
Showing posts from November, 2009

Ranger News And Views (December 2009)

Hello fans, and welcome to the December 2009 issue of "Ranger News And Views." Grab some Thanksgiving leftovers (We both know that you still got some) and enjoy. CONTENTS: + My Adaptations (PRKW) + Super Sentai (Shinkenger) - Super Sentai 2010 (Goseiger) + Power Rangers (RPM) - Power Rangers 2010 (MMPR v2) + 2010 Rumor Mill + The NRIO Network - Affiliation Update - Statistics + Closing And Links ----------------------------------------- MY ADAPTATIONS ("POWER RANGERS: KENDO WARRIORS"): The home stretch is in progress, and so are the final eighteen episodes of the season, which will wrap on February 19, 2010. The posting dates have somewhat been changed to create a comfort zone for the finale. November wrapped up with the PRKW/PRND team-up three-part episode "Double Teamed," which (due to timing) was loosely based on the Shin/Go-on team-up which will debut in January. The Original Post Dates (O.P.D.'s) for the remaining episodes are pretty much set in...

PRKW #52-Double Teamed (3)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa Vs. Go-onger" Monster From: Kamen Rider Decade "Episode 24: Arrival Of The Samurai Fighting Force" Samurai Sentai Shinkenger "Act 21: The Father And Son Bears" Kamen Rider Decade "Episode #25: Heretic Rider, On Call" ------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The twelve Kendozords continue to get pounded by Machasi.] YELLOW NITRO RANGER: I wish we can help! RED MOTO RANGER: I know. But the VehAni are still on Machia! BLUE NITRO RANGER: They're gonna be destroyed if we don't do something! SILVER SKY RANGER: Yeah! GOLD SKY RANGER: Wait! I have an idea! [The Gold Ranger speaks into his communicator.] Alpha... [Machasi continues to batter the twelve Kendozords as the Nitro Defender Rangers watch helplessly.] INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [The Edenite robot answers the call.] ALPHA SIX: Go ahead, Adam... voice of GOLD SKY RANGER: send out a S.O.S. to Machia...the VehAni are needed here on Earth! ALPHA...

PRKW #51-Double Teamed (2)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa Vs. Go-onger" Monster From: Kamen Rider Decade "Episode 24: Arrival Of The Samurai Fighting Force" Samurai Sentai Shinkenger "Act 21: The Father And Son Bears" Kamen Rider Decade "Episode #25: Heretic Rider, On Call" ----------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The four baddies stalk the fallen heroes.] JIGARA: I don't think you will need those colorful costumes anymore! [Jigara blasts the rangers out of morph. Suddenly, a lone voice taunts the villains.] VOICE: Hey! Leave them alone! JIGARA: I demand to know who said that! [A group of ten humanoid beings appear through the smoking and flaming debris.] RED NITRO RANGER: We did! [Both the Kendo Warrior team and the baddies have a look of shock and disbelief as the camera pans the the line of ten Nitro Defender team rangers.] ALL NITRO RANGERS: (posing) Nitro! ALL DEFENDER RANGERS: (posing) Defender! ALL SKY RANGERS: (posing) Sky! ALL RAILMAX RANGERS: ...

PRKW #50-Double Teamed (1)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa Vs. Go-onger" Monster From: Kamen Rider Decade "Episode 24: Arrival Of The Samurai Fighting Force" Samurai Sentai Shinkenger "Act 21: The Father And Son Bears" Kamen Rider Decade "Episode #25: Heretic Rider, On Call" ------------------ INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-NIGHT [Iod and Octo are growing considerably more and more irritated that Jigara and Crustacea have moved off of the ship...and that Sanzu is alive and well. Suddenly, the three cave-dwellers enter the ship.] JIGARA: Have you two been talking about me!? My ears are burning. Well...since I am the more powerful Stygian here, I guess that makes me the new leader. IOD: (getting into Jigara's face) What gives you the right, Jigara!? JIGARA: Well, do you have a plan to get rid of the rangers? [Iod looks a bit stumped.] Didn't think so! [Iod backs off a bit.] Down in the depths of the River Styx is a hybrid part Aykasi...o...


Dear Fans...All one hundred thirty "retro-sodes" of "Power Rangers: Jungle Fury (My Version)," and "Power Rangers: Nitro Defenders" have been posted. Episodes 50-52 of "Power Rangers: Kendo Warriors," entitled "Double Teamed, Parts 1-3" will be posted Friday Night, and the December 2009 issue of "Ranger News And Views" will be posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2009. From The N.R.I.O. Network to you and yours...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

PRND #65-The Finish Line (2) [SERIES FINALE]

Loosely Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP50: Road Of Justice (4)" ------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The rangers continue to face the remaining three Machine Empire members.] YOGOSHIMA: You rangers are even more pitiful than I thought! [Yogoshima then takes out a vial of GeoCore Energy, and drinks the contents to make him grow. The rangers look on in shock.] RED NITRO RANGER: (into his morpher) Alpha...the zords! [The zord case appears at the rangers' feet. The rangers remove the twelve zord casts, and insert the Super Nitro Cells, and cast them off to grow. As the Orange Defender Ranger and Navy Sky Ranger vanish, the other rangers then leap up to enter the cockpits.] Let's get them! [The rangers install their morphers to activate the cockpits, and buckle their restraints.] G.T.! [G.T. appears and stands his ground.] NITRO RANGERS: Nitrozords! DEFENDER RANGERS: Defenderzords! SKY RANGERS: Skyzords! RAILMAX RANGERS: RailMaxZords! ALL RANGERS: Combine! [T...

PRND #64-The Finish Line (1)

Loosely Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP47: Ministry Shake-Up (1)" Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP48: Justice Dissolution (2)" Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP49: Final Battle (3)" ---------------------- INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-SCRAP HEAP-NIGHT [Scrubius' old Illusion Bin glows a golden-black aura. A shadowed being emerges from the weapon, and laughs manically, and sinister-like. Argo and Metalia enter the area...once they see the being, they drop to their knees to grovel at his feet.] INT.-CITY-DOJO-NIGHT [The team relaxes as the dojo closes for the night.] RYDER SWANSON: So, what's next? ADAM PARK: A lot. I have a feeling. KEIKO OGAWA: A feeling of what? ADAM PARK: A very, very bad feeling that the Machine Empire may turn up the heat on us. [Adam turn to the RailMax team members.] We all better be ready to take on whatever they may throw at us. [The employees look very concerned.] INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-SCRAP HEAP-NIGHT [The being introduces himself.]...

PRND #63-A Weighty Issue

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP46: Runaway Bomper" ----------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [School has just let out for the day. A lot of kids have entered the business to hang out and have fun. Three boys enter...Michael, Joe, and Scott.] MICHAEL: I told you guys to leave me alone! SCOTT: (mocking) No! We won't leave you alone, wheezer! [Joe and Scott approach Michael, to push him down. Suddenly, Michael's asthma starts to act up. He pulls out his nebulizer inhaler to take a puff. The two bullies try to take his inhaler, but are interrupted by Ryder and Matt.] MATT SANDOVAL: Leave him alone! What seems to be your problem, gentlemen? JOE: Why are you some sort of cop? MATT SANDOVAL: (taking out his service badge) Why...yes! JOE: Run! [Joe and Scott flee the dojo.] RYDER SWANSON: Are you okay? MATT SANDOVAL: What's your name? MICHAEL: Yeah, I'll be okay. My name's Michael. RYDER SWANSON: Michael...Matt and I run some classes here at the dojo...i...

PRND #62-The Auras Of Hope

Original Episode {Story based on pixel art seen for rangers based on Carrigator and Jum-bowhale} -------------------- INT.-MOON-MACHINE SKYBASE-NIGHT [Minutes before sunrise, Gasket and Archerina are pondering their next move.] QUEEN ARCHERINA: What will we do now, hon? KING GASKET: How about resurrecting our fallen generals? QUEEN ARCHERINA: That is an excellent idea. [The two royals depart for Mechanico Island to implement their plan.] EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Adam and Ryder are at a training session with Donovan, Trevor, and Mia. The duo show the trio some new moves.] ADAM PARK: This is for later. I sense that the Machine Empire is gearing up for something, and we need to be ready for anything that they may pull. INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [King Gasket and Queen Archerina arrive, talk with the two generals.] QUEEN ARCHERINA: We have a plan to finally rid Earth of those pesky rangers, so we can proceed with our plans. ARGO: And what do you two have in mind? KING GASKET: We'll resurrect ...

PRND #61-New Year, Old Problem

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP45: Hatsuyame Plans!?" -------------------- INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-SCRAP HEAP-DAY [Metalia continues to watch over Yogo's pile of remains.] METALIA: Don't worry. I'm working on a plan to revive you. [Argo enters the room.] ARGO: Metalia...Gasket and Archerina have departed. METALIA: Good. I'm getting tired of being their puppet. I'm gonna work on a way to bring Yogo back to life. ARGO: He'll need some replacement parts. METALIA: The city's junkyard should have all the parts we need. EXT.-CITY-DUMP-DAY [Metalia and a small army of Gearoids are in the junkyard, searching all over the place. Soon, they are interrupted by the rangers, who are fully morphed on a pile of junk. Standing from left to right are the Gold, Green, Blue, Red (on a peak), Yellow, Black, and Silver Rangers.] RED NITRO RANGER: Perfect place for a heap of junk to hang out in! METALIA: The rangers! Gearoids...get them! RED NITRO RANGER: (po...

PRND #60-A Taste Of Armageddon (2)

Loosely Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "It's A Seminar! Everyone GO-ON!!" ----------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [The team works on a way to defeat Armagedes when the three "reserve" team members arrive to help out.] DONOVAN COLE: Hey, guys! Need some help? ADAM PARK: Yeah...Arkimedes' mother is furious at us for destroying her son. INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-ARGO'S LABORATORY-DAY [Armagedes sneaks in, and sees the vials of Banki Energy. She steals five vials, puts them into a pocket for later.] ARMAGEDES: I'll just take these. INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [Global's alarms ring out. Armagedes is now in the city with Argo and Metalia.] ADAM PARK: Let's go to work, guys! [The ten team members teleport out of the base for the city.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [The evil trio starts attacking the city when the ten team members teleport in to confront the villains.] RYDER SWANSON: Hold it right there! [Soon, Gasket and Archerina arrive to...

PRND #59-A Taste Of Armageddon (1)

Loosely Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "It's A Seminar! Everyone GO-ON!" ------------------- INT.-CITY-DOJO [It is the day after Christmas. The team, except for Adam and Chloe hang out at the empty business on a cold, rainy day.] JAKE GARABEDIAN: I wonder if we're gonna get any customers? KEIKO OGAWA: I don't think we are. INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [Argo and Metalia are bickering over whose fault it was for Scrubius' destruction. Suddenly, a being that looks similar to Arkimedes enters the room.] ARGO: Can we help you? ARMAGEDES: I am looking for Arkimedes. I was told that he was stationed here. I'm sorry...I forgot to introduce name is Armagedes...Arki's mother. [The two generals look shocked.] METALIA: Well, I'm Metalia, and this is Argo. I'm sorry, but Arkimedes was destroyed a few months ago. ARMAGEDES: (angered) By who!? [Argo and Metalia look like they have seen an opportunity.] ARGO: A group calling themselves Power...