Ranger News And Views (December 2009)
Hello fans, and welcome to the December 2009 issue of "Ranger News And Views." Grab some Thanksgiving leftovers (We both know that you still got some) and enjoy. CONTENTS: + My Adaptations (PRKW) + Super Sentai (Shinkenger) - Super Sentai 2010 (Goseiger) + Power Rangers (RPM) - Power Rangers 2010 (MMPR v2) + 2010 Rumor Mill + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): The home stretch is in progress, and so are the final eighteen episodes of the season, which will wrap on February 19, 2010. The posting dates have somewhat been changed to create a comfort zone for the finale. November wrapped up with the PRKW/PRND team-up three-part episode "Double Teamed," which (due to timing) was loosely based on the Shin/Go-on team-up which will debut in January. The Original Post Dates (O.P.D.'s) for the remaining episodes are pretty much set in...