
Showing posts from January, 2014

Adaptation 2014 Announcement

It has been decided...the 2014 Super Sentai adaptation will be "POWER RANGERS: RAIL FORCE!" First episodes will be in Early March following the finale of "Power Rangers: Paleo Strike."

PRPS #41-Eternally Red (3) {THE N.R.I.O. NETWORK'S 400th EPISODE!!!}

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DAY [Thousands of minions flood the city...MaZoDe...Cambeasts...and RoZoDe create chaos. Arriving just before the minions, is Cypher. Daric and the other red warriors arrive, and morph.] ALL RED WARRIORS: Let’s Morph! [All twenty-two red warriors activate their morphers, and the suits form onto the group. Red smoke and fiery explosions erupt behind the group. The rangers take out one hundred minions, then turn their attention to Cypher, who nearly wipes them out again. The group recovers.] INT.-BEACH-CAVE-DAY [Chikyu, Rezi, Eli, and Maria arrive, quickly overpower the dozen RoZoDe. Then free the other five, who all grab their empty Paleo Chargers...but are met by D’Gol, Aigar, Candelira, and Lukuro...blocking the cave’s exit.] D’GOL: Going somewhere, rangers! [The eight team members and Chikyu battle the four War Knights and their weapons for a few minutes before es...

PRPS #40-Eternally Red (2)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [Daric wakes up dripping in sweat, and begins his recovery...but is worried about the Power Grid.] DARIC KAYSON: Where are the others? MARIA ARMSTRONG: They were captured by Cypher. Chikyu has tracked them to a cave on the beach. DARIC KAYSON: I will go save them...alone. CHIKYU: You can’t due to your injuries. Cypher will kill you on the spot! DARIC KAYSON: I just can’t sit here and wait, Chikyu! The others are depending on me to rescue them! CHIKYU: There is one other way...I have these devices. [Chikyu reaches into a pouch, and reveals the Power Keys of twenty-one Red Rangers.] Activate one of your Paleo Chargers, and put it over the pile of keys to summon their warriors. [Daric does this, and the keys rise, and form a circle above their heads. One-by-one, the previous Red Rangers appear.] DARIC KAYSON: Hi! I am Daric...the Red Paleo ...

PRPS #39-Eternally Red (1)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY [The entire main team spends a quiet day in the park. It has been a few days since the Davros last attacked the city of Park Ridge.] DARIC KAYSON: Let’s go see Chikyu in the morning. INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-NIGHT [Sentry is a bit furious as the War Knight have no ideas on how to defeat the rangers...and how Ixilon is now missing.] SENTRY: You all have no ideas on how to defeat the rangers!? And...where’s Ixilon!? LUKURO: What about a certain ally? SENTRY: Ah, him at once! INT.-WASHINGTON; D.C.-WHITE HOUSE-WAR ROOM-NIGHT [An African-American man and a few dark-suited agents enter the room, and lock the door.] DARK SUIT: You have a message from Antarctica, sir. [The man is Herbert “H.” Percy...the President of The United States of America. The President sits down at a long table, and is briefed on the current Davros operation agains...

PRPS #38-Amber Secrets (5)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #30‬: “Brave #30: Find Them! The Guardians' Fragments (3)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team meets, and discusses the amber stones...and Daric’s stone. CHIKYU: There is a reason as to why Daric’s necklace reacts at times. The amber stones have more power than you know. CHRIS RUTLEDGE: I have figured out that the amber stones hold fossilized fragments of the thirteen Guardian Paleo Spirits. My large stone...has no fossil in it...which, perplexes me. CHIKYU: You are correct, Christopher...We already have a few of the stones...but there are four more out there somewhere. DARIC KAYSON: My amber stone contains the fossil of the Allosaurus. CHIKYU: The stones are the key to reviving Brachio...and destroying the Davros Legion once and for all. MIKO INOUE: I may know where to find one of the amber stones. INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [...

PRPS #37-Grievances (4)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #29‬: “Brave #29: Big Attack! Dance Carnival (2)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-CITY-INDUSTRIAL ZONE-DAY [The three Paleozords combine together, and the five core team members enter the cockpit already morphed. The five control the robot to try to snap Chikyu out of the mind control.] ALL CORE RANGERS: Paleo Megazord! Ready To Roar! RED PALEO RANGER: Snap out of it, Chikyu! KEN FERRADAY: Guys! Form the Paleo Saber! [The weapon forms from the right arm of the megazord so that it can swordfight with Chikyu.] PINK PALEO RANGER: Ken! Try to get that Shrink-Sphere from Lukuro! KEN FERRADAY: Of course! To shrink Chikyu down to size! Ptera Baton! [Ken charges at Lukuro, who is shielded by Yudosu, who fires his bowgun. Ken recovers, and charges again. Above them, Chikyu grabs the megazord’s saber, and impales herself to end the madness.] CHIKYU: (weakened) It’s...

PRPS #36-Paleo Revelations (3)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #28‬: “Brave #28: Ah, Torin! The Billion Year Grudge (1)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Maria has returned with more Paleo Chargers for the team to use. The team celebrates a bit, but Chikyu looks like she is in pain.] DARIC KAYSON: Chikyu...are you okay? CHIKYU: Oh, it’s nothing. I must depart for a little while. [Chikyu teleports out of the base, with Daric soon following.] EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [Daric teleports in, wonders where Chikyu went...but sees his father on the roof of a nearby skyscraper after his amulet glows. On the building’s roof, Daric arrives to where his father is.] DARIC KAYSON: Dad! [Daniel tosses Daric a sack. He opens it up to see three amber stones. DANIEL KAYSON: Give these to Chikyu. She is currently in the Valley Of The Calm Winds. DARIC KAYSON: Are you a friend of hers? DANIEL KAYSON: Do you believe in Chiky...

PRPS #35-Family Tree (2)

Original Episode INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry reviews his plan.] SENTRY: I am satisfied that the first phase of my plan is complete. Ixilon...prepare for phase three as I get ready to enact phase two. IXILON: Yes, sir! INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [The nine team members gather to celebrate a bit as an extremely worried Chikyu looks on. DARIC KAYSON: Are you okay? CHIKYU: I will be...nothing for you guys to be worried about. INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry talks to Prototox.] SENTRY: Prototox...initiate phase two of the plan. PROTOTOX: Yes, sir! With pleasure! INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Chikyu talks to the nine team members.] CHIKYU: I want to thank you for your help in battling my brother. But...there is more, I am afraid. my estranged father. [Daric feels that Chikyu is still hiding something...something big.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry talks to someone in the shadows.] SENTRY: In due wil...

PRPS #35-Family Tree (2)

Original Episode INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry reviews his plan.] SENTRY: I am satisfied that the first phase of my plan is complete. Ixilon...prepare for phase three as I get ready to enact phase two. IXILON: Yes, sir! INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [The nine team members gather to celebrate a bit as an extremely worried Chikyu looks on. DARIC KAYSON: Are you okay? CHIKYU: I will be...nothing for you guys to be worried about. INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry talks to Prototox.] SENTRY: Prototox...initiate phase two of the plan. PROTOTOX: Yes, sir! With pleasure! INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [Chikyu talks to the nine team members.] CHIKYU: I want to thank you for your help in battling my brother. But...there is more, I am afraid. my estranged father. [Daric feels that Chikyu is still hiding something...something big.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [Sentry talks to someone in the shadows.] SENTRY: In due wil...

PRPS #34-Oh, Brother! (1)

Original Episode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-FOREST-DAY [At dusk, Ixilon is training Yudosu in order to capture Chikyu.] EXT.-BEACH-NIGHT [As night falls, the six main team members are enjoying a well-deserved night off.] KEN FERRADAY: What is a “nigh off?” MIKO INOUE: It means that Chikyu is giving us a relax. [Chikyu unexpectantly shows up to watch the sunset at the end of another day.] CHIKYU: I admire the Earth, and it’s beauty. [The team clanks their plastic cups in enjoyment.] INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [The next day, Sentry recognizes Lukuro, and his efforts from a recent battle.] SENTRY: Lukuro...for coming up with the plan to create Nightmarius, and discovering a weakness in the rangers, I hearby promote you to War Knight status...the War Knight of Fun. [Suddenly, a bird-like being flies into the base. He too is a War Knight.] PROTOTOX: I am the War Knight of Fright...Prototox! ...

PRPS #33-Rise Of The Carnivore (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, Episode #27: “Brave #27: O Matsurincho! Red's Super Evolution (2)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT-FOREST-DAY [The five main team members try to find their stricken comrade. Suddenly, the Red Ranger arrives, and the four guys try to tackle him] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: Get ‘em! [The four guys fumble all over themselves as Miko watches in shame. The Red Ranger runs off scared as the four guys fall down, and are dumbfounded quite a bit. A bit later, the five talk to Tyranno and Velo, ask for advice.] TYSON KIRKLAND: Velo says that the most critical part of an ambush is patience. MIKO INOUE: Tyranno wants to help...but his size will get in the way. CHRIS RUTLEDGE: I want you on stand-by, Tyranno. [The Paleozord departs the area, a bit depressed.] I have an guys keep looking for Daric. INT.-CITY-INDUSTRIAL ZONE-ABANDONED WAREHOUSE-DAY [D’Gol arrives to attack Ixil...