Friday, October 7, 2011

PRTNG #43-The-Heroic-Legend

‭Based Upon
‭Kaizoku Sentai Gokaijaa, Episode #29 “The Abare Quick-Changing New Combination"
‭[Kraken sneezes (comically, with two large boogers hanging from the nose).]

‭I have finished my diagnosis, sire...it is the Terran variant of the common cold virus.

‭Well, how do I get rid of it!?

‭An injection of joyous energy from the happiest women on the planet.

‭And I have the perfect Scallywag to obtain that energy...Dial!

‭(upon sneezing)

‭[The sneeze shakes the ship.]

‭[The six crewmen finish their breakfast.]

‭It was good for my parents to recommend this place...

‭...Especially when your mom used to own it!

‭[The six walk on.]

‭[The six continue walking down the street, and come across a wedding that has let out of the church.]

‭Oh, I love weddings! The newlyweds look so cute!

‭[The wedding party exchanges cheers as they throw rice at the newlyweds, who acknowledge them. Suddenly, Dial
‭s AbsorbiStaff sticks out of a bush, and absorbs the happy energy from the bride as she collapses into her husband’s arms. The six see the cause of the chaos...Dial! The crew steps in to protect the wedding party.]

‭Get to safety! We’ll handle this!

‭[The six prepare their morphers and keys, and transform into Hero Rangers, and use their Crossbone Muskets and Hero Trident-Blaster Mode to blast Dial, who turns his Dial-Sizer to enlarge, surprising the six rangers.]

‭He grew already! Is that fair!?


‭[The Red and Silver Rangers use their morphers to summon the galleon and the Tri-Legend Drill, which approach the rangers. The drag chains drop for the core five as the Silver Ranger leaps up into his zord. The Hero Megazord and Tri-Legend Megazord are formed.]


‭[Dial’s smokescreen has no effect on the megazords. The Tri-Legend charges through the smoke to strike the Scallywag with it’s drill arm as the core rangers insert and turn the Mystic Keys to activate the megazord’s Mystic Mode.]

‭Hero Megazord, Mystic Mode!

‭[The Mystic Dragon flies off of the megazord to attack Dial.]

‭Mystic Bind!

‭[Before the dragon can attack, Dial turns the dial on his Dial-Sizer to shrink himself to the size of an insect, and flies into the cockpit of the Tri-Legend Megazord. Once inside, the Scallywag attacks Silver to throw him out of his seat, and takes over the robot, and uses the drill arm to attack the Hero Megazord.]

‭What the...!?

‭Something’s wrong with Kieran!

‭Heroic Power Bomber!

‭[Chaos ensues, but the jolt from the Hero Megazord wakes the Silver Ranger up enough to where he can regain control of his zord as Dial shrinks, and exits the robot.]

‭(in a warning tone)
‭Guys! Dial can shrink and enlarge...be careful!

‭[the insect-sized Dial enters the Hero Megazord cockpit, but the core rangers are ready for him, as the Red Ranger aims his musket at the Scallywag, who ha enlarged to his default size.]

‭Watch where you aim that thing, Colin!

‭[The laser pellets from the Red Ranger’s musket ricochet all over the cockpit, and his the viewscreen to damage it. Dial exits through a door to head out onto the robot’s left shoulder.]

‭[Dial exits the megazord, followed by the core rangers, who blast their muskets at the Scallywag, who retreats down to a hatch at the waist. The rangers rush back inside.]

‭[In the main room, Navix tries to attack Dial, followed by being surrounded by the five musket-toting core rangers (with the exception of the Green Ranger, who is armed with a frying pan). Dial then shrinks again, and goes into the back of the Yellow Ranger’s suit.]

‭(with a can of bug spray)
‭I got something to help!

‭[The Pink Ranger sprays the insecticide down the back of the Yellow Ranger’s suit jacket to expel the Scallywag. Dial enlarges to his default size as he busts through the ceiling, and retreats.]

‭[On a nearby rooftop, an African-American man and a Caucasian woman look on.]

‭It’s a shame that they did not use the powers of the Dino Rangers.

‭Doctor “O” said something about them not knowing about the further powers of the Dino Rangers. Only his son was using the powers for the Tri-Legend Megazord.

‭[Kraken sneezes as Kyatsu drags in Dial.]

‭I apologize, sire...I tried to hide in the yellow ones’ suit, but the pink one got me with bug spray. I need to recover before getting back out there!

‭[Kyatsu appears to be catching Kraken’s cold, coughs a bit.]

‭I suggest that you clean yourself up, and get back out there!

‭I will get back out there as soon as I clean my eyes. I am not even close to being done with those pesky rangers!

‭[The crew are surveying the damage, with Brock working on the viewscreen to the megazord.]

‭Well, what’s the prognosis, doc?

‭She’s damaged pretty good. If only someone didn’t shoot their musket in here!

‭[The crew comes up the steps to survey the damage to the ceiling.]

‭II had no choice but to use the musket.

‭Nikki had the right idea with the bug spray...so, as punishment, I want you, DeAndre, and Keri to help me fix the ship.

‭[Dial flies over the city...flying by an arena and landing on a rooftop. He then see the church that Nikki and Kieran are in.]

‭[Later that afternoon, Nikki puts her plan into action as she walks down the aisle of an empty church as a very nervous Kieran watches.]

‭Relax...this is all a part of the plan.

‭[Meanwhile, Dial sneaks a peek through the doors. The two go through the ceremony, making it look as real as possible, although they are the only ones in the room. The impatient Scallywag barges into the room as the two attempt to kiss.]

‭Now, Kieran!

‭[Kieran spins Nikki around so she can use her musket to blast Dial’s Dial-Sizer, in which the pieces fall to the ground.]

‭You destroyed my Dial-Sizer!

‭[Dial runs outside.]

‭That was the plan!

‭Now for his AbsorbiStaff!

‭[The two crewmen follow Dial outside, and to the industrial area.]

‭[Nikki and Kieran follow Dial, as they blast at him. Nikki gets a good blast in, and separates Dial from his staff, then rushes to crush the end of the staff to release the “happy” energy back to the citizens, just as the others rejoin them.]


‭The ship’s fixed.

‭[Suddenly, Ethan and Cassidy approach the six crewmen.]

‭I’m Ethan, and this is my wife, Cassidy. Doctor “O” told me that you guys were coming. I have something to tell you. The Dino Powers, which you, Kieran have been using for the Tri-Legend, and also work with your Hero Megazord.

‭But, that would leave me out of the situation since the Dino Powers only had five keys.

‭(as she pulls something from her purse)
‭I’ve been working on something to remedy that. This is the Pink Dino Key.

‭[Nikki seems less than pleased, but expresses appreciation anyways to be polite. Dial then recovers.]

‭I am getting sick and tired of you rangers!

‭The feeling’s mutual, bug-brain!

‭[Ethan charges in, and uses his Dino-Skin to try to drive Dial back...but it is no use, and Ethan quickly backs off.]

‭Just wanted to see if it still worked.

‭It’ll be best if you two get to safety.

‭[The two oblige as the six utilize their morphers and keys to transform into Hero Rangers.]

‭Heroes Setting Sail For Adventure! Power Rangers, hya!

‭[The six quickly insert their keys into the morphers, and turn the keys.]

‭Dino Power!

‭[The six Dino Rangers do their pose, the charge in to blast with their Thundermax Sabers (Drago Sword for White, and Brachiostaff for Black), and battle Dial, who blasts them. Soon, they “bog-down” the Scallywag, who overpowers the group to make them spin, but the rangers counter with their Thundermax Blasters, and blast the Scallywag back. Dial then counters by releasing multiple tentacles to attack the rangers, until the Yellow Ranger uses her Ptera Grips to cut them off.]

‭Ptera Grips! Get a grip, Dial!

‭[The Black Ranger uses his Brachiostaff to attack Dial.]

‭Fire Strike!

‭[The Blue Ranger uses his Tricerashield to send it to strike Dial, the the White Ranger uses the Drago Sword to attack, the leaps upward to slice him with it. The Red Ranger uses his Tyrannostaff to attack the Scallywag with the mouth end of the weapon.]

‭Super Dino Mode! Let’s go nuts!

‭[The Red Ranger moves in to attack Dial with the raised white-parts on his suit. The six rangers then come together, and summon their Golden Armor Mode.]

‭Heroic Hexa-Blast!

‭[Dial cackles in blue energy bolts as he collapses and explodes. Suddenly, a pink beam hits the Scallywag to revive and enlarge him. The two megazords are summoned for a second battle. The two robots then combine. The arms of the Tri-Legend Megazord separate from the robot, and attach onto the Hero Megazord, which just separated it’s arms. The Silver Ranger’s seat appears in the cockpit down in front of the Red Ranger’s seat.]

‭Heroic Legend Megazord!

‭[Dial blasts the megazord, which spins around to deflect the blasts back at the Scallywag to strike him. The megazord then leaps upward.]

‭Heroic Legend Spinstrike!

‭[The megazord spins right through Dial. The megazord then executes it’s finisher.]

‭Heroic Dino Drill!

‭[The two-pronged attack (a spinning slice from the drill arm, and a chomping attack from the T-Rex arm) strikes Dial to make him cackle in pink energy bolts as he collapses and explodes. As Ethan and Cassidy watch from below, the megazord poses victoriously.]

‭Keep on battling for the rest of us, rangers!

‭Let’s get back to the cafe!
‭NOTE: This episode is dedicated to the visionary, Steve Jobs, who passed away earlier this week of Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 56. He is truly the Thomas Edison of our time, with the co-founding of Apple Computers. If it was not for him, there would be no Apple or Macintosh\iMac Computers, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, or iPad. There would not be Pixar movies. It was on a Macintosh Classic II where I got my start in typing various works of literature. You will be missed, Mr. Jobs. Rest in peace.

‭Episode #44. “Spirit-Of-Friendship
‭When Navix’ next clue refers to a skateboarding lion, the team goes in search of the answer, but Nikki and DeAndre find a device with Shireikan's blueprint and the answer...Jorge Ortega, a scientist, and the former Yellow Beast Ranger. Together, DeAndre and Jorge head to Academi Island, and try to find a way to turn Shireikan back into Ray, but will have to face Shireikan’s creator, and stop him from experimenting again.


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