
Showing posts from March, 2011

PRTNG #6-Past-Life

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #4‬: What Are Friends For" >>>RATED TV-14 (Fantasy Violence, Dialogue, Situation, Realistic Violence) ------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-NIGHT [As the Galleon passes over an unknown city, the team sleeps.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-DeANDRE'S QUARTERS-NIGHT [DeAndre is experiencing a painful memory as a nightmare.] EXT.-CITY-LOW INCOME HOUSING NEIGHBORHOOD-DAY {DeANDRE'S NIGHTMARE} [Three years earlier, just before the Legend Battle, DeAndre is in a run-down neighborhood with some gang-bangers.] DeANDRE TAYLOR: (talking to a friend) Yeah, man... [A small import car pulls around the corner. An occupant in the car holds a gun out the window. In the split second before a barrage of gunfire, the two recognize the shooter as a classmate of theirs at their dojo.] Harry Gulfried! FRIEND: (weakly) Hadgulf! [Harry was a skilled why did he use a gun? A sobbing DeAndre looks down at ...

PRTNG #5-Mystified

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #3‬: Changing Courage Into Magic ~‭Maagi Magi Go Gokai~‬" ----------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-GALLEON-DAY [The Galleon has arrived over Briarwood, the former home of the Mystic Rangers. Unfortunately for the ship's crew, it is very foggy. Keri is in the ship's crow's nest assisting with navigation.] KERI SCHMIDT: (over her morpher) It's very foggy out here, guys. Near as I can tell, we are near the forest! INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Brock is at the computer while Colin is morphed, and manually controlling the ship.] BROCK CRANSTON: The computer down here says we are still over the quarry...but the computer is acting up. EXT.-CITY-DAY [The Galleon continues on, but Keri thinks that there is something out there.] KERI SCHMIDT: There's something out here with us...I can feel it! [Suddenly, the object flies right through the fog, and into view...and crashes into the Galleon.] ...

Posting Moving to Saturdays

Effective immediately, postings of my adaptations are moving to Saturdays. This is to accomidate a busy schedule outside of writing Power Rangers.

PRTNG #4-Key-napped!

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #2‬: This Planet's Value" -------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [The Galleon has dropped it's anchors in Angel Grove Bay.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-MAIN ROOM-DAY [Brock looks at the computer and main viewer.] BROCK CRANSTON: It seems that the Zangyu have set up base between the Earth and the moon. COLIN SCOTT: anything for us? NAVIX: I see a magical man in black from the forest of the briar patch knows something. [The teens seem a bit confused.] EXT.-CITY-PLAZA-DAY [A young man, about fifteen in age rides up on a bicycle. He stops, and looks up at the Galleon. He then continues toward the ship. Meanwhile, the five teens hit the plaza to find the man in black, but are amazed to see so many people wearing black...nuns, businessmen, agents, etc.] KERI SCHMIDT: There are so many people in black! NIKKI BUCHANAN: How are we supposed to find this person!? [Below, the young man on the bic...


Our organization would like to send our prayers and condolances to the people of Japan, who are facing a time of great strife due to the Earthquakes and resulting aftershocks and tsunamis that struck the country. This week's episode, "Key-napped!" is dedicated to the people of Japan. May the power protect you all!!! Sincerely, Christopher M. Clark Owner, NightRanger Industres

PRTNG #3-NexGen (3)

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #1‬: The Pirate Sentai Appears" ---------------------------------------------------- EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY The Galleon Powerzord faces off with the Zangyu fleet. Both sides prepare for battle.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-GALLEON POWERZORD-COCKPIT-DAY [The battle begins.] RED HERO RANGER: Ready the Port Cannons! Fire! [Outside, the cannons fire, and destroy a few ships.] Starboard Cannons! Fire! [Outside, the cannons fire, and destroy a few ships. Then the Galleon steers it's bow toward other Zangyu ships to ram them. This maneuver destroys more ships.] INT.-OUTER SPACE-ZANGYU FLEET SHIP-BRIDGE-DAY [The Scurvy commander is enraged.] SCURVY COMMANDER: Keep firing! [The ships keep firing on the Galleon.] EXT.-OUTER SPACE-GALLEON POWERZORD-DAY [The Galleon gets blasted by the Zangyu ships.] voice of RED HERO RANGER: Form the megazord! [Through the smoke, the Hero Megazord runs off of a surface with it's Dual Heroic Blades, leaps o...

PRTNG #2-NexGen (2)

Loosely Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #1‬: The Pirate Sentai Appears" ----------------------------------------------------- ‭EXT.-CITY-DAY ‭[Several Zangyu Fleet ships hover over the dojo. Chains descend from the ships and release a massive swarm of Foilers, a few Scurvies, and Sanbo.] ‭EXT.-CITY-PARK-DAY ‭[The five teens see the invasion force, and continue to watch in awe. As they see the invaders creep up to and enter the dojo, they start to freak out a bit. The five continue to watch the invaders, and try to comprehend what they are seeing.] ‭INT.-CITY-PARK DOJO-DAY ‭[The Zangyu invasion force enters the dojo. Various citizens try to flee.] ‭SANBO: ‭I am General Sanbo of the Zangyu Empire! I demand to know the location of the secret entrance to Power Mountain...and the Universal Morphing Grid! ‭HAYLEY OLIVER: ‭Why do you want to know? ‭SANBO: ‭So I can destroy it! ‭TOMMY OLIVER: ‭You will never gain access to Power Mountain nor the Morphing Grid! C...

PRTNG #1-NexGen (1)

Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa:‭ "Episode #1‬: The Pirate Sentai Appears" ------------------------------------------------------ ‭EXT.-OUTER SPACE-DAY {2012} ‭[The deepness of outer space is quiet...including on the Space Command Space Station.] ‭voice of NARRATOR: ‭The day is December twenty-first, twenty twelve...just over a year ago, the Star Guardian Rangers and Space Command had defeated the likes of The Alliance, Yomazho, and the Atlantron Empire. After the defeat of the traitorous Trijira, everyone celebrated the victory on the Space Command Space Station. ‭INT.-OUTER SPACE-SPACE COMMAND SPACE STATION-BANQUET ROOM-DAY {2011} ‭[The crowd rejoices.] ‭GABE CRENSHAW: ‭I would also like to announce several promotions. As you may know, I have already promoted Officer Heath Regan to Lieutenant. I would like to now promote Officers Melissa Crenshaw...Diego Maxa...Kyrie Maxa...and Aquios to the ranks of Lieutenant. Lastly...I would also like to promote Sergeant Austin...

Postings to move to Thursdays

Hello fans. Fist of all, production on PRTNGis progressing rather slow right now, but I do predict that it will pick up (as idoe with all the past NRIO series') soon. Second, I am moving the posting days to Thursdays, as I am at the computer longer, and can get more accomplished then I would on a Friday. This move however would take place beginning in ealy April. So until the first of the month, it'll remain on Fridays. The statistical count that I do each week will remain on Thursdays, but when the postings move, I'll do the stats before I post. Power Rangers The Next Generation will premiere right here tomorrow! It's a three-parter entitled "NexGen." PRTNG promises to be a great season!