PRPS #12-The Warrior Of Thunder (2)

Based Upon:
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #9‬: “Brave 9: So Strong! Pteraidenoh (1)"
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #10‬: “Brave 10: Thunder! Gold Revival (2)"
[The three race to the last known location of the Green and Pink Rangers, but run into D’Gol and the Cambeast and draw their weapons, aiming at the two villains. Chikyu arrives as well.]

Careful, rangers...that is a Cambeast...they are the elite guard of the Davros Legion, and are very strong.

[The Cambeast holds up a crystal ball, which shows an unconscious Tyson and Miko, laying on the ground inside of a steel cage, bound by ropes and chains.]

Drop your weapons and surrender...or these two will be destroyed!

[Chris and Robbie withdraw their weapons as Daric continues to hold his up. D’Gol hesitates a bit in anger, gripping his sword tightly.]

Surrender in defeat, rangers!

[Daric sees an opening...but starts to put his blaster down...then spins it and blasts the crystal ball, which shatters.]


I believe in the strength of my friends, D’Gol!

(preparing their morphers)
Let’s Rock!

[The three spin the barrels on their blasters, and press the trigger.]

MaZoDe! Charge!

Jurassic Mode, engage!

[The power-up appears on the right arm of the three rangers, followed by their Jurassic Weapons. The rangers battle the MaZoDe, and quickly defeat them before leaping up onto the ridge to battle the Cambeast while D’Gol wonders what is making him so angry.]

D’ on that zord!

Daric...go after D’Gol...Robbie and I will take care of the Cambeast. Here...take my weapon.

[The Red Ranger, now armed with the Black Ranger’s Jurassic Blaster and his own Jurassic Fang. He uses the two weapons to attack D’Gol, and make him spark. He then continues to battle the War Knight intensely. D’Gol kicks the Red Ranger, who flips, then gets ready to unleash a lightning attack onto the ranger, who combines the Jurassic Weapons.]

Jurassic FangBlaster!

[The energies from both weapons collide, but the Jurassic Fang Blaster’s blast overpowers D’Gol’s sword, and the mask shatters in pieces, revealing the human face of D’Gol. Everyone notices. The Black Ranger holds onto the Cambeast so the Blue Ranger can deliver a blow from his weapon.]

Stego Shield Punch!

[The blow sends the Cambeast flying. D’Gol looks up, and the three rangers and Chikyu get a good look at the human face of D’Gol.]

(in shock)

Who is it, Chikyu!?

Kenjiro! The Gold Paleo Ranger!

[As the rangers are still in shock, the mask pieces itself together, and taunts.]

(laughing, taunting)
It took you long enough! See, my armor is parasitic, and I took over Kenjiro’s rage-filled mind! It was all Sentry’s idea!

[Ken is beside himself as the mask float in mid-air.}

A legendary ranger working for evil!

[Ken tries to attack the mask with the sword, but the effort is fruitless as the mask dodges the sword strikes. The mask soon gets back onto Ken’s face. Chikyu tries to help her friend, but her energy begins to fade...a part of her wing turns to stone.]

Keep it up Chikyu...your body is on the verge of giving out. If you keep pushing it, you will be destroyed! And now, my secret sword technique!

[D’Gol prepares to use Ken’s secret sword technique.]

Lightning Rod!

[D’Gol unleashes the attack, enveloping the rangers and Chikyu into a fireball. Everyone struggles to recover as the Black Ranger inserts the Oviraptor Paleo Charger into his blaster, and fires it to use as a smokescreen to escape.]

Where’d they go!?

[Using the Paleo Spirits, Chikyu has healed.]

Are you okay, Chikyu?

Yes. The power of the Paleo Spirits has heard me. Once, I fought alongside the Paleozords to seal away Master Davros’ heart. We lost many comrades, and I was gravely wounded. There is much more that I need to reveal to you...

...When the time is right. I think I figured out a way to stop D’Gol. You two figure out a way to stop Ptera...I’ll be back a little later.

[Daric picks up his blaster, and goes to depart the base. Chris and Robbie pick up a carrying case, and raid the Charging Station of some Paleo Chargers to test.]

[D’Gol walks down a long hallway toward the cage holding Tyson and Miko, who struggle to break free. As D’Gol reaches the cage, Ken takes over and the mask comes off.]

I fully understand now. This endless fury is due to me being forced to fight my allies. I am Kenjiro...the Gold Paleo Ranger. You two need to escape. If this battle continues, Chikyu will be destroyed. She’s the type of being that would rather sacrifice herself to save her friends.

[Ken tries to open the cage, but the mask prevents him from doing so.]

I’m afraid I cannot allow you to do that, Kenjiro!

[D’Gol then leaves the area.]

[The three columns produce another Cambeast.]

I had another Cambeast seems that the rangers intend to retrieve their allies. Let’s engage them with everything we got!

[Tyson and Miko continue to struggle to escape.]

I refuse to be a burden to the others.

I may have a hidden skill that may be of some use...promise not to tell anyone. It’s not very lady-like. I can use my toes like fingers.

[Miko slips off her shoes, and performs her hidden talent to free the ropes from Tyson, escape their confines, and run for it...but are stopped by a Cambeast and about six MaZoDe.]

How’d you escape!?

That’s a secret.

(preparing their morphers)
Let’s Rock!

[The suits for over the bodies of Tyson and Miko, who then quickly take care of the minions, then have to dodge an attack from the Cambeast’s Cam-Blade with their Dino Blades, and charge-slash the Cambeast, who is forced to his knees as the two rangers escape the cave.]

[The two make it out of the cave, only to be blasted by all three War Knights and another Cambeast...with the first Cambeast re-joining his allies. Aigar has his axe...Candelira has a heart-blade scythe...Lukuro has long-handled sledgehammer...D’Gol and the two Cambeasts have their swords.]

Why don’t you two be good little rangers by getting back in your cage and cry!

[D’Gol summons Ptera as Tyranno enters the area. Tyranno is using the flamethrower power of an Allosaur Paleo Charger as it leaps off of a cliff. The Red Ranger is riding on his partner’s nose, then leaps down to join Green and Pink.]

Red Ranger!

[Suddenly, the Black and Blue Rangers arrive.]

Daric! Have Tyranno use this!

[Red takes the battery, tosses it up to Tyranno. The Paleo Charger enlarges, and inserts into the Paleozord’s mouth. Tyranno’s neck stretches up to chomp down Ptera to subdue it on the ground.]

We Are The Bravest Heroes! Power Rangers...Paleo Strike! Jurassic Mode, engage!

[The rangers quickly roll their blasters down their right arms to summon their power-up and weapons.]

(remembering what Ken said to her)
Tyson! I have an idea...take my weapon...I’ll be back soon.

[The Ping Ranger takes off abruptly as the Green Ranger takes hold of both weapons to use on Candelira and Lukuro. He drills into the ground with the Jurassic Lancer, and then comes up behind the two enemies to slash them. The Blue Ranger then uses his Jurassic Shield on both Cambeasts. He grabs both of them to toss them up, then both come crashing down. The Black Ranger uses his Jurassic Blaster on Aigar, leaping onto a hilltop, flipping off to blast Aigar to the ground.]

Robbie! Mind if I borrow your shield?

[The Blue Ranger gives his weapon to the Green Ranger, who combines the Jurassic Shield, Jurassic Slasher, and Jurassic Lancer into the Jurassic Tri-Blade. The Green Ranger uses the combined weapon to slice through a charging Cambeast.]

Lightning Rod!

[D’Gol prepares his signature move against the Red Ranger, who prepares himself and his Jurassic Fang. The Red Ranger dodges the attack, and leaps through the smoke to attack.]

Tyranno Vio-Punch!

[The attack from the Red Ranger makes D’Gol cackle in blue energy bolts. Chikyu then takes hold of D’Gol, and projects her spirit toward the Red Ranger. The Cyan Paleo Warrior suddenly appears as the Pink Ranger comes riding in on Kylo.]

Thought Rezi and Kylo would be of some help.

[The Red Ranger takes his Paleo Charger out of his blaster, then activates the Pteranodon battery, which absorbs Chikyu and Cyan’s spirits, which restore the battery. The Red Ranger inserts the Ptera battery into the blaster, and aims it at D’Gol, and fires. The spirits enter the War Knight’s body through the mask, and he reacts in agony. The spirits return as D’Gol continues to react.]

Your pitiful plan failed! Pteranodon!

[D’Gol leaps up into the Pteranodon Paleozord, and transforms into it’s megazord mode, knocking down Tyranno.]

You think you can stop me!

(inside D’Gol)
They have, D’Gol! They have restored my power!

[D’Gol’s armor bathes in a golden glow, shattering, and revealing Ken’s human form. The pieces of D’Gol’s armor fall out of the zord, and onto the ground. The megazord then sheds it’s corruption...the visors open as it gets rid of the cape, and poses. Ken leaps out of the zord, and lands on a ridge above Chikyu and the rangers, looking down at them. An army of MaZoDe appear behind the human, who turns around and looks at them. The others prepare to battle the minions.]

This is my battle...stay back.

[The Ptera Megazord reverts to it’s Paleozord mode, and spits out the evil battery, and blows it up. It then spits out a golden beam, which endows Ken with the Ptera Morpher gauntlet and a Pteranodon Paleo Charger. Ken activates the battery]

Let’s Rock!

[Ken inserts the battery into his morpher, shuts the cover, and fires it. The Gold Ranger suit forms over his body for the first time in four hundred years.]

The Thunderwing Hero! Gold Paleo Ranger! Lightning Strike!

[The Gold Ranger fires his morpher to take out several MaZoDe. The Gold Ranger then man-handles other MaZoDe.]

Thunder Slash!

[The Gold Ranger then flies around, blasting, and taking out other minions. Lukuro and Candelira then face the vengeful ranger.]

Ptera Baton!

[The Gold Ranger slides his buckle to grab a Paleo Charger, and loads it into the weapon, and pushes the plunger to activate it.]

Thunder Dance!

[The attack electrocutes the two enemies, who collapse backward. Aigar takes their place, and charges at the Gold Ranger, who slides his buckle to grab a second battery and loads it into the weapon, and pushes the plunger to activate it.]

Lightning Shockwave!

[Aigar connects his axe to the baton, and is electrocuted and the Gold Ranger strikes the War Knight of Sadness twice to send him flying. One of the two Cambeasts then faces the ranger, who then slides his buckle to grab and load a third battery into the baton. He then pushes the plunger to activate the full power of the weapon.]

Ptera Baton...full power! Lightning Rod...Lightning Crash!

[The Gold Ranger deflects the Cambeast’s attack. The Cambeast cackles in yellow energy bolts, then explodes. the other five rangers and Chikyu celebrate a bit. Lukuro comes in, and pours water over the two Cambeasts with his watering can to revive and enlarge them.]

I got this one! Ptera!

[The Gold Ranger leaps into the cockpit of his zord, and orders up the transformation.]

Megazord Formation!

[The Ptera Paleozord transforms into the Paleo Megazord. The Gold Ranger inserts his baton into the control console. The two Cambeasts charge at the megazord with their swords.]

Ptera Blades!

[The megazord uses it’s weapons, then kicks one Cambeast to the ground. The other Cambeast fires it’s weapon at the megazord, to force it to leap and dodge. The megazord strikes the Cambeast with it’s Ptera Blades again.]

Let’s finish this! Ptera Brave Finish!

[The chest cannon spits out lightning bolts to strike the two. The megazord then spins like a tornado with the Ptera Blades.]

Horizon Slash!

[The two Cambeasts explode in massive fireballs as the megazord poses victoriously. He then leaps out of his robot, and sees that D’Gol’s armor is gone. The other six rangers and Chikyu catch up to the Gold Ranger in order to reunite.]

Power Down!


[The Gold Ranger looks to the side in shame. When he looks up at Daric, he sees a familiar face, and turns around in shame again, just as Daric tries to shake his hand.]

I’m sorry. I refuse to shake hands until I have proven myself worthy.

[The Gold Ranger then walks off into the sunset.]

‭Episode #13: Modern Lessons
‭Rezi alerts the team that the eighth Paleozord is soon to be found. Meanwhile, Candelira puts a plan into motion by using her DavroMon, Skelamour as Miko shows Ken the modern world.


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