PRSF #30: The Un-Raged Rage
Loosely Based Upon Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode #18: "Shinobi #18: The Yokai That Yakumo Loved" --------------------------------------------------------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Four of the core ninja students are practicing.] BROOK PADILLA: So...where's X at? IZZY FROST: He's helping his elderly neighbor mow her lawn. JOSH TURNER: It's been too quiet around here since Trist is on Catalina seeing family. ANDREW FROST: (entering the dojo with the mail) Speaking of a postcard from him! IZZY FROST: Family's doing great...missing you guys in Forest Hills. Will return soon with plenty of fish! [Suddenly the sensor alarms ring. Andrew checks his hand-held tablet-like device.] ANDREW FROST: There's a Rage in the neighborhood where Xavier's at! IAN FROST: We're outta here! [The four rush out of the dojo.] EXT.-CITY-QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD-HOUSE-DAY [The four rangers, already morphed, and join the Blue ...