
Showing posts from September, 2009

PRKW #36-Sanzu's Destiny (4)

‭Based Upon: ‭Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 24: True Samurai Combination (2)" ------------------- ‭INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-NIGHT ‭[Iod questions Octo to find out what he was up to.] ‭IOD: ‭So...Octo...what were you up to out there? ‭OCTO: ‭I was trying to find out what the Orikami Sealing Character was, so you can fully invade the mortal realm. ‭IOD: ‭I thank you for that...except...with my magnified powers, that is not needed now. I think that you were trying to find out the sealing you can seal me. So, your punishment is this...if the rangers defeat will be defeated as well. You might want to keep tabs on how well Gozuna does against the rangers. ‭[Octo bows apologetically, and departs the ship.] ‭INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI TEMPLE-NIGHT ‭[The caretaker and Megan tend to the team's wounds as the six wonder where Dimitri is.] ‭EXT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-NIGHT ‭[Near a roaring campfire, Sanzu cures the poisons from...

PRKW #35-Raging Iod (3)

Based Upon: Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 23: Reckless Gedoshu (1)" -------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The morning commute deals with the shin-deep water as legions of Ibizars attack the citizens, who flee in fear of the giant-sized minions.] SANZU: (laughing as he taunts) Run! Run you puny humans! [Sanzu then goes back to the ship.] INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [The five other team members arrive at the base.] PAOLO NOIMI: Rangers...I'm afraid that Iod was able to start flooding the city with the waters of the River Styx. DIMITRI FEDOROV: We gotta stop him...let's go! ALL: (preparing their morphers) Spirits Of The Orikami... [The six draw out their respective symbols (with Logan activating his morpher). The six then touch their symbols to turn them around.] ...Transform! [The suits "fully-form" over the six in a "six-in-one" split-screen.] EXT.-CITY-DAY [As the Ibizars continue to terrorize the city, the rangers ar...

PRKW #34-Ancient Power (2)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa: The Movie-The Fateful War" Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa "Act 23: Reckless Gedoshu (1)" ------------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [Just as the rangers are about to use their weapons, the Red Ranger arrives on his horse with the Dino Blade. Soon, the Red Ranger stops his horse in it's tracks.] RED KENDO RANGER: Whoa! [The Red Ranger then dis-mounts from the steed, and steps toward the four villains with the Dino Blade over his shoulder.] Remember me, Irado!? CRUSTACEA: Red Ranger! SANZU: He's got the Dino Blade...what'll we do!? [The Red Ranger continues to face the four villains with the blade over his shoulder. He is flanked by the five other rangers, holding their weapons.] RED KENDO RANGER: I'm gonna send you back to your grave, Irado! Spirit Of The Ancients! [Soon, the Dino Disc glows, and powers up the Dino Blade. Then, a red coat of sorts forms over the Red Ranger suit.] RED SHINOBI RANGER: Spirit O...

PRKW #33-The Fateful War (1)

Loosely Based Upon: "Samurai Sentai Shinkenjaa: The Movie-The Fateful War" --------------------------- INT.-PURGATORY-RIVER STYX-SHIP-NIGHT [Iod prepares for his summer power boost.] IOD: is time for my annual power boost hibernation, and I need a interim leader. [The two other villains seem eager to take on the role.] Crustacea...send some Kanizars to find the grave of Irado. He is my father, and was the leader of the Stygians before me. CRUSTACEA: Yes, sir. IOD: In this text is the spell that will revive him. INT.-ANGEL GROVE NATIONAL FOREST-ORIKAMI VILLAGE-BASE-DAY [In the morning, a meditating Paolo, sitting on the floor in the middle of the base with his eyes closed, quickly opens them, as he senses the new Stygian threat.] PAOLO NOIMI: (with his wooden Kendo Cell open, against his ear) Rangers...come to the base! This is urgent! [Within a couple minutes, the six team members arrive, and inquire as to what is going on.] DIMITRI FEDOROV: What's...

PRND #35-Into The Fire

Original Episode ------------------------------ INT.-CITY-DOJO-DAY [Six of the seven team members (Adam is not there) are at the dojo helping Trevor, Donovan, and Mia run the business on a very busy day.] INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [King Gasket is in the main chamber, yelling at Yogo during a personal visit.] KING GASKET: Time and time again, you all keep losing to the rangers...even when you have help! Well, no more to worry about. I have some help is coming...another general...and his subordinates are on their way, and will be here tomorrow. METALIA: No! Not him! ARGO: Yes! METALIA: Argo! ARGO: Think about it! The four of us...and the three of them...that's seven. We'll be even with the rangers! METALIA: Ooh! INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [Adam and Alpha are busy at a table, pouring over seven devices and schematics. Laid out on the long table are seven color-coded ripstick-like skateboards without the castor wheels on them.] ALPHA SIX: Aye-yai-yai! Adam! I'm hav...

PRND #34-Muddy Waters

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP26: Love Affair" Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP27: Granddaughter Hant!?"" ------------------- INT.-MOUNTAINS-POWER CENTER-DAY [The seven team members are conducting research on the Mechanix Empire, Quixote, and his leader. Brandon is sitting at the base's personal computer surfing the Galactic Database to see what he can find.] BRANDON CRAWFORD: Hey, guys! Here it is! Quixote's leader is called Mudoji...the last member of the Mechanix Empire...a race of water-based machine beings. WHALE: Yes, I remember him...he was the final Mechanix member when his faction was decimated a few years before the Machine Empire arrived. [Soon, Global's alarms ring out, and alert the team to the activity on the beach in Angel Grove Hills.] ADAM PARK: Chloe and I will handle them. Let's go! [Adam and Chloe exit the base.] EXT.-ANGEL GROVE HILLS-BEACH-DAY [In a comical scene, Metalia and Argo are trying to find the burial site of...

PRND #33-Inn Trouble

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP25: Goodbye Mother" --------------------------- INT.-ANGEL GROVE HILLS-CRAWFORD INN-DAY [The seven team members arrive at the Crawford Inn. An old Victorian-style house, turned into a Bed And Breakfast by Brandon's family. The seven enter the building.] BRANDON CRAWFORD: Welcome to the Crawford Inn...enjoy your stay. [Soon, something familiar catches Brandon's eye.] Whoa! I haven't seen this for a long time! [Brandon moves toward a small, white statue, and starts to tear up.] KEIKO OGAWA: What's wrong, Brandon? INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-DAY [The four three generals detect a faint machine-like energy signature in Angel Grove Hills, and swarm over the viewscreen that is trying to hone in on it.] ARGO: Could he energy signature be from the old Mechanix Empire? YOGO: It is possible. When they were defeated from Machia, they traveled here. Argo...I want you and Metalia to go and search for it. [Metalia and Argo immediately dep...

PRND #32-Bad Air Day

Original Episode ---------------------------- EXT.-CITY-PARK-NIGHT [In the evening hours, Trevor, Donovan, and Mia have locked up the dojo, and walk through the park. Soon, six Gearoids materialize, and capture the three dojo employees, who are afraid.] INT.-MECHANICO ISLAND-NIGHT [Yogo is in his private chamber, still grieving over Arkimedes' loss. Meanwhile, in the main chamber, Argo takes up temporary command of the palace.] ARGO: Yogo is still grieving over the loss of'm in charge for now. I had the Gearoids capture three humans from the park earlier today. [The Gearoids enter the main chamber room with Trevor, Donovan, and Mia.] MIA: Let us go! DONOVAN: What do you want with us!? TREVOR: Don't worry, guys! The Power Rangers will save us! ARGO: My point three will fight the Power Rangers...and annihilate them! DONOVAN: Never! ARGO: Soon, you three puny humans will have no choice! [The three humans look very afraid as they are shoved ...

PRND #31-On The Run

Based Upon: Engine Sentai Go-onjaa "GP23: Runaway Flash" --------------------------- EXT.-PARK-DAY [The rangers are in the park battling Arkimedes. It seems that they have been fighting for quite some time ] RED NITRO RANGER: Let's finish him off...once and for all! [After a few minutes, the seven rangers drive off Arkimedes.] ALL RANGERS: (while the suits vanish from their bodies, leaving them in their street clothes.) Shutdown! KEIKO OGAWA: (confused) Why'd he leave? RYDER SWANSON: (puzzled) I don't know. ADAM PARK: I have a bad feeling about this. Let's go to the Power Center...maybe we can find out what the Machine Empire's up to. [The seven depart for their base in the mountains outside of the city.] EXT.-FOREST-DAY [Arkimedes is hiding out deep in the woods. He is sitting on a log, refusing to accept defeat; and trying to come up with a plan. He remembers when he became Yogo's subordinate.] ARKIMEDES: (realizing what he must do) Tactics alone...

PRJF #35-Crush Of The Rhino

Based on events from: Gekirenjaa #28 "With Bishi-Bishi Pikin Osu!" ---------------------------- INT.-CITY-HARRINGTON INDUSTRIES-WORKSHOP-DAY [An older man is making something while a younger girl buzzes around him. The telephone rings, and the girl answers it...the call is for the supervisor...Master Zo, who runs to take the call.] INT.-JUNGLE FURY ACADEMY-PIPER'S OFFICE-DAY [Piper is talking on the phone to Zo while Tao talks to Yoshi, Jazz, and Kenny.] MASTER TAO: Sources tell me that the newest member of your team has arrived. I have sent Shawn to meet him at the docks. YOSHI TANAKA: (speaking up as the senior team member) Another teammate!? KENNY TANAKA: Let me guess...Dillon's back? YOSHI TANAKA: Sensei Harrington? KENNY TANAKA: He is not a Sensei. That guy is irresponsible and arrogant! Do we really need him as a new ranger? MASTER TAO: With Master Gori telling me that Lionix is looking for the Tree of Life, YES! We do need him! INT.-ALMOZAR PALACE-DAY [The...

PRJF #34-Gone Fishin'

Based on events from: Gekirenjaa #27 "Beran-Beran! Burn, Commentator" -------------------- EXT.-CITY-DAY [The two megazords battle an archerfish monster, named SCALIS {pronounced "SCAY-LEESE"}, who is blue with black boots, brown hat, and a brown cape. e has two water cannons, one on each wrist. During the battle, Flyto commentates on it.] FLYTO: Oh, a handicap match between the megazords and Scalis! Who will win? [Draco appears and talks to Reptiza.] DRACO: It looks like Scalis could lose some help. I will take out the Royal Wolf Ranger for him. [Draco turns into his golden aura form and drifts into the Jungle Fury Megazord. Inside, the Royal Wolf Ranger is piloting. Draco's aura forces the ranger out of morph, and into his werewolf form. During the transformation, the megazord reacts, making the trio inside the Beast Megazord to notice.] BLUE FURY RANGER: Kenny! What's happening over there!? [A wolf howl is heard as the Blue Ranger notices the gol...