-DAY [The six crewmen have recovered enough to sit up so Tommy and Kat can talk to them.] TOMMY OLIVER: Next time, you need to use the Zeo Powers. INT.-ANGEL GROVE-BEACH-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Nikki and Kieran tend to their wounds. Kieran’s right arm is in a sling. The newly acquired Power Keys lay on the table in front of the chest.] EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-QUARRY-DAY [Colin is training with his cutlass, and breaking rocks.] EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-PARK-DAY [DeAndre and Keri spar with their cutlasses.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-BEACH-GALLEON-BROCK'S LABORATORY-DAY [Brock is working on a musket, and trying to increase it’s power output. After a bit of tweaking, the musket overloads. Brock is at it again. This time, he has a second Key Lock hooked up to a musket, and is using a computer to aid him.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-BEACH-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-NIGHT [The ot...

PRTNG #45-SecretStrategy

Loosely Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode 31 “Crash!! The Secret Operation" ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-EARTH’S MOON-ZANGYU FLEET SHIP-NIGHT (ONE MONTH AGO) [Over the remnants of the Machine Palace, Sanbo has captured Paco, and has imprisoned Primus. Paco is bound to a chair.] SANBO: thought that you could strike out on your own, and against the Zangyu Empire. That, my friend is about to change! PACO GAMEZ: You won’t get away with this, Sanbo! [Sanbo activates a device to send two syringe-like probes into Paco’s temples. Paco reacts to the pain by screaming in agony as Sanbo laughs maniacally.] EXT.-CITY-NIGHT [A shadowed Wolf Warrior drone uses his sword to bring down a humanoid. The shadowed Paco approaches with his Puppet Horn to steal the humanoid’s powers. The humanoid, a former ranger, is engulfed in flames, and is in agony as his powers are stolen.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-NIGHT [With the base illumin...


MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT FROM NIGHTRANGER INDUSTRIES REGARDING THE FUTURE OF POWER RANGERS: THE NEXT GENERATION. FRESNO, CA.-October 15, 2011 ...As the Owner and CEO of NightRanger Industries, I have come to a decision to change the future Power Rangers: The Next Generation in the following ways: 1. The episode count has been increased from seventy-three (73) to eighty (80) to allow for some more story ideas. The post dates, however will be doubled to ensure that the series will finish in February 2012. I also increased the episode count in case of a rumor of the source series (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa) going for more than fifty (50) episodes, and finishing in March holds true. 2. The six-part final episode, “Payback” has been increased to eight parts. Proceeding the finale is “HomewardBound,” a three-part episode, re-telling of how the rangers acquired the legendary powers, and each of the six Morphin Master Jewels. 3. Here are the titles and scheduled post dates for some upcoming epis...

PRTNG #44-Spirit-Of-Friendship

Based Upon Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode 30 “Just A Lone Friend's Soul" ----------------------------------------------- INT.-REEFSIDE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Before getting underway, Navix has a vision.] NAVIX: A skateboarding lion approaches. KIERAN OLIVER: (consulting his encyclopedia) A skateboarding could be Jorge Ortega...the former Yellow Beast Ranger...who is a scientist and an avid skateboarder. [Kieran shows the crew his picture (a morphed Yellow Beast Ranger riding a skateboard).] COLIN SCOTT: And just where is this skateboarding lion located? KIERAN OLIVER: Not a clue...but I suggest the nearest city to Academi Island...Avalon, on the island of Catalina. INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [Kraken is happy to be rid of his cold, and has come up with a scheme while he was down.] PRINCE KRAKEN: I am happy to be finally rid of that blasted cold! While I was down, I came up with a most diabolical plan! [Suddenly, the Zangyu scientist, Zayen enters the roo...

PRTNG #43-The-Heroic-Legend

‭Based Upon ‭Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #29 “The Abare Quick-Changing New Combination" ‭----------------------------------------------- ‭INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY ‭[Kraken sneezes (comically, with two large boogers hanging from the nose).] ‭KYATSU: ‭I have finished my diagnosis, is the Terran variant of the common cold virus. ‭PRINCE KRAKEN: ‭Well, how do I get rid of it!? ‭SANBO: ‭An injection of joyous energy from the happiest women on the planet. ‭SHIREIKAN: ‭And I have the perfect Scallywag to obtain that energy...Dial! ‭PRINCE KRAKEN: ‭(upon sneezing) ‭Perfect...send...him...down! ‭[The sneeze shakes the ship.] ‭EXT.-REEFSIDE-CYBERSPACE CAFE-DAY ‭[The six crewmen finish their breakfast.] ‭KIERAN OLIVER: ‭It was good for my parents to recommend this place... ‭COLIN SCOTT: ‭...Especially when your mom used to own it! ‭[The six walk on.] ‭EXT.-REEFSIDE-DAY ‭[The six continue walking down the street, and come across a wedding that has let out of the c...


POWER RANGERS: THE NEXT GENERATION DOES WELL IN RATINGS FOR FOURTH WEEK IN A ROW, WITH BEST-EVER RATINGS IN SHOW HISTORY! FRESNO, CA.-October 1, 2011...Every Friday, a statistical count is taken to determine the ratings of our adaptations. This week’s rating are in! For the fourth week in a row, Power Rangers: The Next Generation has done well, with the most total views EVER!!! > Week #28 (Episodes 32-33).......................................511 Total Views > Week #29 (Episodes 34-35).......................................492 Total Views > Week #30 (Episodes 36-37).......................................422 Total Views > Week #31 (Episodes 38-41).......................................582 Total Views* * Statistical count taken on Saturday; October 1, 2011 before posting of Episode #42. This could not have been done without you...the fans. THANK YOU!!! Power Rangers: The Next Generation will continue with new episodes every Friday with some exciting episodes premiering in t...

PRTNG #42-OutgunnedShogun

Original Episode ----------------------------------------------- EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-DAY [The galleon arrives over the city.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [The crew relax a bit as the ship has made it home.] COLIN SCOTT: Ah, it is good to be home! EXT.-ANGEL GROVE-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-DAY [The galleon puts it’s sails down, and enters the old Zeozord Holding Bay.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-STAMPEDER-BRIDGE-DAY [A shadowed being enters the room.] MASTER VILE: I was sent by your father to help you defeat those meddlesome rangers. SANBO: Sire, this is Master Vile, from the “M” Fifty-one Galaxy. PRINCE KRAKEN: Excellent! The rangers won’t know what hit them! MASTER VILE: There is only one being down on that miserable planet that can defeat me...but he has not been seen or heard of in twenty years! INT.-ANGEL GROVE-MOUNTAINS-POWER MOUNTAIN-DAY [The six crewmen enter the main hall, and reunite with their parents.] BILLY CRANSTON: These are the schematics for a new weapon. HAYLEY OLIVER: Un...