
Showing posts from April, 2013

HOUSTON! We have a bit of a problem!!!

Okay...a problem cropped up on my laptop...the charger plug is being a bit of a turd, and not catching when I plug it, I may not be able to use it much, as it stands now, I got less than two hours of juice left until the battery dies. I have an order placed with Amazon for a new one, but it'll take 1-2 weeks to get here. I WILL TRY MY BEST to get episodes posted, but the whole "expected post-date" schedule has just been thrown out the door for right now (in other words, the episodes will be posted when they will be posted). I will keep trying to fiddle with the current charger plug, hoping that it'll catch, and start charging. Keep those fingers crossed!

PRPS #9-Red In A Pinch

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #7‬: “Brave 7: Angry! Daigo's In Big Trouble" --------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team meets as Daric had just reviewed the mission against the Davros. Daric clutches his amulet.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: So that’s your amulet that your father gave you? DARIC KAYSON: Yes. [Chris notices that the amulet looks similar to the jewel that he and Shawn were after last year.] CHRIS RUTLEDGE: Do you mind if I borrow it for some research? DARIC KAYSON: (taking off the necklace) Sure. MIKO INOUE: Do you have anything else from your father? DARIC KAYSON: Yeah... [Daric puts his hand to his shoulder as to grab a backpack.] I left my bag on that island! INT.-ANTARCTICA-FROZEN CASTLE-DAY [D’Gol awaits the DavroMon from his column in the base...BRANDIRON.] D’GOL: Demonstrate your abilities! BRANDIRON: (as a MaZoDe walks by) You! Come here! [The MaZoDe...

PRPS #8-Warriors Of Legend

Original Episode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The team watches the Cyan Ranger’s cyan-colored trail vanish.] DARIC KAYSON: Chikyu...what did Rezi mean by the other Paleozords? INT.-SACRED GROUND-NIGHT [Night has fallen, and a campfire-like glow illuminates the base. The five team members sit around the meeting table as Chikyu tells the story of long ago.] CHIKYU: While it is true that Rezi fought five hundred years ago, there were others that fought alongside him. FLASHBACK (five hundred years ago) [The ten Paleo Warriors stand unmorphed, and from left to right (Kiryu, the Red Warrior...Kuro, the Black Warrior...Nobu, the Blue Warrior...Soji, the Green Warrior...Amiyu, the Pink Warrior...Kenjiro, the Gold Warrior...Rezi, the Cyan Warrior...Eli, the Gray Warrior...Maria, the Purple Warrior...and Dario, the Silver Warrior).] voice of CHIKYU: Five hundred years ago, in the Earth year fifteen hundred, a lone ...

PRPS #7-The Singing War Knight (2)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #6‬: “Brave 6: Stop! Candelira Sings (2)" -------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-SACRED GROUND-DAY [The team discusses the DavroMon...POSSESSOR, who has the ability to possess Paleozords, and control various diseases.] CHIKYU: Possessor is a powerful foe to the dinosaurs. REZI: Possessor awoke during the Dark Ages. Kylo and I smashed him to bits, but a piece of him was absorbed into my partner’s Paleo Charger. TYSON KIRKLAND: The only way to rescue Kylo, is to defeat Possessor. REZI: I have complete confidence in you, rangers. [Miko looks a bit worried about Rezi.] EXT.-CITY-PARK-AMPETHEATER-DAY [The Park Ridge Talent Festival is well underway, with a sparse crowd in the seats. On stage is a sibling duo performing a stand-up comedy act. Nearby, Candelira and Lukuro seem a bit bummed after Decayrot’s destruction.] CANDELIRA: I feel the need for a song! [Candelira jumps over a ba...

PRPS #6-The Warrior Of Steel (1)

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #5‬: “Brave 5: Boom! The Cavities Of Ankydon (1)" ------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT.-QUARRY-DAY [The five Paleo Rangers are in the quarry, testing the powers of the various Paleo Chargers. The Red Ranger inserts a #15-Allosaur Paleo Charger into his blaster as the Blue Ranger his his Jurassic Shield.] RED PALEO RANGER: Okay, ready? BLUE PALEO RANGER: Yeah! [The Red Ranger spins the barrel on his blaster, and fires, turning the device into a flame-thrower with a heat blast of over twelve thousand degrees!] BLACK PALEO RANGER: (looking at a reading on his belt buckle) Whew! Now, that’s hot! You’re up, Green Boy! [An annoyed Green Ranger tries to get the Black Ranger, but the latter activates a #19-Tupandactyl Paleo Charger, loads it into his blaster as the Green Ranger stews in anger, and tries to confront the Black Ranger, who gets up, and blasts the Green Ranger’s ...

PRPS #5-All Together Now

Based Upon: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger,‭ Episode #4‬: “Brave 4: Fire! The Gaburevolver Of Courage" ------------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [Chris and his date walk down a sidewalk. In their way, a dark and smoky aura blocks their way...and Chris looks like he’s seen this being before.] JEWELER: Stop! Thief! GIRL: What is that, Chris!? CHRIS RUTLEDGE: (looking at the empty store) Go on without me. I’ll call you later. [The girl reluctantly leaves the area as Chris follows the being.] INT.-CITY-WAREHOUSE-DAY [The being is a DavroMon...CLEPTOCLOAK, who moves quickly among the cardboard boxes and wooden crates...until he is blasted by Chris and his Paleo Blaster. CLEPTOCLOAK: What was that!? BLACK PALEO RANGER: (coming out of the shadows) Me, you overgrown bird. You should be caged! That cape!? [The Black Ranger continues to blast his Paleo Blaster wildly at the DavroMon, all while leaping over the boxes and crates. The DavroMon then shoots at the...