PRTNG #6-Past-Life
Based Upon: Kaizoku Sentai Go-kaijaa: "Episode #4: What Are Friends For" >>>RATED TV-14 (Fantasy Violence, Dialogue, Situation, Realistic Violence) ------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-NIGHT [As the Galleon passes over an unknown city, the team sleeps.] INT.-CITY-GALLEON-DeANDRE'S QUARTERS-NIGHT [DeAndre is experiencing a painful memory as a nightmare.] EXT.-CITY-LOW INCOME HOUSING NEIGHBORHOOD-DAY {DeANDRE'S NIGHTMARE} [Three years earlier, just before the Legend Battle, DeAndre is in a run-down neighborhood with some gang-bangers.] DeANDRE TAYLOR: (talking to a friend) Yeah, man... [A small import car pulls around the corner. An occupant in the car holds a gun out the window. In the split second before a barrage of gunfire, the two recognize the shooter as a classmate of theirs at their dojo.] Harry Gulfried! FRIEND: (weakly) Hadgulf! [Harry was a skilled why did he use a gun? A sobbing DeAndre looks down at ...